I agree with you, In my opinion I believe that a lot of deeply religious people are very ignorant in their attitudes towards a lot of aspects in life which are very relevant. Ignorance leads to a lack of understanding, knowledge and intelligence!!!
I also believe that when it comes to anything which may dis prove their beliefs factually, they change their beliefs to suit the situation.
An example of this.....The previous pope, had once claimed that God made the earth and the earth alone, (there is no 'word' in the bible of mars or the other billions of planets that we know to exist in the universe, because they were unknown in the times the bible was originally written!!!) and yet as soon as it was discovered that traces of water had been observed as once existing on mars,(water = life form etc) he came back with God also made Mars!!
Religion seems to have an unfair ability, to change its fundamental structure every time a new FACT turns up and puts a doubt on the reality of religion full stop. Hypocritical behavior comes from not having any facts to support their beliefs!!!
In my opinion there are many many flaws in religion which just cannot be anything other than hearsay, I believe this 'subconscious doubt' in the minds of religious people, makes them constantly try to reassure themselves that their way of thinking/beliefs etc, make sense because if they can convince others of their 'religious' beliefs then it reaffirms their own each time someone is 'persuaded'!!!!!
I have had religious members of my family say to me throughout my childhood, that my dad would go to hell, because he did not believe in religion/God. I was 11 at the time this issue was fearfully introduced to me as FACT and the thought that one day when I die, I will not be able to see my dad again in 'heaven' really upset me and my childhood!! My dad passed away four years ago of a brain tumor and yet the very same 'Religious' members of my family came back to me with words such as, 'well he is in heaven now and with god, he suffers no more'???????? WHAT??
It is just like changing the situation to suit!! It is wrong in my opinion and a dishonest way to live!! My dad was a very intelligent man( an IQ of between 240-265 average) and had a very open mind, something which I believe allows for intelligence to begin with. People who chose to go along the religious path, take everyting on faith, which may be all well and good for them, but again in my opinion makes them very susceptible to surviving poorly in life(Especially from an evolutionary point of view). Another example for you in explaining what I mean by this..............I read a question the other day which asked 'what you would do if the world was suddenly going to end and you had one last day to spend on this world?'
All the religious people put things such as, rejoice that we will finally be with the lord, pray, repent so that we may be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. Make our children pray with us and rejoice that they will be meeting God??????? What?, a belief that makes a person look forward to death, and or waste their lives because they believe the next is a better one, even though there is not one shred of evidence to suggest 'God/Heaven' exists is farcical in my opinion!! I have also been lead to believe from various religious people that there are only so many places available in heaven to begin with, surely this in itself, if true would suggest to a logical thinking person, that hardly anyone is going to get in there now, why? because considering 'Heaven' has been around since the first christian writings were put into practise etc, I am sure by now that it is full up!!!! lol.
I mean how many disciples were there?, what about all saints and aid workers that have existed over thousands of years and every religious person that has ever ever been, what about all who live a good life and help others??????
Just to recap and answer your original question, religious people 'throw their beliefs down others throats', to reassure themselves that what they believe is a 'sound' belief'.
In my opinion I do not and never will believe in 'religion' because of everything that I have stated here and more. If being religious meant that when faced with the end of the world I would be trying to convince my children that their impending death was something to be grateful to god for, then I am sorry but I would rather spend my last hours of life loving my kids and showing them so, not telling them that this is Gods will and we should be happy about it!!!!!!
If there is no god/heaven etc but there is an afterlife of some form where we have a knowledge of what we did here, all these religious people are going to wonder why they wasted there time on earth, waiting to meet a god that does not exist!!!! I won't ever regret not being religious if it works the other way however, because a God, who is suppose to love his people as much as the bible states he does, should have informed his people first hand and throughout every generation of life/existence, not just sent his son thousands of years ago and left the rest to history/peoples imaginations!!!! If he truly wanted our loyalty that is!! I think also he would not have allowed us the capabilities our brains have in relation to logic and the discovery of scientific facts which contradict his existence to begin with!!
I believe that I live my life to the best of my abilities and I have never broken the law knowingly, I have never hurt anyone intentionally and I try to be as decent of a person as I believe to be relevant to my survival and those around me. I am by definition, a good person!
It is fine to have a belief in God, that to me could be anything, I personally believe that God is our planet itself or perhaps the universe as I like to see the bigger picture, for without it we would never have evolved/existed to be begin. What bothers me so much about religion and religious people is that their so called 'facts' about god and religion par say, change all the time to suit, it has to change in order to stand up to the new things discovered in the world and indeed the universe!!! This to me just suggests a string of tall tales getting sugared when ever the need arises.
Once upon a time, we believed that the earth was flat. In times when the christian bible was written, people had no knowledge or understanding of the universe or anything beyond our planet or indeed anything which was on the earth millions of years before us. There is no mention of dinosaurs in the bible (to my knowledge), contrary to what I read on here the other day!!!! Why?, because the many people who wrote the bible had no knowledge of their existence at that time, perhaps the bible has been re -written to account for this now, but does this not prove in itself that all the bible is, is a number of stories strung together along the theme of God and how others should live to his desires or indeed the desires of the people who wrote the bible in the first place?!!, Of how things are constantly changed to suit. The religious members of my family I mentioned here, think that the dinosaurs are a made up thing, because there is no mention of them in the bible to their knowledge either and they read the bible 'religiously'!!
