You've got to turn this in... think what happened in Virginia
2007-05-15 07:03:16
answer #1
answered by ? 7
First of all, is it true or is the gf lying to keep you from going out with him? If he has any history of violence, run as fast and as far as you can. Unless he is or has successfully completed an anger management program or is attending regular therapy, the cycle of abuse will start again and it always escalates.
Don't be afraid to get a restraining order, if he threatens you or won't leave you alone. Contact the police department or any battered woman's shelter for help with a restraining order or assistance.
2007-05-15 07:06:07
answer #2
answered by wondermom 6
well to be truthful, i dont think you should ever go back out with him. i mean be friends.
someone like that, that would slit his own throat just because of you is...well in my opinion...weird.
but some might think he cares sooo much about you but i dont think so.
did you break up with him both times? if you did...then think to yourself what was the reason that you did. and then think if you want to be with him ever again.
if not then jsut talk to him as how friends talk and slowly show him that you only wanna be friends and nothing more.
but make sure he isnt hurting himself any more
hope this helps
2007-05-15 07:06:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There was a reason you two kept breaking up. It didn't work! Tell him that you don't feel anything for him other than a friend and that he should move on. About him slitting his throat...he needs help.
2007-05-15 07:04:22
answer #4
answered by jad26 3
Do not get back with him, as a matter of fact this guy seems like he has some real while you can, believe me...go find someone else who isn't so much drama!
2007-05-15 07:04:49
answer #5
answered by Melissa A 3
you should stay clear of him, he sounds like he is more trouble than he is worth. Do you want to keep punishing yourself? you need to move on and just forget him.You are better than that!You should not have to be subjected to that kind of garbage, Chin up be happy, Leave him in the dust.♥
2007-05-15 07:05:54
answer #6
answered by RdWazoo 3
Stay away from him!!! He and his friends sound like they have issues....block him from your myspace and set your profile to private so he can't see who you are talking to. Move on girlie...this guy is a loser. Your best friend is right!!!
2007-05-15 07:05:41
answer #7
answered by notacomet 2
I would find someone else and leave that guy alone. He sounds
like he is a loose cannon just waiting to go off.
2007-05-15 07:05:17
answer #8
answered by chmar11 6
Anyone that would say those things is in serious need of help. No joking. Please call an adult, like his parents or someone from social services. If you are afraid that he would hurt you or himself, he needs help.
2007-05-15 07:05:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
hey if thats how you feel then go with your gut feeling, you intuition dont get back with him stay away from him and block him on myspace.
2007-05-15 07:04:46
answer #10
answered by *her* 2