Throughout history women have been in control of their own bodies. They were the ones that dictated their own personal health. This would include issue of childbirth or the prevention of a child being brought into the world. In the 19th- 20th centuries the US government began to laws and regulations on how a woman would be able to have an abortion preformed. The practice abortion has been practiced and regulated since the earliest of human history through herbalist, physicians, and the court. Abortion ends a pregnancy before birth. An abortion is when a fetus stops developing and the body expels it, this can be due to a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. When a woman chooses to end a pregnancy it is called an induced abortion.
Due to the absence of legislation for abortion in the United States the judicial system would use British Common Law. This law would establish the rules for abortion in regards to the quickening, when a mother first feels movement generally in the forth to fifth month of gestation. The fetus was not recognized by the courts until the quickening, after if an abortion were to happen it would be considered a crime.
Why then would abortions of any kind be considered a crime by the courts of the United States as of the 1900’s. It began to be reported that women were dying due to having abortions. These women were being poisoned or had unskilled mid-wives and doctors perform the operation resulting in severe damage.
Long before the development of EC and medication abortion, many methods of inducing menstruation were used for post-coital birth control. Many of them dated back to ancient times. One method was to use a plant called silphium. In various doses, silphium could be used for ongoing oral contraception, post-coital contraception, or to induce abortion. They would be used in the 7th century BCE. It could only be grown in the country of Cyrene and would be worth more than its weight in sliver. It would appear again in the 2nd century by a Greek physician, Soranus
Pope John XXI in 1276, published Hippocrates' recipes and instructions in Thesaurus Pauperam ("Treasure of the Poor"), which detailed the pre- and post-coital contraceptive properties of commonly known plants such as hawthorn, penny royal, Queen Anne's Lace, and willow. The text also provided information and instruction for the contraceptive use of such lethal substances as arsenic, mercury, lead, and strychnine, the use of which lead to the deaths of many women during the Middle Ages.
2007-05-16 12:48:14
answer #1
answered by Layla 6
First off, I saw a reply that said the bible OK'd slavery. False. The bible only states on how slaves are to act so they may gain opportunity VS degredation. As far as your question, The two subjects are completely different. It baffles me how much non-Christians think they know about the bible and never truly study it. I was once an Atheist and look back to the times I was using bits from here and there in the bible building my arguments and now I realize what an idiot I was. The bible states to use any teaching it must proved and reproved from other like verses. Unfortunately, this is never done by the secular side. On another note... I was also for the pro-choice movement until I had my daughter and then I realized what I know now as the truth. Abortion creates a society where life is second to convenience. When this happens the moral foundation crumbles. Too many people often look at the past and are happy that the world is no longer black and white but a mixture of gray. What they do not realize is that the secular are bringing back the world of black and white and the gray will soon disappear. You goes both ways.....We must have a moral foundation to live from.
2007-05-16 05:21:17
answer #2
answered by J/K 1
Ever notice that the leaders of the anti-gay movement of today use the same arguments as the anti-interracial marriage and pro-segregation movements in the 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's? And that, in most instances, they're even the same individuals and entities- including the late Jerry Falwell and Mormon prophet Ezra Taft Benson, who both spoke at great length about the evils of the Communist-supported Civil Rights movement? That they lied then, and lie now, by claiming that such stands were out of love and compassion? Perhaps they even believe it's done out of love, in a condescending daddy-knows-best, it's for your own good sort of way.
2007-05-16 05:41:29
answer #3
answered by kena2mi 4
Why do people keep acting like abortion is the problem? Abortion is horrible, and no one really wants to have one. But when faced with a society that makes it almost impossible to live in anything but poverty as an unwed mother, and with little possibility of collecting on court ordered child-support checks, combined with the stigma of having a child out of wedlock, how can anyone then blame the mother for wanting an easy way out? After all, the father is rarely held accountable and he is just as responsible.
If you want to stop abortion, stop stigmatizing the mothers and start working towards a system of educating and empowering women that allows them to be both mothers and bread-winners. And work to get them pre-natal care and job security while they are pregnant. Children should be a gift, not a burden.
2007-05-16 05:03:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The argument supporting pro-choice is about freeing women from having legislation saying what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Other excuses do not really matter when it comes down to it. How about a law that says I cannot masturbate? Or maybe a law that says I cannot get a nose job? The fact remains that legislation has no place on a woman's body.
Claiming that pro-choice and pro-slavery are the same thing due to a few similarities in arguements used is a low blow. The bible says that slaves should obey their masters. One could argue that being against slavery was also being against God.
2007-05-16 04:58:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You're a moron. First the Bible not only condones slavery, but sets out regulations for it. Second, it was the conservatives fighting to keep slavery in the civil war.
Yes the law to allow slaves was silly, but I'm sure the pro-life types then would have been saying: "I own a slave, and I would never stand in the way of another man's right..." not "slavery is bad."
2007-05-16 04:59:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I am glad you are interested in being just and fair. You will be shocked to learn that the pro life movement is more like slavery and murder than the pro choice movement. For each fetus saved, 12 loved and living children are murdered by the pro life movement. And it is important to know that the pro life movement wants to make it law that everyone is forced to kill these 12 kids. That is exactly like the slavery that was law in the founding of the United States.
Because you are so interested in being just, I know you will support me in stopping the pro life movement.
That is if you are really interested in saving lives and ending movements that are just like the slavery movement.
2007-05-18 20:02:58
answer #7
answered by Give me Liberty 5
being the mother of 5 children, one who passed away at birth (not abortion), i would never consider abortion. i think abortion done in haste or for a quick fix to an "inconvenient problem" is unforgiveable. now, on another aspect...abortions considered because a doctor says the unborn child will have a life of health problems or defects....well, do you absolutely have 100% proof that that child is going to suffer by being allowed to live? you never know whether that child "you" wanna abort, was in fact healthy and was murdered needlessly.
the one fact that does remain is that there are plenty of want to be parents who would love to have the child that those who choose abortion, throw away. give the child a chance. give those potential parents a chance.
anyway....i'm tired of hearing about's over. abortion...well that IS an issue of today....not yesterday.
2007-05-16 05:05:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
First of all I will ignore the ignorance that the majority of your statement holds. I will however comment that if you think a Women having the choice regarding Abortions is one of the worst human tragedy's America has ever faced, you are clueless as to what is going on in the world today. Choice is what makes America free, and NO one has the right to make my decisions for me, because NO one is living my life, but me.
2007-05-16 04:58:57
answer #9
answered by Italia 28 3
You do bring up some interesting parallels, but not anywhere near enough to consider the arguments as the same. You would have done just as well equating pro-choice with property ownership laws.
While we're at it, I object to the term 'pro-choice' as being an exclusively maternocentric view. From the potential baby's point of view, if it is left alive it has the ability to make choices, whereas if it is dead it has no choice at all.
I consider letting a foetus live as pro-choice and termination as anti-choice.
2007-05-16 04:55:15
answer #10
answered by Dharma Nature 7