Well The holy spirit never left me so I would probably believe it. That and my family and most of my friends are believers.
2007-05-15 08:36:40
answer #1
answered by momof3 6
I can't answer cause I've never been in a coma and have never lost my memory. I can say that I believe not because I was taught to, actually a lot of the stuff I was taught is simply wrong, but because we are here. The big bang is too ridiculous to take seriously, and if you really take the time to look around, this world is absolutely fantasic, could not have happened by accident. Nature itself is why I believe, the way everything works together and fits. Sure, staring at a tree in total amazement may sound extremely silly to you, but it totally engrosses me at times. When I walk in the woods, I just know.
You know, when I volunteered at the local animal shelter, a pregnant cat came in. She had 12 kittens, all grey tiger stripes just like her, and apparently the daddy cat. They looked very similar, were raised by that sweet momma cat the same, yet every single one of them had a completely different personality. For some reason that always stuck with me, the "why" part, all the same mom, the same environment, etc., yet all so different. I don't really know why it stuck, maybe because I have one of those kittens, he's 13 now, and just as unique as he was as a kitten. I don't think a big bang from nothingness could do that.
2007-05-15 08:40:49
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I was not brought up in a home that went to church or professed belief in God. I came to a point in my life when I wondered about God and so I went looking for answers. Thank goodness I didn't have Yahoo Answers back then.
From what I learned, I was compelled from within, by an unnamed force, to conform to a righteous standard. This underlying moral necessity cannot be explained by any philosophy. I judged Christians for being hypocrites; I preached righteousness in the political arena for the poor and afflicted. Where did I get that set of laws by which I boldly judged God’s character and called religious people hypocrites? I came to realize that by science, those standards cannot be explained. They certainly were not taught in my home. I found the answers in the Bible.
2007-05-15 08:51:37
answer #3
answered by HumanBaby 2
You really can't analyze faith. By it's nature, it is ephemeral. That makes it hard to explain as well.
Being raised around it is certainly a factor, but not the only one.
There is a pre-disposition to "feel" that there is a larger intelligence out there. Some say that is just hard wired in to you because you are a social mammal, and some say it is recognition of a deep truth. The difference in those answers is faith.
I feel that when you hear the Christ story, it resonates with that deep truth within you, and that is why you would believe that more than some other story told to you.
2007-05-15 08:48:24
answer #4
answered by mrthing 4
For many years I did not believe it. It seemed like it was too good to be true..."and they all lived happily ever after". After believing everything that I hear atheists say on Y!A (why is there suffering if God is loving, how do you believe in God in the face of science, etc...) I kept feeling God pulling me to Him. One day it all just clicked. I knew I was doing wrong in my life, and that I needed a way to handle my BIG problem with sin. Jesus is that way! My life since then has not been perfect, but it has been peaceful. Before troubles would scare, frustrate and depress me, now I can have joy even when times are hard because I know my Heavenly Father is caring for me every step of the way.
I suppose if I woke with no memories that God would pull me to Him just like He did before.
excellent question!
More info~
What it feels like: It doesn't feel like anything supernatural, it felt simply like I wanted God to love me more than anything and I wanted to love Him, too.
Have you noticed that in your relationshups with the people you love that the more you know them the deeper your love is? If you haven't felt this, and you want to, I would suggest getting to know God. Read the Bible- start with John. Listen to some inspirational music, and most of all tell God that you want to know Him. That is a prayer He will answer with a "Yes!"
SOmetimes it's OK not to have the feeling, but just to say "this is what I want and what I choose to beleive". When you do that and get to know God, as I have described above, you will find that the feelings of love for God will follow.
Even though I described the emotional feelings I had, they came and went for a while. I didn't consistently feel that love and longing for God until I DECIDED that I wanted a relationship with God.
If you need to talk about this please feel free to email me.
2007-05-15 08:47:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Good question. I would say you wouldn't believe because it wouldn't have any history our background to you yet.
