C'mon, that's not a real fundie. I don't believe this is a legitimate post.
2007-05-14 14:55:21
answer #1
answered by A 6
So...because YOU can't prove that unicorns don't exist, then that means that there's a 50% chance that they do? Mermaids? Leprechauns? Zeus? Harry Potter? can't PROVE he DOESN'T exist! So by your reasoning, that means there's a 50% chance he DOES exist! Look, I'm not going to start believing in your made-up God simply because you make the (incorrect) claim that there's a 50% chance that he does exist, any more than you're going to believe that Harry Potter or Zeus exist because by your OWN reasoning, there's a 50% chance they exist.
And the theory of evolution doesn't claim that we came from gorillas. (Or any other simian.) Look up the theory of evolution, and learn what it's really about, before ranting that it's wrong and that YOUR theory of a magical, supernatural, invisible super-being up in the sky is a more "intelligent" theory.
And how do walking sticks with fake leaves prove God? I don't get that one.
And everything is not perfectly "designed". Everything formed the way it did because of evolution. The climate on our planet is such that it couldn't form any other WAY.
Your argument is full of flaws, and it certainly isn't a convincing argument for the existence of God.
2007-05-14 15:03:53
answer #2
answered by Jess H 7
We're not arrogant, just smarter than you.
You can't prove the invisible pink unicorn doesn't exist - does that mean that there is at least a fifty percent chance of her being real right off the bat?
We understand evolution.
We know about stuff like the blind spot in the human eye, which means it is not "perfectly designed" as you claim.
We know the bible is one religious text out of many - even if there was a designer, and even if it was a god, it wouldn't have to be your god.
We know what the words "scientific theory" mean.
We know evolution doesn't claim "we came from gorillas".
We don't base our observations on what we would like to believe.
We know evolution is no accident - that's the 'natural selection' part.
We know atheism is not a religion.
We know spoons and forks don't have sex.
Here's some advice for you: realize jesus is just a shameless rip-off of older, cooler gods, and there is no heaven or hell.
2007-05-14 14:58:40
answer #3
answered by eldad9 6
First of all, you should specify which God you are talking about. There are over 2500 of them at least.
Failure to prove that something does not exist is not proof of existence. If everything is perfectly designed, how do you explain disease? Handicaps? Genetic defects? Mental illness?
The theory of evolution does not say that man came from Gorillas. It says that both man and primates evolved from a common ancestor. 96% of our genes are identical. And evolution is not an accident. There's nothing accidental about the process of natural selection.
Atheism is not a religion.
Spoons and forks are not sentient beings. Your analogy is way off there.
I haven't been arrogant. I've merely been honest.
2007-05-14 14:59:01
answer #4
answered by Julia Sugarbaker 7
first of all, if there is a god, that doesn't mean the bible is true. and you obviously dont know a thing about evolution because if you did you wouldnt have said what you did. 200,000 years ago gorillas didnt exist, neither did humans or chimps. what was here though was what evolved into chimps, humans, gorillas, and the other great apes. evolution doesnt happen on accident either. there are rules, the main one is, what works is kept. you sir are both arrogant and ignorant, a bad combo if you ask me. why dont you work on that and come back again. email me if you have questions (in other words if you feel you need to be corrected again)
2007-05-14 15:05:19
answer #5
answered by god_of_the_accursed 6
I can prove your god doesn't exist. Ever hear of the omnipotence paradox?
Please, go back to school and learn something about evolution so you won't look like such a fool trying to attack it. The only people who say "evolution says we came from monkeys" ARE Christian fundies! They are the only ones.
Atheism simply is a lack of belief in any god. It is not a religion.
I found Jesus, me and him weren't meant for each other so I said Adios. I'm an EX-Christian.
2007-05-14 15:10:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You seem awfully arrogant...
And immature. I get the feeling that you just came back from a youth rally, all motivated, wanting to take on the Atheists of the world. But unfortunately, your preacher didn't give you much to work with.
The fact that there is absolutely no evidence of God's existence does not give him a 50/50 chance right off the bat.
Even if the earth was designed intelligently, that would say absolutely nothing about the Bible. Try actually reading it some time. It is full of horrible atrocities, men, women, children slaughtered in the name of God. Stories of children being dashed against the rocks and pregnant women being cut open with swords, all in the name of God. Throw in all the geographical errors, scientific errors, contradictions and absurdities, and the Bible is far from true.
Walking sticks did to evolve on "accident." It's called natural selection, and it's a process that takes millions and millions of years of birth, genetic change, and rebirth.
Atheism, is the absense of religion. There may be arrogant atheists, but there are no delusional atheists.
Jesus is the only way to Heaven? I could cite a dozen religions that would disagree. And they all think that they are right and you're the one going to hell.
Spoons and forks ARE related. What planet do you live on? They are both eating utensils, and they are both constructed from the same materials. There is even an intermediary form that would make Kirk Cameron blush, the Spork.
2007-05-14 14:53:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
dear whoever,
just to let you know and i am not bursting your ballon or popping ur bubble or whatever they say but the pope believes in evolution and i can explain. the question is not whether evolution happened or did god poof us alll into existence. the question is how did God get the universe started. the bible if taken out of context and looking at the esscence of it says that God could create the universe and all teh laws of physics and then let it happen. so we can assume that God created teh beginning and then by his influence on the start we were created by him. now aetheists believe that somehow the world poofed into existence without God. but how could this happen. if we assume the universe did not always exist which most people say, then something created it, and why not God. Those people are mostly arrogant becasue many are just rebelling against society or parents or whoever. rebels are always arrogant. its how they argue. the more cocky they seem the more correct they seem. i have many aetheist friends who always seem to good for themselves when talking about religion. they think that stating their logic in a "duh your stupid" manner will make them right. sry that was long but sometimes those poeple piss me off
2007-05-14 15:03:58
answer #8
answered by sokkershark 2
I love your logic. By your logic you just blasphemed against your own god.
"They say you can't prove He exists, but guess what? You CAN'T prove he doesn't exist. That means there is at least a fifty percent chance of God being real "
Same concept/logic can be applied to Zeus, Thor, Ra, Odin and Loki. So, there we have it. According to your logic, in this example we now have 6 gods with a probability of 50% of being real. According to your logic, that must mean that 3 out of 6 are real.
You are an amazing monotheist, really.
2007-05-14 14:59:10
answer #9
answered by ? 6
"They say you can't prove He exists, but guess what? You CAN'T prove he doesn't exist. That means there is at least a fifty percent chance of God being real right off the bat "
I'd love to play poker against you.
Just think about that statement for a second, and see if you can see what a damned fool you just made of yourself.
Then come back and apologize for this idiotic accusation. You let your own arrogance get the best of you.
2007-05-14 14:53:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Not all of them are, and they are not the only ones who act that way. Ever hear of "Holier Than Thou" religious people?
People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
I am not an atheist, but I am first cousin to them, being an agnostic.
I do not believe that people came from gorillas. I believe gorillas came from people. I also think that some people ARE gorillas. In fact, gorillas are a lot nicer than some people.
2007-05-14 15:01:35
answer #11
answered by harridan5 4