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I was baptized into the Catholic Church a little over a year ago as I was thinking about going into the military. A relative expressed desire that I should receive this sacrament. As a result, I was assigned a God parent by the Church. This God parent is constantly talking about the Church and is always inviting me to Church related activities. I know that they are aware I have not going to Church. It is an open secret that we have just never discussed. How do I tell this person that I have been learning about the Church and am not in complete agreement with it?

I feel like they are trying to get me to go somewhere alone with their Catholic friends and then just ambush me for my feelings. I saw them one day with my mom, it was very awkward and I could tell it would have came up had she not been there.


2007-05-16 05:53:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

I know what you mean. My in-laws are very devout Catholics who believe that all non Catholics are either degenerates or crazy cult followers. My husband and I have a lot of disagreements with the church. It's awkward because I'm a lapsed Protestant/agnostic and he's a lapsed Catholic. We just avoid the subject to keep the peace. I reccomend you not say anything to your God parent. It would only cause unnecessary drama. If he or she brings it up, say something polite and change the subject.

2007-05-16 06:00:31 · answer #1 · answered by Graciela, RIRS 6 · 0 0

You are free to leave, there is no compulsion in faith.

There are many that are not in complete agreement, sometimes it is out of lack of understanding of the rules of Catholics. I suggest that you read the Catechism, and spend some time to pray about it as well.

And spend at least half as much time reading and learning about the Catholic faith from true Catholic Sources as you do reading about our faith from Anti-Catholic sources. If in doubt, you have the Catechism to look issues up in.

But, just tell them, honesty is still the best policy, you could also talk with them about the things that you do not agree with and see what they think.

But, I would say that the chances are VERY small that they are going to ambush you for your feelings.

They did not pressure you during your RCIA class did they?

Good Luck and God Bless your Search, I just joined a little over a year ago also, and I have found that there is so much to learn.


2007-05-16 13:01:46 · answer #2 · answered by C 7 · 1 0

You should be straight with your relative.

Your God parent is doing what he/she is supposed to do. They are trying to help you learn aboutt the faith. You say you have been learning about the faith but you do not go to church etc. So where are you learning abou it? The best place to learn about the faith is from a faithful Catholic. You are not in complete agreement with the Church...that is fine...but you need to tell this person what you do not agree with and listen to their answer. You may find that there is more to understanding certain beliefs and practices then you initially thought.

I am a convert to Catholicism...I converted 10 years ago and I continue to learn about the faith. It is awesome to say the least. There is so much to know and everything I learn always blows me a way. I just went to my first Latin Mass the other day...WOW!! Everything is just so right on!!

May God bless you in your search. Sometimes people need to go and find out for themselves...just remember that the Church is always here for you and will welcome you with open arms.

Also...a great place to ask questions is http://www.catholic.com - you can join the forums and ask questions without fear of pressure. There are some extremely knowledgeable people there and they have excellent insight.

2007-05-17 12:09:48 · answer #3 · answered by Misty 7 · 0 0

Just be straight with her. Let her know it is going too fast for you and that you need to understand the faith more. Sometimes, church related activities aren't always about knowledge of faith (soup bowl for the poor). They are good, but if you are trying to understand your faith more, you'll need to attend a Catholics apologetics class (class that explains more in depth about our faith). I also recommend reading/having a Catechism of the Catholic Church. It is an excellent accompaniment to the bible.

If she still tries to push you and doesn't get the hint, then distance yourself from them for a while. It sounds like she is very excited that you are newly baptized and wants to help you in your faith. A good thing you can do will be to go to another Catholic church where you can learn grow in your faith until you feel more comfortable to return to your family's church.

Email me sometime if you have any questions. I'd like to know what you are not in agreement with.

2007-05-16 16:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by momo5j7 5 · 0 0

You have every right to question your Church's beliefs. More people should do it.

They should respect your wish to sort this out by yourself without feeling coerced.

I'd just tell them, "look I am unsure and would like to find out on my own without anyone's help. This is my decision and where I am spiritually, so would you please back off and give me space. I just would rather not discuss this with you."

2007-05-16 13:00:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you are about to go into the military you are jolly well old enough to tell your family that you are having doubts about your beliefs and that you want to explore other spiritual paths. Although for the life of me I cannot see why you would fall for any of that stuff

2007-05-16 12:59:06 · answer #6 · answered by FallenAngel© 7 · 0 2

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