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should you be even allowed to comment on the matter ?

have you ever had to do something that goes against everything you stand for because it seems the only thing left to do in your situation ?
have you ever been raped and carried a reminder of that rape each day ?
have you ever have to live with a reminder of something that hurts every time you think of it ?
have you ever had to make the most difficult decision of your life with support and understanding from anyone around you ?

people assume that abortion is as easy as taking the pill , and yes for " some " it may be
but for the majority of people , I am sure this is the most heart breaking decision they have ever had to make in their life

I am so tired of self righteous people telling others what they can and can do with their body
and until you have walked in their shoes ...... should you even be commenting ?

2007-05-14 08:02:45 · 65 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

65 answers

Well I haven't committed armed robbery or rape but I really think I should be allowed to comment on it. Both are wrong!

2007-05-14 08:05:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 22 17

Yeah, I think people should be allowed to comment on all issues - they're going to have their own opinions no matter how well or ill informed they are, so there's no way to stop them commenting either.

What I think is important is to maintain the focus on the human. I think we should always be wary of CONDEMNING anyone for an action that affects their lives - certainly if you've never walked that mile in their shoes, you don't have the right to condemn their choices. Even if you HAVE walked that mile, you still don't have the right to say their choice was universally wrong - it might not have been the choice you made, but it's the one they made. People making the equivalence with child molestation and other crimes against living human beings are really taking too big a step. The "murder of young children" ONLY applies to human beings that have been born, as far as I can see. Up till that point, they're potential human beings. Yes, I know, the survival rates for earlier-born children is getting much better, and I'm not getting into the business of where "life" starts. The fact is until it's born, it's not a child, it's a foetus, and the life of a foetus, bottom line, is the mother's to do with whatever is right for her.

Walking in other people's shoes is a great antidote to dogmatic self-righteousness. The day THAT's available in pill form, there'll be dancing in the streets...

2007-05-14 09:38:52 · answer #2 · answered by mdfalco71 6 · 0 1

I have never had an abortion, but I have counseled many who have and many really regret their decision. I have never had an abortion, but I could have been aborted, due to my birth mom not being able to raise me- praise God for adoption- also my 2 adopted kids could have been aborted as well. No I have never been raped, and for all who have, I am SO sorry that you were victimized- however the baby was innocent in this whole thing- I know women who have carried these babies and placed for adoption. I am not self-righteous. I have done many things that is sin in the eyes of God and man- however I will say this- we as Christians are to stand up for those who can not stand for themselves. By the way, an abortion is not just the "woman's body". If that were the case we would never mourn when a woman has a miscarriage. About not being aloud to even comment? How about those comments from the unborn? What do you think they are saying?

2007-05-14 08:57:30 · answer #3 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

Have you ever had an abortion? If not, then it's hypocritical for you to comment on the matter. I do not think that a decision on the legality of abortion should solely rest upon those who have chosen it as an option- that is biased. The rape scenario is always used as a justification to keep abortion on the table; yet the majority of people who choose abortion were not the victims of rape;they got pregnant on accident, and want a quick way out. Under the guidelines you have set; yes, I can comment, I have had an abortion. I also do not think that rape is a viable excuse for abortion- 2 wrongs dont make a right, and it is ignorant to think that a woman would not be able to handle carrying her unborn child, just because the paternal DNA was undesirable and the conception was forced. Woman have endured rape throughout all of history, we are stronger than that; and I find it offensive that people dont give us credit for our strength. I know a 13 yr old girl who was raped, gave birth to her daughter, and loves HER child very much. She finished highschool, and college, and all the while cared for HER child. Having experienced abortion first hand, I have changed my view on it. I do not wish that any woman should have to endure the consequences of willfully terminating the life of another out of ignorance or politically correct propagenda; which is the real reason that abortion exists today- it has little to do with what is best for woman and everything to do with labs getting their paws on the fetal remains for their own profit. Abortion clinics make a killing out of killing- they recieve payment for the procedure, and from the labs that buy the fetus's body. Abortion is no solution, it is a mirage of a solution; if any other age group were treated with such disregard, it would be considered genocide. We all know that abortion is morally wrong; but so are alot of other things we acceptin our society- and the bottom line is, we try to force something to be accepted as ok, if it suits our purpose. If our purpose involves destroying someone or something else, we justify it by any means we can conjure up. This being said, I have chosen abortion, and did it knowing full well that it was morally wrong- but the ends justified the means, to me, at the time; but abortion is still wrong and I am just as aware of that, as everyone else. I have to live with theconsequences of myactions, and I am past the pointof trying to excuse my behavior. It was wrong, it is always wrong, and nothing anyone says is going to change that it's wrong. It is arrogant to think that public opinion is ever going to determine the legality of abortion- there's too much profit in it, to ever ban it.

