He's a Marine in Africa...he volunteered to be deployed and he really looked forward to it. He loved the people in his unit and he seemed to be enjoying himself out there (well, as much as he could in the situation) but now he's been switched units and he doesn't know anyone in the new unit. He's really depressed and I honestly don't know what to say to him. I want to say something that will offer some sort of comfort... Any ideas?
A little bit about him: He's a pretty tough guy. He loves working out and he always talks about doing violent stuff. If people make him mad, he usually talks about punching them in the face or something...He claims to have become "emotionally numb" out there, but I know he's lying...He's got a little less than 4 months left over there, and I don't want him to hate it.
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To sniffydogs: What do you mean by "I know a lot of Marines and none of them act like that?" Act like what?
05:02:39 ·
update #1