Do you have mature Christians that you can counsel with? I think you already know the answer to your question. The real question is, what are you going to do?
"Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God—I say this to your shame."
I Corinthians 15:33-34
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."
"Therefore come out from them
and be separate, says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing,
and I will receive you."
"I will be a Father to you,
and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." "
II Corinthians 6:14-18
2007-05-15 12:17:48
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
I'm a Traditional Wiccan and I've never seen anything wrong with having friends outside of my faith. I seriously doubt that he will use his 'powers' to get inside your head - unless you want him to. As far as using your Craft work only for good, I suppose that depends on the various views in which it's seen. There is nothing in Wicca that states you can't do bad things... there are bad Wiccans just as there are any other people. Wicca does teach that whatever you do, YOU are the one that must pay the price.
Too, Wiccans don't worship the Sun and the Moon. They are representatives of the Gods, but not the Gods themselves. Depending on the pantheon that an individual Wiccan is called to, there are many gods that a Wiccan may follow. And, there is no 'Devil' or 'Satan' in Wicca. That is a Christian concept which has nothing to do with Wicca, at all.
A person is a person, regardless of their professed or chosen faith. If you like this person and want to form a relationship with him, that is totally your choice. If it makes you feel any better, though, the ethics in Wicca are seen to be more strict in the sense of personal responsibility than what is usually seen in Christianity. Any Traditionally trained and taught Wiccan is normally a more centered and well-rounded person, always eager to learn and interact with others.
If you can't wrap your mind around the thought that this person is of a different faith, maybe you shouldn't go any further with the relationship. It might save some grief and heartache in the long run. I really hope that you work this out to the advantage of both of you.
In love, light, and laughter...
Lord Shayde
Franconian Circle
2007-05-16 18:54:08
answer #2
answered by innerpoint 1
Well, there is a lot that can be said. But, what to say is the biggest question. First off, I am a Christian that turned Wiccan. So, I speak from experience from both sides. You need to pray and follow your heart. I've read a lot of the answers you have gotten to this question. Some of them really hit the nail on the head. Others don't even know how to swing the hammer. Ask your friend how long he has been Wiccan. If he says anything less than a year, (which is my guess) then he doesn't know enough to really be talking about it. Don't get caught up in the 'Hollywood' version of Wicca or Witchcraft. (They are separate things, but can but combined together.) Other than praying about this whole situation, you need to study (read books, search online....). How can you defend your own religion if you don't know enough. I bet that if you studied enough, you could make him stop in his tracks and think for awhile. I'm trying not to be too biased with my answer. You need to follow your heart and what you feel is right for you and your religion. Being educated about your religion and others is very important. And, don't just rely on one source. Get second and third opinions from other sources. I know that I am being vague. But, I hope that you can understand what I am trying to say.
2007-05-16 16:27:08
answer #3
answered by Earthwolf 2
You are the only one who can determine this. The answer must be based on your interpretation of what your God allows. If you see your God being more powerful than anything, why is this an issue?
I suggest you learn a little about what your friend believes before writting him off, or getting too freaked out by everything. Not everyone who is Wiccan believes the same thing. He may practice only harmless magicks, he may do more. If this is the issue that bothers you, ask him.
If you are not comfortable with the idea of him using magick on you, by all means ask him not to. If he agrees, you need to let that worry go.
Sometimes odd things happen when people are together (such as his knowing your thoughts), that have nothing to do with magick, beyond the wonderful synergy that happens when two people connect. :)
I wish you well~*
2007-05-17 13:43:27
answer #4
answered by Ianna 1
Don't worry about it. He doesn't have any special powers. He's just using the genuine intuition that everyone possesses. You just have to tap into it. Besides, I doubt he can read EVERYTHING you're thinking and if he says that he can, he's totally lying.
Also, don't worry about the Christian/Wiccan thing. I'm a Pagan too and I can tell you that there are good and bad in every type of faith and that the vast majority of us are very nice and wouldn't hurt a fly. Also, if he is young, he may just be experimenting. We all go through stuff like that. So, I wouldn't take it too seriously. If he still finds that he wants to be Wiccan in a few years, great. Also, it is very "Christian-like" to be accepting of others even if many so-called Christians are not. Please stay one of the open minded ones. After all, isn't that how Jesus wants you to be???
2007-05-16 04:01:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Either you can follow all the lies said about Wiccans or you can listen to your friend. Wiccans do not believe in the devil, which makes it rather hard to worship him. Witchcraft and Wicca are also two separate things. Witchcraft is using magic for what ever purpose and Wicca is an earth based religion that allows but does not require the use of witchcraft.
