No, thats a very common misconception.
Hi, I am a disiplined student of the manuscripts; God does not know what you will or will not do; "free will" really is complete freedom of choice, and it isn't that God knows what you will do, but rather what God knows is YOU, PERSONALLY.
Just like you could pretty well guess what your mom might do given a certain situation, because you know her so well, its the same with God. He knows you from before you came into the flesh, so he has a pretty good idea about which way you will tend to go - but beyond that, no he does not know for sure where you will end up.
(for the scholar, yes I realize the Elect have already been judged).
2007-05-14 10:14:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You are eternal. You chose to come here due to envying His position. He didn't tell you to come to the Material world you desired it. Hell and heaven are temporary designations in the material world. God knows everything we will do and have done he never touches our free will. Though He gives unlimited opportunities to serve Him. Hell is for very bad karma (reactions to our previous actions) and heaven is for our very good actions. earth is for a combination of both. If one wants to stop the cycle of repeated birth death old age and disease then the quickest way is to chant the maha Mantra for info go to read Bhagavad Gita as it is BY BHaktivedanta Prabhupada-tells all.
2007-05-14 17:09:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I love how Fireball quantifies his powers by saying he USUALLY.....some all powerful God this is, huh??
According to Pslams 139, yes, he knoows everything. Now, try to wrap your mind around the concept of free will - befoore you were born, God knew you were destined for Hell - how exactly does that give you free will to not end up in Hell???
2007-05-14 17:12:53
answer #3
answered by Athiests_are_dumb 3
When God made you the only factor of any consideration was when you were going to return home from your current learning experience
2007-05-14 17:07:14
answer #4
answered by nikola333 6
Yes he did. He gave you life and the free will to choose him or death. But he knows the end from the beginning.
2007-05-14 17:18:10
answer #5
answered by ronald s 3
firstly god didn't make you, you were born of a mother according to the laws of nature... secondly mother nature has already eliminated heaven and hell.... also according to the laws of nature... it is just one step in healing nature from the damages done through the history of religion on earth... nature leaves no room for life after death... humans will have to accept that they get only one shot at life and learn to appreciate it....
2007-05-14 17:09:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes...heaven...for that is the only place you can go.
~ Eric Putkonen
2007-05-14 17:14:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you believe in God & describe him as omniscient, then he must know what's going to happen. If you think God doesn't know everything, then it seems to me you're worshiping an irrelevant God.
2007-05-14 17:07:05
answer #8
answered by NHBaritone 7
he gave you and me the choice to hide or disclose what goes on in our life. our conscience has for the most part been conformed by the world around us. and we must fight our way through it all, with one leader; Jesus.
2007-05-14 17:11:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, God isnt limited to time-the bible God knows everything-we think finite he knows infinate
what helped me to change my way to go to heaven instead of where I was going is=Happy day, and a Lady said this to me="this is a good greeting. I can give you something that will make you think.One should not mistake the statement that "God is love"God does not condemn those who do not seek his love according to his mercy. Gods definition of Love is simply his mercy. With out love. read 1 John 4 Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Not that we loved God but he loves us and sent his Son as a atonement and sacrifice for our sins. God gives us his Spirit.That is when we love one and another. God lives in us and that love is made complete.
Perfect love cast out fear.There is no fear in love. We love because God loved us first. So when you expect that from others and it does not happen be it parents,associates, brothers or sisters. With God his love has always been unconditional God loves just because. And gives mercy just because. All you need but ask,he is always knocking at the door of ones heart. His commands are not burdensome,for everyone born of God overcomes the world,even our faith. Who is it that overcomes,only he that believes that Jesus is the son of the living God!
I like what you said so I would like to share this=Hey Precious! You've got a lot on your mind this morning. That's a good thing... God wants you to examine and ask questions. Jeremiah 33:3 says for us to call on Him and He will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. You said something that caught my eye: "It's very hard to understand a good parent when all you've had to go on is an abusive example telling you what makes sense and what feels good." . It has taken me years to understand why God could love a person like me, yet we have parents or others that have not acted this way to us. I have to look at my father ... and then look beyond him ... he isn't capable of giving what he doesn't have for himself. On the other hand, God can ... because He created you princess ... He thought the world would be a better place with you in it ... and He was right! I feel you're top-shelf material ...
the big picture-your in the center of it
do you mind if I wish you the happiest day of your life?
princess you are nice-thanks
if you spend your life as I did--its empty/a wasted life-To the princess, have a happy blessed week :D Believe the Prince of Peace "Unto us will be born a child, a son will be given, and he will be almighty God and the prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6 He is Jesus the Messiah my Savior and our best friend if we let Him.
Be in life blessed. What helped me most was His unconditional love; Jesus cares heart and soul for you, me and all = "I love you and knock on your heart door to come in forgive and deliver from sin (even one lie) and become your friend, if you repent and ask me in to your heart." Revelation 3:19&20 so I prayed peace/salam "I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me be my friend, amen" Now I thank Jesus every day for being my best friend! :D
peace Salam/Shalom I am born Jewish, and to you this day in Isaiah 52:13-53:12 our Messiah- the prince of peace God almighty the son given Isaiah 9:6 again thanks for your smile princess beauty - peace be upon thee, David
Here I sit on a Hill;
who could blame me, cry my fill;
Every tear happy & sad sharing the Gospel,
I gave my heart, to give how I feel,
to share Jesus love the Bible shield;
So in love he is sealed,
Oh love,
sharing promise in Jesus of the rainbow, sharing peace in Jesus of the dove.
my only true love for now as a soldier for Jesus in my heart and above.
Have purpose in life-"Life on earth twill soon be past only what is done for Jesus will last."
have a happy week, David Know God desires the best for you and heaven too.
2007-05-14 17:07:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous