Christianity does have a rather bloody history, you realise that right?
2007-05-16 06:45:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why is it that a christian who kills in the name of christianity is called a "demented person" who is not following the religion correctly when the muslim that does this is seen as representing the religion?? If you think the actions the christian do in the name of God cannot be justified by the Bible I would like to see where exactly does islam justify these things. women and children are not to be killed under any circumstances, suicide is not allowed in any circumstances, murder is the 2nd biggest sin, you must not fight anyone unless they fight you first. All of this is said in the Quran and the actions of the minority of muslims that are practicing an extreme version of it are not following islam correctly at all. And radical islam is not the only religion that has killed in history. and if the christians in the US are not killing anyone neither are the muslims in the US. But the state is different in other parts of the world.
And to the person who said muslims do not believe in evolution, I do! and I know so many other muslims that do also.
2007-05-16 07:07:28
answer #2
answered by E.T.01 5
When I first decided I was an atheist. I was live and let live. The christian right has changed my position. All religion is corrupt.
Why do you put the blame on Muslims, there is plenty to go around. Have a look at 20th century history, plenty of Christian killers. Do you really think we would be in a war right now if our President wasn't a Right wing Christian, the man thinks he is on some kind of holy war!
Christianity and it's undue influence in the US affects me every day.
I think you look at your childhood, with blinders, The Watts riots, Pen State, the Vietnam War, Presidential Assignations, The Cuban Missile Crises just what was so rosey about that time?
2007-05-16 07:00:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I'm afraid 'religious moderates' are going to have to do without the cop-out that only extremism is dangerous.
o Extremists would not arise were it not for the foundations of belief set up by the 'moderates'. They set the stage, provide the belief system, and encourage slavish devotion.
o An extremist is usually just someone who take his religion seriously, and doesn't realise that belief is supposed to be selective: you must pay lip-service to the idea of smiting unbelievers, but not actually do it. How are these idiots to know that? So they go and do all that Old Testament wrath stuff, and suddenly they're seen as over the top. It's soon obvious that their friends are just as corrupt as the infidels.
Christianity is mostly reasonably peaceful nowadays, but get the dreamed-of theocracy into full swing in a modern western country, and we'll be burning heretics all day.
2007-05-16 06:57:40
answer #4
answered by Super Atheist 7
You are making up claims. Islam is not the only religion with fanatics killing people. You should do some research on your own religion (even check out the Bible) as there is much blood shed in the name of God.
I had a wonderful childhood. As a matter of fact, for the first 6 years or so, I had never even heard of any Christian concepts (God, Jesus, how much you should hate yourself because you are born a sinner, etc.) It was the best time of my life!
2007-05-16 06:50:29
answer #5
answered by KS 7
History was not one of your bet subjects now was it? Christianity has a much bloodier history than Islam. Ever hear of a little thing known as the Dark Ages? What about the Inquisition? Crusades ring any bells? How about witch hunts? These were not just the odd random nut, Christianity is dripping with the blood of innocents. That's how the cancer that it is spread all over Europe in the first place. You'd predecessors forced Christianity onto people by sword and by all manner of hideous torture devises. Roasting Heathens and Heretics was a past-time back then. I'm sure if you could get away with it today, you Christian would go back to it.
2007-05-16 06:49:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
My childhood was wonderful. Religious fanatics of all types have nothing to do with my atheism. The fact that I can find absolutely no basis for any of the 2,500+ gods that man has created has everything to do with it though. Christians murdered thousands during the Crusades and I see Christianity as no better than any of the other religions that do a fine job of spreading hatred and bigotry.
2007-05-16 06:51:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Atheism flourishes because of the vulgarities of organized religion. All of them.
And if you think only Islam is guilty of killing in its own name, you haven't been reading enough of the right histories. I respectfully direct your attention to the estimated 30 million Native Americans (North, Central and South) slaughtered by the English, Dutch, French, Portuguese and (especially) Spanish because they refused to become Christian.
By the way, you need to read the Constitution. We are not based on "Christian principles," but rather, humanistic principles, hence that document's emphasis on individual rights, such as the right to be free from worship.
2007-05-16 07:02:32
answer #8
answered by link955 7
I see that you only know Christians and Jews from growing up in mainstream, whitebread America, and you only know Muslims from TV. If you read history, you'll see that Islam is hardly the only religion that has killed people in the name of a deity.
Having said that, I don't know if Islam is making atheism grow, or if the media is just letting the existing atheists have more air time these days.
2007-05-16 06:50:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hun...the Islams most certainly do use atheists against Christians here...and sometimes pretend to be Jews attacking Christians as well as pretending to be atheists...just watch for the patterns and take note of the screen names.
They have always been a murderous race, long before Christians even came to be. Though Christians ceased some time ago to war against others, Islam continues.
And they do not believe in evolution.
Don't think they are all that way you said, its the radical faction...there are a lot of loving, peaceful Muslims who want nothing to do with the terrorists or wars against others.
The Ol' Hippie Jesus Freak
Grace and Peace
2007-05-16 06:57:16
answer #10
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
the huge distinction between Islam and Christianity is that Islam has a e book, jointly as Christianity has a Saviour. Any cult which follows the e book on the price of the Saviour isn't Christian (and traditionally, is in all hazard to be an Islam by-product). From a historic point of view, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, seventh Day Adventists, and Oneness Baptists all have deep roots in the Islam revival of the mid-nineteenth century. you isn't waiting to comprehend any of this. it quite is actual.
2016-12-17 14:30:01
answer #11
answered by Anonymous