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Well. Christians tend to believe it's wrong, but god made us to be how we are right? He is all mighty and powerful, so he didn't make anyone gay. I suppose homosexuality is a result of too much sugar, or is some infection going around, BEWARE don't touch the gays, it's contageous!!! No i don't think so, it's strange, homosecuality is not a Decision made by a person, it is their nature. If god made them he made them to be gay. Are you saying that people Choose to be gay? No. Many children have grew up having homosexual feelings, not a choice they made.

2007-05-16 09:47:20 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

"Christians" believe it is "wrong" because of a few cherry-picked texts from their textbook. They're only inconsistent in that they don't also endorse slavery, sacrifice oxen to IHVH, shun menstruating women, and all the rest of the programme.

Anybody who seriously believes that the millions of gay people in the world just woke up one day and decided to irritate Christians by "going homo" is either insane or stupid, or both. Period.

2007-05-16 09:54:35 · answer #1 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 3 4

I think most Christians read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and get out of it that homosexuality and acting upon homosexuality is a sin. However, the story actually discusses homosexual RAPE. I think Christians just have a hard time wrapping their head around something that "isn't natural" and it "isn't natural" because homosexual intercourse can't make babies. I don't think it is a sin. I believe God loves all his children. I believe God is happy with all of his followers regardless of their sexuality. Do I think he is in heaven saying, "Yay! Homosexuality is the best! Woohoo! Be gay!" No, I don't. But hell, if straight people are allowed to marry 20 times then I say let the homosexuals get married. Who gives a rat's ***? It's their "sin," not yours.

2014-01-09 03:26:24 · answer #2 · answered by Rukka 2 · 0 0

The Lord loves ALL of us because He died for ALL of us. When the time comes He will judge all of us according to our actions. Anyone who condemns homosexuals, is Not doing God's will. Because it is not our job to judge.
Now lets take a look at what the Bible says:
Romans 2:6 says" God will judge all people according to what they have done" 1Corinthians6:9-10"Don't you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the kingdom of God? Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers, non of these will have a share in the kingdom of God. There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away... you have been made right."1Corinthians6:13..."our bodies were not made for sexual immorality, they were made for The Lord."
Romans1:26"That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires, even women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalties they so richly deserved.

-"There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away, you have been made right"-
I repeat this because The Lord answers every question with His Holy Scriptures. Homosexuality is a sin. You were not born a homosexual. If you accept The Lord, your sins can be washed away. Psychiatrists will tell you to 'embrace' homosexuality. Some Religions will try to 'force' it out of you. But only you can make the decision. Run away from sexual sin. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit"1Corinthians 6:20 "You were bought at a price, his blood , therefore honor God with your body."

2007-05-16 12:27:35 · answer #3 · answered by delmar 3 · 1 1

God created them male and female. Man should leave his father and mother and be committed to his wife. These statements are found in the Bible. Homosexuality goes against God's design. The male-female combination reveals two parts of God's image (Let us make man in Our own image). God is neither male nor female, but He is referred to as Elohim, which has a literal translation of 'breasted one', showing the mother-heart (nurture, care, etc.) of God. Yet, He is also referred to as 'Father', not so much a gender title, but meaning provider and protector. Just based on physiology alone, the male-female combo is made a perfect design. This is from how each gender's brain works, to the physical compatibility (yes, sex). What each one has, the other does not, so the two together do become one. Looking back at the fourth answer here, this is someone's reinterpretation of scripture in order to justify what is clearly sin in the Bible - even according to scholars who know the old languages. This is the best, quick explanation I have.

2016-05-19 23:51:40 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Read what these doctors and scientist say about being born gay.

The most popular argument made for the justification of homosexuality is that people are born gay. Many homosexuals claim they did not choose to be gay, and would change if they could, but they are physically and mentally incapable of doing so. Lie, lie, lie. That is a lie! What scientific proof is there that some babies are born homosexual and others heterosexual? What gene is present, or even absent, that determines some humans to be gay and others straight?

In his book, Overcoming Homosexuality, Dr. Robert Kronemeyer says, "From my 25 years experience as a clinical psychologist, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned response to early painful experiences and that it can be unlearned."

