A lot of people believe it is Murder, after all the child has no choice in the matter, the parents- had- the choice to have sex or not, and there is plenty of birth control out there, so if they choose to have sex --with out protection, their choice-Why should the innocent baby suffer? Why should it lose it's life, because it is inconvenient for a few months on the parents,they had fun making it after all and If you do not want it, you can always give it away after the birth, aren't you lucky you Mom gave birth to you!
PS people who want the baby will say " I am having a baby"
But if they decide to kill it, they say " oh it is just a fetus-which BTW is a living baby" No one say "Oh I am having a fetus!"
Modern science has proven that it is a living baby before it is born, the ultrasounds are proof!
2007-05-15 02:56:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I dont disagree with abortion at all,in some circumstances it is probably for the best.Im expecting my third and sometimes type up at what stage my baby looks like on the search engine.I then one day came across a couple of religious web sites that actually showed you how developed a baby is at 6 weeks.Then it showed you what an aborted baby looks like at certain stages.I found it really upsetting and could kind of see why some people are anti-abortion.I was so shocked,and upset that these are little people,they have eyes and hands and recent resaerch suggests that they feel pain and recognise sounds earilier than ever thought before.
I dont stress that i dont agree with abortion,as sometimes it is the best alternative for somebody,but i could kind of see why these people are pro-life.
No your not doomed because your not married!! That is pretty old school,its not the be all and all to have a ring on your finger!!
2007-05-15 03:19:13
answer #2
answered by smiler 3
Everyone has the right to express their own opinions on a certain issue, even priests believe it or not. Whilst I am not Christian and I am not religious at all I believe that abortion is the same as killing a child and therefore is wrong. It should only be carried out in certain situations like when the baby has a defect that will mean it will be paralysed for its entire life or if the baby will be still born or is born very badly deformed (like no lungs), or when the baby proves a threat to the mothers life becuase of threat of suicide or complications at birth for example. In the end it comes to to value judgements over how to classify a baby in the womb and what life is more important, that of the unborn or the mother.
If you are interested in finding out more about abortion I do encourage you to visit these websites which I do warn contain graphic images which may be upsetting.
And, what does you having three kids and not being married have to do with abortion?
2007-05-15 02:53:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
they do not have the right but some priests along with others who have some sort of high power tend to abuse their rank or whatever it is. They are supposed to be leaders and take these situations wrong. You are not bad for not being wed and having children. i commend you actually for keeping your children. I have kids and would not be in the great situation I am in if i didnt have them, they have changed my life.
beside they are probably the ones who got them pregnant. you see it so much any more. give the people who dont mess with children or young ladies, a bad name. this is just my opinion. I only agree with abortion in certain circumstances. If rape occured. If it was free will that lead to pregnancy then they need to have the baby then decide adoption.
2007-05-15 02:47:57
answer #4
answered by myladybeau 3
The 1st amendment actually, there is no law against giving advice. How should we know if you are doomed, only God can tell you that. Anyway you chose to have the children instead of abortion, by having premarital sex you did sin, but by having those kids you avoided another more serious sin.
But the grounds of the claim that abortion is wrong is not all based moral and legal codes, many mothers develop mental disorders following abortions, there are also many complications that can arise in the procedure. These "innocent" young girls made a decision, without looking at the consequences, and when you do adult like behavior you have to deal with the adult-like consequences. Adoption is another way many American couples are on the waiting list for adoption. The Catholic Church only agrees with abortion if having the child poses a serious risk to the mother's life.
Unless these priests are forcing said young women's hands, then I see no violation of rights, by pleading with them.
Remember, killing a pregnant woman is double murder. Killing her unborn child is legal.
2007-05-15 02:51:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
priests are the leaders of the Catholic Church. they are to uphold the teachings of the religion by reminding the people that abortion is murder, against the Ten Commandments. If you have had an abortion, you have sinned. That does not mean that you are doomed...there is forgiveness.
2007-05-15 02:56:15
answer #6
answered by mago 5
I think any woman should have a choice what her body goes through and I don't think abortion should be abolished. It's a very narrow minded individual that will force someone to have a child that they are not ready or willing to take care of.
2007-05-15 03:24:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The people who are brainwashed into giving up their independence to priests give them the right.
2007-05-15 03:48:41
answer #8
answered by Fred 7
A priest is called by God to teach the people and to guide them in the path of holiness. This is how it is part of his business to advise young girls not to have an abortion.
No, having children out of wedlock does not doom you. Having sex outside of marriage is a sin that separates us from God, but you can always be forgiven.
2007-05-15 02:48:44
answer #9
answered by Sldgman 7
If you *have* 3 kids, obviously you haven't aborted, so no, you're not doomed...
Who are "these priests"? Any relation to "they"?
2007-05-15 02:52:21
answer #10
answered by anna 7