Have you ever had a night's sleep where your head hit the pillow and as soon as you opened your eyes again it was morning? Have you ever been knocked unconscious? Have you ever had a nap where the time between falling asleep and waking up seemed to hardly go by at all?
That in between period is probably what death is like. Was it uncomfortable? Was it painful? Sad? Torturous? No. You had no thoughts, no sensations, no sense of anything. And it wasn't really that bad. You weren't teased, or upset, you didn't get jealous, you didn't get angry. But you didn't get happy, or excited, or orgasmic either. That's why life's a lot of fun, and is worth getting out there and pursuing. But you have to remember, death really is not bad at all.
P.S. not essential reading, not really part of my answer, BUT I find that fate actually preferable to heaven. Having to stay conscious, awake doing things for....ever, would get tiresome for me. Think, not for a thousand years, not for a million, not for a billion years, not for a trillion years, not for a number with so many zeroes after it writing it down would fill the universe years; more than all those: forEVER. That doesn't appeal to me. I think a nice long life, would be enough. And maybe even a short one full of meaning, like say dying for a cause or a country, would be even more than enough to ask for. Just saying.
2007-05-15 10:11:49
answer #1
answered by Kwisatz Haderach 2
There is a lot more to this verse than you think.
read it carefully:
Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.
- When one is "dead" they do not know they are going to die because they are dead- However if one is dead and not a believer in Jesus Christ, they are in Hades-- where it describes in the gospels as weeping and gnashing of teeth, and where the fire is not quenched- they do not receive a reward, for they are separated from God. There is a story of Lazarus and the rich man-- stating how the rich man wanted just a drop of water because he was so thirsty... this goes along with "the fire is not quenched" --he also wanted his family to know about the afterlife, and how it was miserable without God. This is a good story- and it is not stated as just a parable. Start reading Luke 16:19---and on.
It does not disregard this verse in Ecclesiastes by no means....it just better explains what this verse is saying, I think.
2007-05-15 16:58:52
answer #2
answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6
The dead are very concious...The brain is simply a bodily organ that processes the nature of the soul,that we may communicate thought while here on earth. The soul and spirit are eternal....we will however be given a glorified body that differs from our earthly bodies of flesh,blood and bone.
2007-05-15 17:05:48
answer #3
answered by bonsai bobby 7
That means your in a deep sleep. when your in a deep sleep people can go about there normal actvities. when your dead you do not know anything and you do not hear anything. people think the dead can hear or talk back but they cant. If they could why would everyone be so sad when the loose a love one. also people think everyone is going to heaven but in the bible it states only 144,000 going to heaven. look it up! rev 14:1-5 also we are going to live on a paradise , with no problems anymore wouldnt that be nice... look up rev 21:3,4 hope this helps...
2007-05-15 17:09:02
answer #4
answered by Lori T 2
If you are referring to the statement in the Bible, you need to understand that it comes from the Book Of Ecclisiastes which was written by Solomon AFTER he had gone into idolatry. It is a book where he reveals the cynical nature of unbelief that he has fallen into "vanity vanity ALL is vanity" (uselessness uselessness all is uselessness)
He makes a lot of statements in that book that are simply not true. I believe the whole point of God including that in the makeup of the Bible is to show us the twisted and empty thinking of the backslider.
After all his statement "There is no new thing under the sun" CERTAINLY is false from a Biblical perspective, the incarnation of God manifest in the flesh destroying that concept completely.
2007-05-15 17:18:11
answer #5
answered by Sean 3
The Bible compares death to sleeping. Sleeping people are not aware of what goes on around them. They don't work a job. They don't get paid (except Elvis). They do not experience pain or pleasure, or as the other verses say have jealousies or hatreds.
So, religions teaching that they do, must be false.
2007-05-15 20:10:10
answer #6
answered by grnlow 7
Some people believe that dying is just moving to another from of consicousness. The human body and mind would be conscious of nothing, but the soul would be enlightened to a new level.
2007-05-15 17:01:16
answer #7
answered by Penny K 6
that is in the bible I recognize it....you see that talks about what happens after a person dies... there is no life after death.... something is trying to convince us otherwise so we would give up our freedoms and serve it "evil" in hopes of some reward that will never come a reward no one can warn us because all who are dead are dead... get it no heaven no hell... no proof working for nothing or working for evil waisting our lives... selling out our souls.... selling out our futures... that is really what christianity is...
2007-05-15 17:03:42
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you are dead, you are unconscious and can't think. Therefore you will never think you are dead and be right about it. Does that mean subjective immortality even though objectively I will die? I don't know, but as far as I'm concerned I will never die.
2007-05-15 17:00:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Life is the universe's way of perceiving itself.
When a person dies, the universe ceases to perceive itself via that outlet, but continues to percieve itself through another.
The energy that was a living person disperses and rejoins with other energy, eventually becoming another living creature.
There, that should cover it.
2007-05-15 17:06:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous