I feel there is alot of ignorant people here whio have never had a problem finding something to eat, they don't take the time to appreciate what they have and feel that there is no need to look at it from an immigrant point of view, they don't leave their country because they got tired of it and felt like breaking a law they left to try to feed their families, everyone talks about wanting immigrants to come here legally but do not know how dificult it really is, in 2006 only 4 visas were approved for mexico when many people applied and used what little money they had to do it
Also some people need to stop and think is calling a human illegal really politically correct? people get upset when they call white people crackers but dont think its insulting to call an undocumented immigrant illegal
If a person gets pulled over after going 90 miles an hour or a person kills someone, they are not branded illegal when all they did was break one law also
undocumented people pay taxes as well with an IRS number so it's not like the goverment does not know they are here, they are just a scapegoat that is used to blame all the social problems
2007-05-15 08:24:43
answer #1
answered by BrownBeret 1
I would like to apologize for some of the Ugly Americans who are posting answers to your question.
It is not just Mexican Nationals that are being pointed at by the people who point the finger at Mexicans. Many of those people see a brown skin and hear "Spanish" being spoken and think that they are seeing Mexicans.
The language might in fact be Portuguese but it is Spanish to them.
The people might be Costa Rican or Peruvian or Brazilian but all these Gringos see is Mexicans. The fact is they don't even think that anyone from outside the United States is American.
I don't object to immigration. I object to ILLEGAL Immigration. The people who come across the border in the night without papers are not "breaking rules" they are breaking laws which makes them criminals. When I see on the television people of Hispanic decent protesting in the streets of Los Angeles carrying signs that say "I'm an immigrant not a criminal" it tends to raise MY blood pressure and I have a number of friends who came here illegally but have since gotten papers to stay here legally. Think what it must do to some of those people who have never known the friendship of Hispanic people or those who are just ignorant enough that they NEED someone to look down upon so that they can feel good about them self.
Also the fact that the Mexican Border has been a point of "easy" entry for so long makes it a danger to the security of our nation because the middle eastern terrorist profile is harder to spot against a Hispanic background than it is against a (primarily) Anglo Canadian background.
The fence that has been talked about is or at least should be more about protecting our country from outside dangers than Mexican or any other Hispanic Immigration.
2007-05-14 20:35:39
answer #2
answered by Chaplain John 4
Being Mexican is not a race. I have taught many students from Mexico. Some are of pure Native Indian(Mayan) descent and some are of almost 100% Spanish(European) blood. In Mexico there is an enclave of German Mennonites in the Northern region. There are retirement communities that are comprised of retired Americans. If I moved(and I am Norwegian) to Mexico, over time I would become a Mexican. What I find discouraging as a teacher is to hear Mexican American students say things like, " How to expect me to understand this, I am Mexican." It is partial tongue in cheek, but there is a part of this statement that speaks to a feeling of cultural inferiority. In the district where I teach, there are no Latinos who are in the TAG program(talented and gifted). It is cultural not intellectual. We don't need a wall, we need to accept others who have the same American dream that we all have.
2007-05-14 20:00:37
answer #3
answered by enzyme 305 3
I love my children's brown skin that doesn't burn in the summertime, I love tacos, I love the heritage from Mexico that is shared here, I love the hardworking people that come to the US to work hard, sometimes at bean factories, I love the freedom that Mexico has to put a stop to illegal immigrants, but they won't....the Mexican president put it best when He criticized the US for putting a border up......
lol.....People love Mexican, without Mexican, the world might skip a revolution, or skip a beat on America Dance tournament,,,,etc.....
but the problem is with the breaking of rules and for illegals to hop the border, pay nothing toward taxes, and expect the federal government to pick up the tab for them........the taxpayers are the ones angry about it, not the government......the government gets paid with taxes, not the other way around.....The other people are the ones picking up the tab for people coming here illegally and getting free medicare for having babies, then they can import their families.....etc......
Sorry to say, the US is not anti Mexican, I really feel like everyone is anti US.........I am Irish, do I get special rights for colleges, loans, etc,.....nope. I'm an American, white. My grandfather took a ship to America, and he made our family, not illegally, but I was born a citizen. I don't criticise the US for not having Irish as the national language, that would be insane, yes??
2007-05-14 19:59:08
answer #4
answered by kaliroadrager 5
look, most people here aren't against mexicans per say, but illegal immigrants as they should be. criminals who break the law, should pay the price (return to their country) not too tough of a concept. our country (U.S.) is being over run w/illegals (not JUST mexicans, but mostly) and it makes alot of people mad.
don't play the race card, or try to parlay that into saying "there actually exists bad in the people" because since you are mexican, you can attest to the attrocities that the mexican govt is allowing to happen (cartels now run the country).
as far as people wanting to build a wall protected by delinquents, sane, rational people do not think that way. the U.S. just needs better enforcement of the immigration policy, rather SOME enforcement of the immigration policy and we also need to drop the hammer on mexico to make that happen. do you realize that mexico is getting rich off of the immigrators backs? i.e. they pay for the immigration card to the consolate, come here to work, send money back to mexico, children are taught, the sick are taken care of etc. etc. HERE, not Mexico, chew on that.
2007-05-14 21:49:31
answer #5
answered by shayne t 2
Sorry, I can't think of even one.
I'm sick of listening to defeated people whining about the past.
The reason Mexicans want to go to the US is because the people who fought for it made it into a great country.
I don't remember ever hearing the English whining about being conquered by the Romans or the Normans or the Vikings or the countless other races that invaded them.
Or how about the Moors or Huns or Mongols who ravaged Europe like a scourge.
If a person thinks the world is bad now, well it was really bad way back when. Some people just seem to be better at leaving the baggage behind and moving on.
2007-05-14 20:17:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
So a guy is going 90 miles per hour because he will be late to work if he doesn't, and will be fired if he's late. A cop pulls him over. Should the guy get a ticket?
Answer: Yes. Just because you think you have a reason to break the law doesn't make it acceptable to do so. There are legal ways of getting into this country. Just because it's harder that way is not an acceptable reason to break the law and do it the easy way.
2007-05-14 19:51:57
answer #7
answered by Mnementh 4
Anti-Mexicanism is when a minority anti-Islam and wannabe white defame to the Mexican Nation and the Mexican nationals regardless color, ethnicity, social status, religion, political affiliation or language.
2007-05-15 14:14:36
answer #8
answered by Rikjard M 2
Its unfortunate that people like you fail to hear the word "illegal." You only play the race card, because its all you have. Of the people I know, and I'm in Texas, we don't hate Mexicans. We do kind of hate it when we have ILLEGALS (!) take away our jobs, don't pay the taxes that we have to pay, commit crimes with no retribution what so ever, or expect us to speak fluent Spanish for them. Thats what we hate, not Mexicans. That hardly qualifies as racist.
Hey, as for blaming Mexico? If Mexico were to be invaded tomorrow, I'd probably want to send some of our guys to help back Mexico up. Mexico is like a little brother, same for Canada.
I'm all for sharing that "American Pie," but when people start to walk out on the tab, then that kind of bugs me.
Oh yea, and as for the illegals doing the work we lazy Americans don't want to do? As much as I would LOVE to work roofing a house for $3.50 an hour, I do have bills to pay. It's not that I'm lazy, its that I can't afford to work for slave labor. If that kind of hard labor paid decent, I'd do it. I've worked that kind of stuff before. Also, by your logic, the entire state of Montana should have absolutely no productive output, that is unless the illegal Canadians are being put to use.
2007-05-14 20:08:25
answer #9
answered by m 4
It's the illegals that are the root of the problems. Even their own problems. The race card gets played so often instead of the word illegal. And if it isn't the race card - it's the - "we'll be separated from our children who were born here." Which is a load of bull**** too.
I find it amusing when that last one is mentioned. Because if any American left their children behind in another country (because they were born there) they would be charged with abandonment and spend time in jail for it. But illegals do this, and it's Americans fault for splitting up their families. But Americans are more responsible parents when it comes to making a decision to leave them or take them with them.
To answer your question -
I love it when they come to visit
I love it when they spend their money here
I love it when they go back to Mexico
Edited: - Aren't we all lucky to have BrwonBeret to give us an ignorant lecture of which he knows nothing about.
First off - it was 2 million visas granted, and that is more than any other country will offer up.
Second - It is politically correct to call an illegal immigrant illegal. As illegal means breaking the law. Which illegals are doing by being in the US illegally. They have no LEGAL status for being in the US - so they are illegals. I think the Mexicans would be insulted if the white people called them beaners when the illegal mexicans called the whites crackers. Did you know that crackers come in a variation of colors and not just white? Thought I'd ask - you seem to know so much.
In fact the illegals would have no reason to be in the US if the good ole' American government hadn't passed laws to legally fire American workers who were doing the jobs that are now being replaced with illegals. And those businesses are now in hot water and in the hot seat for abusing and misusing those H-1B Visa's for hiring illegal workers who are not educated enough or qualified to do those jobs in the first place. Meaning they had to be foreign skilled high-tech workers - which they are not.
1999: The US government passes the H-1B Visa amendments to close the loophole allowing Americans to be openly fired and replaced by H-1B workers..
2000: The US government passes the H-1B Visa amendments which almost doubles the number of temporary visas for foreign skilled high-tech workers from 115,000 annually to 195,000 annually for the next three years. the legislation was changed in response to the arguments of tech companies that contend they face a shortage of 300,000 workers and a 1.4 percent unemployment rate in the information technology industry. If they cannot draw the needed workers from abroad, they argue, they will be forced to more their facilities and research overseas.
You'll find plenty more of that info in this link. Including the fable of illegals babies becoming automatic American citizens. Also Congress cannot change the laws to allow amnesty or asylum to illegals. Only each State in the US can at their discretion, and if each of the States feel like it. http://idexer.com/
Third - you're half right. A person who gets pulled over for going 90mph or kills someone are not branded illegal. The act was illegal, and those parties are branded criminals. As is crossing the border and entering the US an illegal act, and those who do it are also branded criminals.
Fourth - Again you're half right. Some undocumented workers do go in and pay their taxes. But the IRS agency and the Immigration agency are not connected agencies. Which means just because the IRS collects money from illegals - they don't contact the Immigration and report those illegals. So no they don't know where all the illegals are.
But here's some questions for you. Why aren't the illegals paying into every other tax that Americans, Naturalized citizens, and legal non-citizens are paying into? But they are lying about being single moms and dads to collect and abuse US government programs paid into by those legal, and American citizens and meant for every one of those citizens and not for illegals? Which is also illegal and a criminal act.
Fifth - Tell me how the illegals aren't to blame for the social problems? They created that in Mexico itself, and now here illegally doing the same thing. No matter how often Mexicans breed and have children here it will not make them American citizens. How bright does one have to be to understand and comprehend that. Because if you and they continue to believe that - then it really goes to show just how uneducated you and they really are.
2007-05-14 23:57:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous