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I was dating this girl for like 2 years. Well her parents were staunch Chrsitians. After two years of dating her parents really liked me. They were even wondering when I was going to ask her to marry their daughter. They wanted me to ask her to marry their daughter. Well my girlfriend had no problem that I was an atheist. She didn't care one bit. Well she decided to tell her parents that I was an atheist and instantly her parents hated me and wanted me out of their daughters life. Her dad told me that he was in the NRA and would do whatever he had to do to get rid of me. Well needless to say the relationship is over cause I don't feel like getting killed over a girl. You Christians sicken me. What ever happened to though shall not kill and love your neighbor??????

2007-05-15 19:02:27 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

~~~ Her daddy is mean. Be careful. He might be crazy. ~~~

2007-05-15 19:08:27 · answer #1 · answered by donelle g. 7 · 3 4

Dear. I am sorry for you and I think I understand you. But I have to tell you something, following life experience. Marriage is something not so easy to carry on even for people who have a very similar background. Parents agreement can be something very important for the couple: if there isn't maybe it is not the right relation for you, for stepping into marriage. (I am sorry). What heart feels, must be supported by rational thinking of the head. Do you know: when children would come, problems will increase, related to the way you want to educate them. (And this is the real problem you should think about, before getting married). Religious people, no matter to what kind of religion we are talking about, have their believs very dear. And a "mixed" couple will always find some kind of problem in a situation like the one you find yourself in. (I am sorry). About Christians: look ... going on with this "love others" they very often got tricked by "others". So: maybe some Christian starts thinking that "ok love others and do not kill them" but "do not let others kill you!" (= "fight" for what you believe in). Your situation is an hard situation and I guess you should calmly try and listen what do people "from outside" tell you. And for sure at the end is you the one who have to take a decision. Go(o)d luck.

2007-05-15 19:20:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Aren't you a tad harsh on the rest of us? Just because you had a bad experience with some Christians does not mean all of us are so heartless.
Rather can you place yourself in the shoes of someone else and see a problem from their point? To us Christians those who don't believe in God are a danger because if there is no God then there is no absolute right. There is no one to account to and therefore it is 'not a sin if you are not found out and therefore you can commit any number of atrocities and provided no one finds out then you can live scot free.
Such a person is not one who has a good moral compass to entrust one's grandchildren to.
You might say irrespective of my own beliefs I do know the difference between right and wrong. Well then it's up to you to convince your friend's parents.

2007-05-15 19:43:21 · answer #3 · answered by flugelberry 4 · 1 1

You cannot base an entire religion on two people. People are not perfect no matter what religion you belong to. Thats why religion gets a bad name a lot is because people screw it up. In Christianity the enemy is satan the father of lies. Well, satan goes after Christians and churches and lies to them all the time. Thats why people make bad decisions or mess up. He wants it to look bad. You don't see many people bashing buddhism do you? Or using the buddha's name in vein. The reason that Christianity gets a bad name is because thats what satan wants. He will lie to you and make you think all Christians hate because of this experience. Its not true. Many people say that they are a Christian but don't really know God personally. The messege of Christianity is love. God is love and loves you more then anyone on this earth. He sent his son to die to save you. That doesn't sound like hate to me. You should look directly at the religion instead looking at someone who claims to be a Christian. People are sinners and make mistakes. Only God is perfect and will never let you down or leave you. Good luck

2007-05-15 19:32:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am sorry that you experienced that. Christians are not to hate. I'm sure they do not hate you, they just want whats best for there daughter as any parent does. The Fathers words were harsh but probally just in a moment of anger or fear, not hate. Couldn't help but notice, you may not be as much of an atheist as you proclaim as you appear to noticed two of the Ten Commandments. Great start!!
Good luck, God bless.

2007-05-15 19:11:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds like her parents really were concerned about her future. They knew that if she married an atheist it would draw her away from her faith - which to them is important.

But it also sounds odd that at first 'they wanted you to ask her to marry their daughter' before they realized you were an atheist. What gave them the impression that you were not an atheist (until she told them)?

Anyway, they feared for their daughter - and when people are in fear the react in anger - maybe it sounded like hate but unless they also found out you were sleeping with her there would be no cause for hate (unless they felt they had been deceived). It sounds like in anger they said some horrible things.

I see no justification for hate in this situation - on either side, theirs or yours.

Her parents said and did those things - they were not done by "You Christians." But if you want to live in your hate and prejudice, that's up to you.

2007-05-15 19:10:38 · answer #6 · answered by Richard of Fort Bend 5 · 3 0

Wow, that's unfortunate. If this really happened to you, then I am sorry. There are people like that in every religion, not just Christianity. All of us aren't like that.

