Unfortunately, judgment and hypocrisy are not limited to any one people group.
I have found that a large number of non-Christians judge me based only on the knowledge that I am a Christian.
Humans in general are judgmental and hypocritical.
2007-05-15 09:09:57
answer #1
answered by artist_soul_auslaut 2
This whole thing is getting old even to me and I am the furthest thing from a Christian, sure I can agree that some Christians behave that way and I dislike it. But I have far more problems with the teachings and ideologies people blindly accept than with the people themselves. There are all shades of people in all religions if you wan't to dislike a religion I do not think it is very fair to do so just because of some people and their behavior. I have problems with Christianity and with the Bible. And I find the entire message illogical and not even well thought out. Religion permeates every aspect of a persons life so perhaps the flaw is more in an interpretation of the message than with the actual person. For instance religion can make good people do bad things they would not have done otherwise.
2007-05-15 16:19:42
answer #2
answered by The_Slasher_of_Veils 2
Why do you castigate all Christians for the actions of a few zealots? If you approach me, I am not going to judge you for your own beliefs. I care about my fellow humans and so do the Christians I hang with. We take the approach hate the sin love the sinner. Yet we tend to be lumped into a class of haters when we are not haters. I would rather you ask the person who is attacking you "What would Jesus Do?" I'm sure if they continue on in their maltreatment of you they are acting under the name of Christian then being a Christian, that makes a whole lot of difference and changes the entire venue.
2007-05-15 16:15:11
answer #3
answered by CheryllDianne 3
standing up for truth, done in a loving way, is what the Bible says. We are to carry each other burdens and encourage others to live lives that please God, but when we point fingers and say we are better than anyone else, and we ourselves do not need to change, that is where the problems begin. May we as believers humbly approach God before we accuse someone of anything- that is why I just posted a question about Jerry Falwell- the majority of people are condemning him, and some of it may be correct, but how would you like to be remembered? Let's be Christians that speak the truth in love.
2007-05-15 16:18:05
answer #4
answered by AdoreHim 7
Why do so many of you who claim to be atheists or intellectuals continue to judge people who don't share YOUR beliefs and display incredible pride and arrogance?
2007-05-15 16:27:56
answer #5
answered by patodelamuerte 3
Considering the large number of atheists on this forum who got the biggest kick out of Jerry Falwell's death today, I'm not sure anybody has the right to call anybody else arrogant or judgmental. They certainly enjoyed judging Falwell and condemning him to Hell, so apparently they're not quite as tolerant as they claim to be.
Being hypocritical certainly isn't limited to a particular set of beliefs around here, in case you hadn't already noticed that.
2007-05-15 17:31:41
answer #6
answered by Wolfeblayde 7
Man. I am SHOCKED at the people here claiming the bible does not say we should not judge.
The words of JESUS! Look them up.
Judge not, lest ye be judged.
Why do you look to the speck of dust in our brother's eye when you can not see the plank in your own.
How about James?
Judge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.
How about quotes from some of the beloved saints of the OT?
The LORD judge between me and thee.
God hath judged me.
The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge betwixt us.
So, who is it with the right to judge?
Job has something interesting to say:
Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.
How about the Psalms?
Psalm 10:7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity.
Isn't that what we do when we point fingers? When we pass judgement? When we make condemnations upon others? We are cursing them.
Psalm 12:3 The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things.
Uh huh...
Edit: Hey Slasher, religion does not make people do bad things. God does not like fanatics. God does not like it when people use him as a weapon of their hatred. People who do horrible things in the name of God have no discernment. They can't tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and an evil one.
Those people have a rude awakening coming to them. As do the people who condemn others, pass judgement, point fingers. God loves all his children. Jesus tells us to love one another and preach the GOOD NEWS. Jesus never said to preach hell fire and brimstone.
2007-05-15 17:26:50
answer #7
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
I'm a believer, and I've never once said I was a Christian in here or anywhere else.
As for the judging thing, since when is calling it like you see it judging?
And "pride"? Are you kidding?
I avoid that arrogance like a vampire avoids sunlight.
I'm a very loving person. Gentle and sweet, am I.
Pppffffftttt!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
2007-05-15 16:12:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pride is a sin.
But are you really seeing pride, or is it assurance?
And BTW, the Bible does not teach against judging.
However, judging implies the ability to condemn.
(Only God has that ability.)
The same chapter you are referring to (Mt. 7) also encourages Christians to judge based upon the fruit of someone's life.
What is prohibited is judging by a personal standard instead of God's standard by which He shall judge. Using a double standard, of which you seem to be guilty, is what "Judge not..." is all about.
2007-05-15 16:12:44
answer #9
answered by Bob L 7
I'm Christian and all people who do that including fellow Christians hurt my heart.
It is interesting that Jesus said, "Judge not for the same measure that ye judged will be meted out to you in return,". So basically if THEY show pride, lack of compassion, tolerance and respect then that is exactly what God will show them when it's THEIR turn.
I think it is wise to always err on the side of understanding and respect, if that is how you want to be treated in return.
2007-05-15 16:10:30
answer #10
answered by jessicabjoseph 3