Wiccans are also followers of the rede "and it harm none, do what you will". That says have and enjoy freedom but don't harm others in the process.
He is wrong about worshiping no God though. Most Wiccans do worship a God and Goddess and put in a lot of energy into honoring the earth.
If you like him as a friend keep him around if the only that scares you is his faith. I would have a lot fewer friends if I kept only to those who agreed with me on religion.
2007-05-15 12:23:49
answer #6
answered by Moonsilk 3
LoL. I'd not worry about him using magic or ESP for mind reading, thought control, etc!! There's NO validity to that. Going by what the vicunas I know say, it's an earth based religion/philosophy. I'm kinda vague on the details, but they simply have a personification/deity for various areas of life. And the "magic" part of the spells, incantations, or whatever they do ONLY work if it's for the benefit/good of another. Kind of like how electricity flows from the POSITIVE. bad or negative simply doesn't work.
Think of them as being a bit silly, or sadly misled. If it helps consider that Christianity states that good or bad, we're ALL god's children. How could one be damned for befriending one of god's more gullible kids? The general rule applies for wiccans, christians, etc.: "Please don't try and push your faith if I don't wanna hear it" Not honoring THAT is a reason to avoid them.
2007-05-15 12:51:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Try and forget the religious element and look at the person. I suppose you already know he is not a bad guy.
Witchcraft means many things in different contexts the Bible and especially the Old Testament (Exodus, Leviticus) did not forsee the religion of Wicca and was definitely not talking about it when it condemned witchcraft practices. What the Bible does condemn in the Exodus passage is poisoning through drugs.
Wicca is a peaceful modern nature-based religion some but not all of them may practice forms of magic.
Most of the magic they used you will find very similar to the prayers you may use yourself only with a little more ritualistic dressings and symbolic actions. Magic as used in Wicca (though very diverse)mostly is used to achieve the same types of things one would ask for in prayer healing, protection etc.
Hope this helps a little.
Extra: Some of the answers you got are really twisted they actually tell you to reject a friend. How can that ever be right?They don't even realize how hate-filled they appear. Please love your friend no matter what. I almost lost one of mine for these very reasons and it hurt me deeply. Also know if you reject your friend because of these reasons you may forever harm his opinion on Christianity.
2007-05-15 12:23:24
answer #8
answered by The_Slasher_of_Veils 2
Wicca is an earth based religion. Wicca does have a "higher spirit" that is above all the other lesser gods. It involves the law of Harm None and the rule of three, which says that what you do will come back on you three times. Wiccans are not bad people, they practice only white magic, if they practice any other they are not Wiccan. Your friend is probably a great person, but if you have reservations about his religion keep your distance from that not the person! I'm sure if you ask him about it he would gladly explain it to you or point you in the direction of some great books that can.
Remember even Jesus hung out with the sinners of ALL sorts!
Any book by Scott Cunningham would be a great read to discover for yourself what Wicca is really all about. It's not bad, I promise, Wicca is a very peaceful, loving, centered religion!
In response to your add on, he's just messing with you because he knows you were freaked out, that's all! And it was probably easy to guess what you were thinking, people are more transparent than they like to think!
2007-05-15 12:20:38
answer #9
answered by ~Mrs. D~ 5
As a wiccan myself I think alot of these answers are intolerant and ignorant. I (as I can not speak for every wiccan) believe that all relgions are right. Each person has their own path to divinity. I (and those that I know) DO NOT worship or even believe in satan. Satan is a christian concept. Respect his religion as I am sure he does yours. If you don't feel right then by all means don't be his friend, but I wouldn't base it on religion. I am happily married to a christian and his whole family is christian and they have accepted me. You know what made it so wonderful? They didn't try to shove their religion down my throat and I didn't shove mine down theirs. In the end we all (with the exception of some) believe that a higher being created us all the only difference is how we go about reaching divinity.
2007-05-15 16:17:37
answer #10
answered by Krys 2
Years ago I would have told you it would be bad to have Wiccan friends. I started studying Wicca to refute my daughter's friends. But today I would say wholeheartedly NO it is not a bad thing to have Wiccan friends.
It is better to be fully rounded in your contacts in order to assure that you are where you should be.
By having friends of different paths you can evaluate and understand what it is that you believe. "Do you believe what you believe because it is your beliefs or is it what someone has told you you should believe?"
2007-05-16 18:52:03
answer #11
answered by Janie H 1