Even homosexuals who are honest about their behavior have admitted they were not born gay. John Dececco, editor of The Journal Of Homosexuality, says homosexuality is a "behavior, not a condition" and that "the idea that people are born into one type of sexual behavior is entirely foolish." ["A Biological Theory For Sexual Preference," USA Today, (March 1, 1989), p. 40]

Bill Flatt, Ed. D. , says, "Conditioning is the predominant cause of homosexuality: conditioning by parents, siblings, by dating and other experiences. Genetics alone is never the cause. Genetic studies of homosexual and heterosexual groups cannot accurately distinguish between the two groups." [Counseling Homosexuals, (Jonesboro: National Christian Press, 1985) p. 65]

Even if these medical professionals and reliable sources did not consider homosexuality a learned behavior, God, the only one truly qualified to comment on human behavior, says it is!

When a man burns with desire for another man, or when a woman lusts for another woman, it is because they have each left the natural use of their desires (Rom. 1:26, 27). They have a "debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness" (vs. 28, 29). It is unnatural to be gay because there is nothing in life that teaches such activity. If humans, animals, or plants attempt to live in a male to male or female to female arrangement, each species would cease to exist. The natural order calls for a male to female relationship.

This is why homosexuality more offensive than other forms of sexual immorality (i.e., adultery among heterosexuals). All forms of sexual immorality are condemned by God and should be gross to us (1 Cor. 6:18).

However, homosexuality is more offensive because it violates human nature. There will be heterosexuals as well as homosexuals in hell for their immorality, but homosexuality is especially perverse because it is a product of unnatural desires and rebellion.

I do not question those who claim their homosexual desires are overpowering and that it feels natural for them to be gay. This happens to any sinner who abuses their desires. After lusting for a particular sin for so long, it becomes second-nature for them to always want that sin and to practice it without realizing it (2 Pet. 2:14). It would seem unnatural to not lust in that manner.

However, we are not excused for developing improper desires, nor should we expect people to make exceptions for us. If the homosexual is justified because he thinks he was born with those desires, then who is responsible for anything they do? What about the child molester who believes he was born with those desires? Is he justified in lusting after little children? Is the only thing wrong with his behavior the victimization of innocent people? Would it be right for him to fulfill those desires if he did not harm anyone?

The fact is, it is perverted and gross for a man to want children. It is unnatural. He was not born with those desires. He trained himself to think that way. The same is true for the homosexual. He has become that way through an improper use of the desires, whether intentional or not.

The solution is to take on the spirit of holiness and to cleanse the heart of all wickedness. The Christians at Corinth had some who were once homosexual, but they repented of such evil to please God (1 Cor. 6:9, 10). If they were born with those desires, how could they contain them in coming to God? Because what is learned can be unlearned, whether good or evil.

Now where is your proof that you are born gay? It is a choice, plain and simple and one that you can turn away from and ask for forgiveness.

2007-05-16 11:01:09 · answer #5 · answered by TG 4 · 0 1

There's nothing wrong with being gay, no more so than being left-handed or being tall. And where did gays come from? A union of a man and woman. So think about that the next time somebody is tempted to condemn people for being "evil".

2007-05-16 10:07:22 · answer #6 · answered by SB 7 · 2 2

While the bible seems clear that it is wrong, I think the real problem is where does Jesus tell His followers to pick a sin as a rallying point and condemn all those who struggle with this sin. Jesus has promised that His grace is sufficient for all. To me that includes all sins. The ones you struggle with as well as the ones I struggle with. You pray for me in my struggles and I will do the same for you.

2007-05-16 09:56:28 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. E 7 · 1 1

No, God doesn't make them gay, and although sometimes they do choose to be gay, not all do. Sin in the world and the devil cause people to be gay. They see it, try it and like it. Just like people like drugs, just like people like to steal and commit adultery and fornification. The Bible says that man was made for woman and woman for man. It says that a man shall not sleep with another man and likewise with women. If you are a Christian, you should follow the Christ and the Bible.

2007-05-16 09:52:56 · answer #8 · answered by Julia 4 · 3 3

The Bible has a couple of very specific anti homosexuality quotes in it. One of the clearest Leviticus 18:22 "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." People are able to pick and choose to make the Bible agree with whatever position they want, but I really believe a word like "abomination" and "sodomites" says how strong the Bible's actual position is. My position is the Bible is a work of historical fiction.

2007-05-16 10:02:03 · answer #9 · answered by pschroeter 5 · 0 4

In my opinion, it is not wrong whatsover. People are worrying about gay people when they should be worrying about the enviorment, child molestors, rapists, and serial killers, or the priests that molest children. If they think God made everyone who they are, gay people came from God, and they are not going to Hell, because God is supposed to love everyone.

2007-05-16 09:54:14 · answer #10 · answered by Zara 3 · 3 3

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