Please don’t think less of me on this answer I am going to answer it the best I can we the past experience that I have had and that my girlfriends had.
First your x-boyfriend probably wants you back. He wouldn’t be talking to your current bf unless he was up to no good. He is trying to make your x jealous and yet wanting him to have sex with you, as since that he wants him to keep nagging you to have sex with him until you get fed up and dump him. Having sex with a virgin is a big deal in the guy world. Do the 6month rule. Don’t having any sex for 6 months wait see if he pressures trying to get you to give in. If he truly loves you he will wait patiently. Best of luck with you. Remember if theses guys don’t work out your a beautiful girl and should wait for Mr. Right
2007-05-15 09:13:50
answer #1
answered by ViperKilla 5
How old are you? I respect the fact that you are waiting and commend you for realizing that he may just be trying to sleep with you. While he may love you, he may just be waiting to see if you will sleep with him. Unfortunately, some guys do play games like this. I wonder why he is telling this to your ex-boyfriend. I would just take things slowly. See how the relationship progresses and only have sex with him when you are ready. There are no guarantees in life and we don't always know what motivates other people to do what they do. He may really love you and want to be with you. However, he may be playing games. Be true to yourself and if you sleep with him make sure you are doing it because you love him. You only have control over what you do. Be true to yourself because you have to live with the decisions you make. I really do wish you luck!
2007-05-15 15:57:34
answer #2
answered by Swim Mom 4
I was told one time (and found it to be true most of the time) Men play at love to get sex......and women play at sex to get love
2007-05-15 15:52:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If that's a concern of yours wait till your married. Hold out and see how he reacts to not having sex till he marries you. Don't tell him that though unless he asks but wait. What can it hurt! You will know your true answer then.
2007-05-15 15:53:09
answer #4
answered by waltdawg3 3
he himself might not know the difference. or he does and he just wants to have sex or he does and he loves you too. but it is weird that he brags that he will be the first like your just some trophy or heavy weight title belt. sex should be intimate and fun. not describable or talliable
2007-05-15 15:52:10
answer #5
answered by killa' fo' real 3
That's the ultimate uncertainty in dating. What gestures are real and which are only intended to achieve hidden agendas?
There's this saying back in my country: Mucho prometer antes de meter, despues de metido, nada de lo prometido.
2007-05-15 15:56:13
answer #6
answered by sirtitan45 4
it reallly depends on the way hes acting when hes not with you
if he flirts with other girls when youre not around, thats not good
he prob just wants sex cause you said that he said thats what he wants
i wouldnt get too serious feelings for him cause you might just end up getting hurt
2007-05-15 15:51:48
answer #7
answered by neverletgo 2
Why do you care what your ex thinks? You have another boyfriend! Get rid of your ex.
2007-05-15 15:50:28
answer #8
answered by Randy G 7