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Okay, so I believe in God, I've accepted Jesus as my savior. I have my own personal relationship with him so I know there's a place for me in heaven.

But I would love for you other people (don't mean this in a mean way) to prove to me how you know the Bible is true and accurate? Man wrote it, and we all know Man is not trustworthy so how can you be so sure that its true? There's no physical proof that it is and there are SO many different versions of the Bible. I believe Jesus died for our sins, there is physical proof of that, but the Bible was written by Man so that is hard to believe anything that is written in there.

Give me some physical proof that the Bible is true. And don't babble off verses, that's only going dig you deeper in a hole. :)

And this is PURE curiosity people so chill out and don't go all nuts on me. lol

2007-05-14 12:09:49 · 17 answers · asked by Water Witch 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

You will wait a long time for such proof, because there isn't any: since the bible has hundreds of errors, it is obvious that to prove it is true is impossible.

2007-05-14 12:15:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Think of how hard it would be . . . to prophesy, who, what, where, and when . . . about the Messiah . . . and then 5,000 to 3,000 years pass (depending on which of hundreds of prophesies you look at . . . many different authors, btw) . . . a man comes a long and is born at the right place, right time, right birth lineage, lives a life that no one can find fault with . . . DOES MIRACLES . . . gets killed by a 'new' way of killing - (but not new to the prophesy) . . . is seen by his closest friends and followers; then by over 5,000 others later that month . . . [better known as 'raising from the dead'] . . . then to top it all off . . . goes up on a hill . . . is seen in a 'cloud' talking to Abraham and Moses . . . and then just leaves the planet!

One question: How can the Bible have got it so right and be so wrong? . . . the prophets wrote, and it happened . . .

Okay . . . one more thing . . . Abraham was promised that his seed (decendents) would always be here on the planet, that they would be too numerous to count, and would bless all nations . . .and look! There are Jews everwhere! They are some of the smartest minds on the planet - science, politics, business, entertainment . . . maybe one of the only people to be taken away from their homeland for 1500 yrs? and then return and reorganize a Nation? Are these some special people? Did the Bible not say is was so? (btw . . . Jesus . . . also a Jew)

Come on . . . this is easy . . . you'll never find these kind of odds anywhere . . . you can bet your life on it!

2007-05-14 12:44:03 · answer #2 · answered by Clark H 4 · 0 0

Hi Phantom.

If you were an atheist, an agnostic, or a person practicing another religion, I could understand your asking this question, but I'm puzzled as to why a professing Christian would doubt the authenticity of the Bible. The fact that you say the Bible was written by man (a very worldly statement), and not the Holy Spirit, makes me doubt your genuineness as a Christian, so let me ask you a question:

Are you _sure_ you're really a Christian and not a false convert? Why did you become a Christian in the first place? Did you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior because you were looking for some kind of "religious experience", or because you looked into "mirror" of the 10 Commandments and you didn't like what you saw?

Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Are you absolutely sure that if you died today that you would go to heaven? These are questions you need to ask yourself.

A good way to find out for sure would be to take a good person quiz at www.needgod.com. It's a short quiz based on the 10 Commandments. Please listen to the voice of your conscience and be honest in your answers.


P.S. I know you asked for those responding to your post to not give you verses, but let me give you just a couple...John 14:21. Ask the Lord Jesus to show you if you truly have been born again, and if so, to please reveal himself to you through his holy word which is his promise to everyone who has truly repented of their sins and placed their trust in him.

Also, keep this one other verse from Scripture in mind:

You can know the Bible is true because _Jesus_ knows it's true. He quoted from it often. He said to the Pharisees, "You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life, but the Scriptures point to me."


2007-05-14 12:58:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I understand your concern. Well, think about it this way: we all believe what is written in science text books. for example, it's written that these things called atoms exist, and we believe it. but have you ever actually seen an atom? i think not. all that we believe is what the scientists say...and the "evidence" that the scientists have found from experiments that they did. but you were not there when those experiments were actually done, yet, when a book is written about the findings, you believe and accept what the scientists say they found. We all know that scientists are people who are specialized and most knowledgeable in the field of science and therefore their word is most plausible, so we believe it. Similarly, we do not know that what the Scribes wrote, which is what we now read in the bible, is true. However, we have come to accept and believe it, because the Scribes shared a close relationship with god, and they were sort of like the religious version of scientists. We therefore accept their word to be most plausible. So i cannot say that the bible is actually true and accurate........all the same, i cannot say that what is written in science text books is true and accurate. After all, scientists, like scribes, are human, and humans are not trustworthy. It is known that there are many conflicting versions of the bible which makes your quest for the truth in the bible even more difficult. But similarly, several science text books also conflict each other on particular science topics. So what are we to believe?

What is to be acknowledged is that the bible does contain essential core teachings and guides for a siritually healthy life, despite the minor contradictions here and there. And this, in my view, is what is most important. :)

2007-05-14 12:40:52 · answer #4 · answered by Spurious 3 · 2 0

Actually men were inspired to write the bible through God. So in a sense God wrote the bible. I know you said no scripture, but the only way to prove to you the bible is true is to use scripture. Isa 53 talks predicts Jesus Death, written 700 before Jesus was born a man.

2007-05-15 15:54:20 · answer #5 · answered by Tyson D 1 · 0 0

To discover whether or not the Bible is true, we must ask four critical questions: Did the places in the Bible actually exist? Did the people in the Bible actually exist? Did the events in the Bible actually take place? Are there scientific truths to be found in the Bible? If one can answer "yes" to all of these questions, then one can assert that the Bible is true.

Through archaeology the majority of the places mentioned in the Bible have been found, showing the historical accuracy of the Bible. Some places mentioned in the Bible are Nineveh, Persia, Italy, Egypt, Rome, and Babylon. Other civilizations also wrote about these places. These were actual locations, some of which still exist today and others whose ruins have been found.
The writers of the Old and New Testaments knew the geography of Israel quite well, mentioning such places as Bethlehem, the Jordan River, Galilee, the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, and the Sea of Galilee. These are places that still exist in Palestine today.

The Bible contains many characters, which are also mentioned in the writings of other civilizations. The following are some of these: Herod the Great, Caesar Augustus, Herod Agrippa, Caiaphas, Cyrus the Great, Xerxes (Ahasuerus), Artaxerxes, and Nebuchadnezzar.
The Bible says Jesus was brought before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him to death. Jewish sources also speak of Pontius Pilate. The Department of Antiquity of Israel undertook an excavation of the city of Caesarea, the Roman capitol of Judea at the time of Christ. During this excavation, archaeologists found a stone plaque, apparently recording the dedication of a building, with a Latin inscription naming 'Pontius Pilate, Praefect of Judaea'.

The Bible tells of the Great Flood (Genesis 7:10-8:14). The Gilgamesh Epic, written on 12 cuneiform tablets, is an ancient Babylonian story that also makes reference to a great flood. Greek mythology also describes a great flood. Assyrian and Sumerian documents also have an account of a great flood. Among other peoples whose folklore and legends contain accounts of a devastating flood are those of southern Asia, the aborigines of North, Central, and South America, and the natives of Polynesia. The fossil record also shows evidence of a worldwide, catastrophic flood.
The Bible says that Sennacherib was murdered by his two sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer, and Esarhaddon his son succeeded him as king (Isaiah 37:37-38). Two archaeologists excavated a portion of Nineveh, and found a large baked clay six-sided cylinder inscribed with the annals of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria from 680-669 B.C. This cylinder, along with others found elsewhere, confirm and supplement the Biblical records. From them we learn that in 681 B.C. Sennacherib was murdered by his two elder sons, Adrammelech and Nergal-Sharezer, because of their jealousy of the favors shown Esarhaddon, their younger brother. Sometime after the murder of Sennacherib, a battle was fought between the armies of Esarhaddon and the forces under his brothers and Erimenas. Esarhaddon won a complete and decisive victory, after which his army proclaimed him king of Assyria.