I asked one day where all the fossils and bones come from then and indeed fossil fuels???? I was given no comprehensible answer to the latter but the answer I was informed of regarding the bones was this............'They are made from papier mache and made to make others believe that there is no god' lol?????
Surley if god made the earth, universe etc etc, he would of had to have made everything in it both past and present, including the dinosaurs, but by definition god making us in his own image etc, would be contradicted immensely if believing he also made the dinosaurs, why would he have made such fierce creatures etc etc etc?? Why has he not spoken of their creation to us in the bible then, if not for the reasons I have explained??
Personally, I believe religion makes others seem so 'weird' as you put it, because there are just too many irrational explanations in protecting their beliefs and not enough intellectual/logical ways of factually or theoretically explaining all the flaws that exist in religion!! x
2007-05-15 01:10:20
answer #1
answered by littlebee 3
Religion is and always will be a very sensitive subject. Most people who are “deep into the religion” are so convinced that their religion is the right and only one. I was raised in a deeply Christian family so you could say I am one of those weirdos. BUT I have and always will respect other peoples beliefs and opinions and never try to force my views onto others. I like to find out more about other peoples points of view and I would expect the same from them. Forcing my view onto them is only going cause conflict, which is not going to get any one anywhere anyway. Until you have personally experience something then you really can’t judge others on what they believe.
2007-05-14 21:57:51
answer #2
answered by Sahara H 2
To be honest dude, experience is key. All the experiences good or bad that you had throughout your life helped you for future relationships, right? This women that you're explaining has NEVER had any experience what so ever. It sounds like you're looking for something real, which is okay, you had the experience already. But let alone, this women you're talking about never even had a boyfriend. She won't have a clue what a relationship is. All that you guys to have in common is GOD, and maybe that's why she feels so strongly about you. Positively, you have already had relationships, so you can always teacher her and help her out with how a relationship is like and how it should be. Summary, the negative is that she has no experience at all. I am an 18 year old male, and i have more experience than she does. Positively, you can always show her how relationships are. Hope I helped man. Go for the girl, you have nothing to lose.
2016-05-18 05:21:45
answer #3
answered by ? 4
If someone came off as normal every day folk, how would you know if they are deeply into their religion? Many people have faith and are every day folk. What then constitutes being deeply into ones faith and how do you know it when you see it? The more a person talks about their faith doesn't make them all that devoted to it, it just makes them...well... weird as you put it. But the way to tell how deep a persons faith is, is by their behavior. If they claim to be a Christian and you can tell by the way they live that they follow Christ's teachings, then no words need to be spoken.
2007-05-14 21:52:46
answer #4
answered by out of the grey 4
No, weirdos is the correct term.
I agree, and I think most regular people, regardless of their own religion do too. What I always think when I see or hear these people is that yes, it's great that they found their "path" to follow, but why must they preach and try to convert/convince the rest of us? Can't people worship quietly? Why the big show? They just seem very shallow and weak all the while screaming about their new faith and strength.
It's tiresome.
2007-05-14 21:56:16
answer #5
answered by slipstreamer 7
Well, I'm a Christian and I think that most everyone that you see on TV are weirdos :) Most of them are out there for themselves and not the right reasons...
I consider myself a deep follower of Jesus, but I feel pretty normal :) (but maybe you would dissagree :) haha but there are definitely some normal people out there :)
2007-05-14 22:03:59
answer #6
answered by pumped up! whoo hoo! 3
Some dufus will say you are generalizing no doubt, pray tell how we can discuss anything without generalizations. Generalizations are good when discussing masses of people rather than individuals where one must be specific.
Yes they are always weirdo's...all of them, but all people are weird anyway unless they are just like ourselves.
2007-05-14 21:47:44
answer #7
answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5
I see them as very weak people who can't cope with life without having an emotional crutch in the form of a so called god or some sort of belief.
In practise it doesn't take long to see their true colours, a woman recently bumped my car (her fault) and she got out screaming i braked to hard!
(you usually do that when the guy in frount brakes hard too)
She told me i was 'F' this and 'F' that, in fact the last time i heard that many f's i was talking to someone with a stammer.
A recognised who she was, a member of my local church!
2007-05-14 21:51:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm frustrated that they won't explain anything to me but just say..."god is magic".."Jesus is magic".."miracles" etc etc
Why WON'T they talk in real terms and tell me how.
They don't know do they?...total and utter BLIND faith. It doesn't really wash in this day and age does it? Having blind faith DOES NOT make the world a better place to live in..it DOES NOT cure cancer or reduce global warming. It just seems to make you arrogant and patronising.
2007-05-14 22:08:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
i dont think its weird... in fact i admire the hell out of priests and nuns, etc...
i mean..to give up your life and personal gain and opportunity out of love for others....and for God....
and it aint a walk in the park.. know what i mean?
i think you may be missing something...(although yes i do agree there are some wacko religious people out there ...like ones that crash into buildings...and even a few christian fundamentalists)
2007-05-14 21:47:00
answer #10
answered by justin 2
ALL religious folk are weirdos to me.
2007-05-14 21:46:07
answer #11
answered by Anonymous