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Ok...to make things simple, my friend asked this guy out and I like him a lot. I didn't totally give her permission to, but she kinda did it anyway. There's also a tiny little problem, being that someone else had already asked him out recently and he was thinking about that and he said he'd think about going out with me. I just don't really know where to go from here. Any ideas or suggestions??

2007-05-15 14:12:08 · 5 answers · asked by Mclovin, yo! 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Sorry... I forgot to put this in here, but my friend asked him out for ME! She already has a boyfriend. Sorry guys!! I was kinda ahead oif myself when I was writing that.

2007-05-15 14:21:11 · update #1

yet another note: I'm not sure if I should leave the guy alone or talk to him or what? I was hoping to wait longer and have him ask me out or me ask him but it didn't quite go that way. Any suggestions??

2007-05-15 14:37:32 · update #2

5 answers

I guess you could sway his mind, or you could like give the poor bugger some space. You women i tell you!

Your just feeling a little insecure because you think the other chick is hotter, dont worry about it if the guy is smart he will pick the one he wants to go out with, not the one he wants to *ahem*.

Just stress less and wait it out.

2007-05-15 14:19:46 · answer #1 · answered by ChAtMaN 4 · 0 0

90% of the time we stress over things that dont even happen this relationship will only last so long your still young and if you posted this question to just here what you wanted then dont bother to keep reading!your" friend " cant be a real friend if she did that write well i no u no that you just didnt want to tell yourself that and it is 1 guy its not like he is the one your going to marry their are so many fishes in the sea!

2007-05-15 21:17:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This happened to me in highschool. No need to dwell on it move on, but be sure to put a hint in your friends ear...that wasnt cool. If he likes you, he'll go out w/ you. If he likes her he'll go out w/ her. The ball is in his court. Just ride the wave the a pro and be cool. You'll win out in the end.

2007-05-15 21:21:26 · answer #3 · answered by abc 2 · 0 0

totally go and ask ur friend y in the world did she ask him out when you like him. ok that is liike rule #1 in friendship class 101 and if she can't get that then she is not a good friend and drop her butt because all she cares about is herself

2007-05-15 21:17:26 · answer #4 · answered by allie 4 · 0 0

you're basically gonna have to make a choice between your friend and the guy, unless you're really good friends then she'll probably be mad for a while and then .....well who knows anyways (choose wisely)

2007-05-15 21:18:32 · answer #5 · answered by jparra58 1 · 0 0

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