As a believer I used to not believe. The correct answer is the holy spirit makes you believe but this doesn't leave out a conscious decision. I believed because of sex. I always heard of no sex before marriage but I didn't think it was for me. I ended up having sex before and it caused a lot of problems so it made me look at Christianity again. Non-believer and believer all have the same evidence. The truth is that people that don't believe don't want to, they love themselves more then God. People who do believe want to believe. You can email me if you want I love talking to unbelievers. It would be stupid to believe in something not real or made up.
2007-05-15 08:40:42
answer #6
answered by yaabro 4
From my earliest memories I have always known God. As a child I felt I was a part of Him. I don't remember my parents ever telling me this although they could have and I just don't recall it. If I were in a coma I wonder where my spirit would be? God would be with me, He has never left me since I’ve realized I can’t live without Him. People who believe do not know Him yet but they will. Those who do not believe would come to know Him if He chose to reveal Himself to them. .
2007-05-15 09:06:34
answer #7
answered by rezany 5
I grew up in a religious home but I also know I grew up with truth because of experiences I've had. If you want to have that "feeling", you need to completely bare yourself to God and put yourself in his hands. Confess to him that you are a sinner, and while "all fall short of the glory of God" tell him you want to be forgiven and give him the wheel and let him take control. He wants to know that you are willing to put that kind of trust and faith in him. It's an act of humility but it is the only way you can achieve the kind of "natural high" that many Christians experience. Even, if you're still not sure about what you believe, you can still ask him for help. As one of Jesus' disciples (I believe it was Thomas) said, "I believe Lord, help my unbelief."
2007-05-15 18:39:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hypothetical questions are designed to override reality for the purpose of situational speculation. Seldom do they have any relevance to reality.
But I'll entertain this one.
My "first time around", my trust in people was decimated by my childhood, so God "evened the score" one day by having me over for a few minutes in His presence. I've been a believer ever since.
If I awoke from a coma, I expect whatever experiences I had from that moment of awakening forward, God would see to it that a balance existed for the purpose of providing a neutral cognitive state for accepting or rejecting the heavenly gift.
Everybody makes a choice from their will, not from their intellect.
2007-05-15 08:44:14
answer #9
answered by s2scrm 5
It's hard to say. I mean when people have amnesia, they don't forget everything. They usually still remember the English language, for example. So it would depend on how my thinking changed as a result of what I forgot.
Right now, I'm a pretty careful thinker, and I'm skeptical of wild claims until hear good reasons for them. If I woke up like that, I doubt I would believe in Christianity automatically. Somebody would have to give me some good reasons for it.
What made me begin to believe in Christianity was the fact that I was raised around people who believed in it, and I never really had much reason to doubt it. I became agnostic in my early 20's, though, as a result of being honest with myself and coming to the realization that I had always believed in something I had no reason to think was true. I gradually came to believe again as a result of philosophical and historical arguments.
But people believe things for all kinds of reasons. Not all of them are rational. Ronald Nash, in his book, "Faith and Reason," said that whether an idea will be acceptable to you or not depends on your entire noetic structure.
2007-05-15 08:42:48
answer #10
answered by Jonathan 7
I was not brought up religious. At all. Well, semi-Catholic which = full-blown heathen. God is the missing link in your chain here.
You said "I just don't understand how you get from non believing to believing."
Me neither, ultimately. But I do know that I had NOTHING to do with it. God showed me how terrible I was, not just outwardly but inwardly. I felt like killing myself. I could stand it no longer--I knew He was the answer. He then showed me in His word that all of my sins, past, present & future are forgiven! And that I need only trust in the righteousness of Christ and it would become credited to my account as if I had NEVER SINNED! Needless to say, I don't stick needles in myself anymore(except the tattoo gun, of course!) nor do I feel the need to smoke crack like it's my job. I didn't fix anything, God did. You wanna know more? Email me... this is a brief glimpse and trust me, the drama continues.
2007-05-15 08:43:19
answer #11
answered by Soundtrack to a Nightmare 4