Can I point something out? Sounds like her parents did you a favor, cause obviously this girl wasn't the one for you. If you didn't care enough about her to face her Dad, or run away with her or whatever, then she's not the one for you. And what kind of girlfriend, knowing what her parents are like, goes and tells them something that would set them off like that? Sounds like maybe she was the one that had the problem. Just a thought. Maybe you're better off?

2007-05-15 19:09:21 · answer #7 · answered by smlingrl 2 · 4 0

on one hand as a christian myself i can kinda understand what her parents felt but on the other hand im very sorry for your hurt that they caused you. Personally if it had been me..and she would have been my daughter and found out you were an atheist...i would not have been happy at first but i would not have threatened you in such a manner. I feel you are free to love whom you wish no matter what religious ( or lack of) affilation you believe in.
We christians are not all terrible...thier are still very few and far between us who do still have the ability of acceptance and kindness even if we may not agree with those who practice something else.
besides i look at it this way....far as im concerned pretty much everyone knows about christianity and how to become one..so i see no point in pushing it and being angry at someone who is not. what good will it do? besides it is actually against God's law to try to force someone to be a christian.

anyhow i am so very sorry and i hope things will get better for you.

2007-05-15 19:16:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

They would probably like to see their daughter remain a Christian, and be in heaven with them for eternity. Her marrying an atheist would make it possible that that would not happen. In addition, the difference in beliefs will make for a lot of trouble in a marriage relationship. This will make them very unhappy. In her parents' eyes, her eternal life and eternal salvation are vastly more important than the feelings of her boyfriend.

You don't understand this, but if you are ever a parent yourself, you will understand it, and then some. The instinct of parents to protect their children is probably the strongest instinct there is. You will, if you are any kind of decent dad, fight ten tigers barehanded than allow some deceiving guy to hurt your daughter.

That said, he has no right to threaten you and no Christian should behave that way. In his actions toward you, he is in sin; it is wrong and he needs to repent of what he has said to you.

I'm surprised, though, that you are surprised. What on earth DID you expect, given that you deceived them for two years, letting them think you were a believer? You ought to have been honest and up front with them from the very beginning, and told them the truth about your beliefs. For all intents and purposes, you lied to them -- of course they're furious.

Maybe belief in God is unimportant to you, but it's very important to them, and clearly you knew that, by what you say in your question. You expected them to be OK with that?

P.S. Generally speaking, though, I don't hate anyone, and I don't know any *actual* Christians who do. The only hateful people I see on this board are the atheists, who routinely post bitter and sarcastic comments for absolutely no reason than to insult people who believe in God.

2007-05-15 19:24:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think the fact that your xgirlfriend didn't tell her parents for so long is terrible. What a waste of time.
I think that there are all types of people, Christians and others. There are those who will truly love you no matter what, like they should, and there are those who use the guise of a religion to say something or make a statement. Really I believe that using your religion in this way is a way to hide behind something you are afraid of or don't understand and maybe even don't want to.

How many times do parents use a religious statement to get thier kids to behave? OR how many times have you heard that homosexuality is a sin because "it is in the Bible" or "because of Sodom and Gomorrah"? FYI- Homosexuality is NOT in the Bible and there is nothing to do with this either in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah according to scholars.

Hopefully you will not judge all Christians on stuff like this, there are those out there who actually are good people.

2007-05-15 19:10:43 · answer #10 · answered by SisterSue 6 · 0 3

Joh 15:19 If ye have been of the international, the international wish his very own: yet because of the fact ye are no longer of the international, yet I even have chosen you out of the international, as a result the international hateth you. Christians are to communicate out against sin. God has given us his be conscious, the Bible, and his Spirit to steer us into all reality. As Christians, we ought to do what Jesus did. Jesus preached repentence of sin. All sin is a decision. Mat 4:17 From that element Jesus began to evangelise, and to declare, Repent: for the dominion of heaven is to hand. whilst Jesus forgave somebody he pronounced "pass and sin not greater." (John 5:14, 8:11) The churh is likewise commanded to reprove sin by technique of speaking the actuality in love quite than asserting sin is "ok." Eph 5:11 and have not have been given any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, yet quite reprove them. Eph 4:15 yet speaking the actuality in love.... Christians who tell sinners their sin is "ok" would be held to blame on the day of judgement. Eze 33:6 yet whilst the watchman see the sword come, and blow no longer the trumpet, and the people be no longer warned; if the sword come, and take somebody from between them, he's taken away in his iniquity; yet his blood will I require on the watchman's hand

2016-12-17 14:08:19 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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