The Bible says that Earth is a circle suspended in space (Isaiah 40:22; Job 26:7). The Bible also states that ocean currents or "paths" flow through the sea (Psalms 8:8). The Bible says that the water cycle keeps the land watered (Job 36:27; Ecclesiastes 1:7; Amos 5:8), and it says that the winds form a circulating system (Ecclesiastes 1:6). The Bible also says that blood sustains life (Leviticus 17:11). The Bible gives a logical way of protecting oneself from diseases: "But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it." (Genesis 9:4).

I'm sorry that my answer is so lengthy, but I felt it pertinent to answer my own critical questions. I hope that I have provided a sufficient "yes" to my critical questions, and convincingly proven to you that the Bible is true.

2007-05-14 22:27:53 · answer #6 · answered by aaronelguapocr 2 · 0 0

Well, what if somebody tells you a fable about 'long, long ago' and you know that it's not really true but it's trying to prove a point? As long as you read the Bible in the right context, you ought to still be able to get something out of it. As you said, men wrote the Bible and included some of their own flavoring and opinions that they felt God should agree with. Too bad some of them were wrong but some of it's true. It's up to you to decide what is real and what is just someone's opinion. I'm really glad that there is at least a chance that Revelations is something that already happened long long ago.

2007-05-14 12:18:26 · answer #7 · answered by ? 6 · 0 1

The numerous fulfilled prophecies in the book of Daniel really do it for me- tangible, historically accurate and verifiable proof that the prophecies god gave to Daniel came true is abundant.

The Dead Sea Scrolls, the fall of the Babylonian empire, the rise of the following worldly powers (Medo-Persia, Greece, Anglo-American) and the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled are only a few.

If you are curious, I can send the scriptural references as well as the proof you seek.

If not, that's okay too.

Nice question :0)

2007-05-14 12:18:29 · answer #8 · answered by danni_d21 4 · 0 0

for starters....

Jesus believed in the Bible.

Jesus believed in
1) lot's wife turning to salt
2) noah
3) adam and eve
4) moses
5) david
6) abraham
7) Isaiah

out of curiosity...if Jesus believed the Old Testament is true and you do not... what do you mean by you 'belivign in Jesus"

Jesus back from the dead on the Emausous road walked thru the Bible showing how it pointed to himself and said "foolish man and slow of heart not to believe all the prophets have spoken" Of the few things recorded Jesus said after raising from the dead, trusting in the Bible is one

2007-05-14 12:17:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I also accept Jesus but not the so-called bible. The mainstream bible of today is basically a book put together by king Constantine and his click of scribes at the council at Nicaea. He had all the original New testaments burned (he forgot one) and put what he felt it should say to control the citizens. The original Followers of Christ (the Essenes) hid one original in the basement of a Buddhist temple so Constantine wouldn't find it. For info google gospelofthenazirenes.com For sincere seekers of Jesuses teachings.

2007-05-14 12:18:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Curious what answers this gets. We probably agree, it's "true" in the sense of a poem with rich symbolism of a deeper meaning is true. The "dinosaurs on the Ark" people drive me nuts.

Leave the worrying about facts to others. Ask yourself about the meanings behind the stories.

Maybe you agree with them, maybe you don't. But don't get frozen on the whole "factual" issue. We're dealing with myth, symbolism, ideas far too large to be contained with dates, weights and measures.

Literalism is, IMHO, a tool of Satan to keep people from scratching beneath surfaces. Keep people debating on what season Christ was born in, or how tall he was, anything to keep them from THINKING about WHAT HE HAD TO SAY.

2007-05-14 12:24:35 · answer #11 · answered by Brian 4 · 1 0

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