okay, so me and my guy friend, who is a senior, sometimes like to joke around and throw eachothers stuff...it sounds incredibly immature because it kind of is.
so right after last period, i was carrying around my english books and my friend takes them and chucks them six feet away. of course there was a crowd of crazed high school kids trying to get the hell out of there, so everyone was kicking them around and what not.
suddenly, a junior picks up my books and hands them to me and then goes "for the apple of my eye" and walks away.
what the heck? now i see him everywhere and i try to avoid him., but why? i mean, he's in my grade, he's great looking, and he picked up my books...
should i say hi or just leave it. i assume picking up books doesn't signify any infatuation or even a likeing in someone, but you never know....
13 answers
asked by
Just Ryan!
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ahaha i know. i dont think he likes me. i mean, this guys a total pick up line guy, but he's always near and i don't want to introduce myself if he thinks im some freak.
14:40:12 ·
update #1
oh no. i would never date my senior friend. he's the big brother i never wanted.
14:41:56 ·
update #2
He might like you. I'm personally a good person, and when an old lady drops something, if I pick it up, and get it for her, even when no one else does, it DOES NOT mean I have a crush on her. Although the apple of the eye thing is kinda weird. But nothing's stopping you from talking to him. Go ahead and say hi, you could've just said hi had you NOT known him. Doesn't really matter, hi is simply a greeting, it doesn't mean anything. Did you even tell him thanks? Whether you like him or not, he was probably in a rush just as much as everyone else, and at least he had the decency to stop, pick up your books, bring them to you. And if you didn't even say thanks? God, you better feel like a jerk. Even if you did tell him thanks, you can always go up to him, and try to start up a conversation like "Hi, thanks again for picking up my books the other day, I think it was really sweet of you." and then he'll probably say "Thanks, it wasn't a big deal" and if you wanna get to know him better, go ahead and just say "You know, if you don't mind, I think it'd be cool if we got together and grabbed some coffee/bite to eat/a movie." it doesn't even have to count as you asking him out, just so much as wanting to get to know him better, you have to somehow.
2007-05-15 17:45:09
answer #1
answered by Jordan 4
this could go 50/50 cause
1 he's just plain ol nice to pick up your books
2 he likes you and so thats why he picked up your books
because if everyone saw that your books were thrown and didnt bother to pick them up then that guy who did might be 1 or 2
2007-05-15 14:39:28
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Hon, Glory to God I think you found a gentleman ! Be honest you might be pleased. I am 46, and was begining to wonder if I was the last of a time honered tradition ! God bless you, have a good life ! Love Kenny M.
2007-05-15 14:51:21
answer #3
answered by lonewolf 7
Awwwwwww. . . Dang girl what the heck are you waiting for guys like that are hard to find. . . . . . Go talk to him, weather he likes you or not it will be worth the try. Even if all you end up as is friends - wouldn't you want a friend like that?
2007-05-15 14:44:46
answer #4
answered by *butterfly kisses* 2
Well, I say you seek out an opportunity to flirt back. Work it out so you are walking near him and see if he opens the door for you. Have your friend toss your books again even! See if he takes the bait and if not, you open the door for HIM and make a remark like "Next time you get the door for me" or something....
2007-05-15 14:40:09
answer #5
answered by my_son_wants_to_know 4
I hate when I try to avoid someone, but for some reason keep seeing them!
Anyway, it doesn't mean he likes you, but you should still try to talk to him. I mean, he's cute and obviously nice enough to pick up your books! I say next time you see him just stop him and say "hey, thanks for picking up my books that one day! What's your name again?" After that, just see if anything else happens!
2007-05-15 14:44:03
answer #6
answered by smallfry 1
If you think you like him, go for it. Although the senior sounds fun, the junior was willing to take the time to help you out when he didn't have to AND he was flirting with you.
2007-05-15 14:40:17
answer #7
answered by J S 2
well originally i wouldn't think much of it, but if he said, 'for the apple of my eye', either he likes you or was joking around with you. As long as he doesn't start taking pictures of you, you should be okay.
2007-05-15 14:42:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think you should say thank him. I'd try to get to know him. He sounds like a poetic person. I think it's REALLY sweet, because he did something no one else was going to do.
2007-05-15 14:39:38
answer #9
answered by savy 3
what if an ugly guy had picked up your books? would you still think he likes you?
2007-05-15 14:38:32
answer #10
answered by bigdonut72 4