2007-05-14 08:55:12 · answer #4 · answered by Erin 3 · 4 0

I think everyone has been in a situation (granted, not the same one) where there was pain, hopelessness, uncertainty about what to do. Everyone has a 'most difficult decision of your life.' Not everyone has been raped, but I'm sure there are a great number of people who have been affected very personally by someone else going through it.
I have never been raped, but my mother has. Numerous times, unfortunately. She did get pregnant once. I think I was 2 or 3 and my younger sister was just a baby. She was a single mother already and dating the man who became my step-dad at the time.
My family (mostly all of us) are christian. My grandfather was a pastor of a baptist church at the time. She didn't believe in abortion before her rape and pregnancy, and she doesn't believe in it now. How horrible it was for her! How could she handle all of it? How would she explain her baby to everyone? How would they treat him if they knew? How would my dad react to the enormity of it all? How could she love this child the way a mother should? How would everyone react to an abortion? The pastor's daughter?! How could she explain to the babies she already had that they had another sibling?
My mother is the strongest woman I know. She said abortion popped in her head for only a moment, and was dismissed just as quickly. She had children before, she knew when life began. She has the strength to hold up her beliefs no matter what the circumstance. She had my brother, put him up for adoption, and a family friend's sister adopted him. She and her husband couldn't have kids. Her husband died when my brother was 6, so he was raised by a single mother also. When I graduated high school, he showed up to my graduation party. My mom knew when she looked at him. He has a wife and family now. His wife is grateful my mom didn't abort him, their son is grateful she didn't abort him, his adopted mother is grateful she didn't abort him, and I am glad she didn't abort him. Most importantly, SHE is glad she didn't abort him while in the midst of all the pain and emotion you feel in that situation as it overwhelms you. She has a son. Yes, he knows how he was concieved, but my mother has dealt with her rape(s) and now has the joy of a child (and grand children) instead of the guilt of an abortion.
I think I my perspective is very valid even though I have not personally been raped or had an abortion.
Don't assume that just because someone hasn't personally been through it, they don't have anything valid to add.

2007-05-16 16:35:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Based on this line of logic: If you have never killed a person, should you be able to comment on murder or war? If you have never been a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, should you be allowed to comment on corporate greed? If you have never been an elected official, should you be allowed to protest corruption in the government? If you have never had a mental illness, should you comment on your friend's depression?

I smell some hypocrisy here.

I hate to come on so strong, because to some extent, I agree with you. I am certainly not Pro-Life. But you are missing an important point here: you want people to walk in your shoes, but you don't want to walk in theirs! Have you considered how someone who is staunchly Pro-Life feels? It doesn't matter how badly you feel about it. From their point of view you killed a living, human being! Whether or not they are right is up for debate, but considering that they believe this, how can they NOT speak out? And your point that it was a heart breaking decision only proves their point in their eyes. If it was such a heart breaking decision, then perhaps you made the wrong decision?

So yes. They should be commenting. They think they are doing what is right. Are they? That is more open to debate than whether or not they should be talking about this. I would argue that everything you say here is a valid situation that many Pro-Life people do not take very seriously, and it is very sad that you have had to go through this. You are right that many of them have not walked in your shoes. That said, it is a greatly contested topic for a reason. There are two sides to the story, whether or not you are right or wrong.

2007-05-14 08:14:10 · answer #6 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 3 1

Hey there kiddo, well stated. So many people are Ignorant of the facts surrounding Abortion so they turn to their Emotional Sins of Arrogance trying to play God as if God can't deal with the Situation so B.G. they will!!! THAT IS SOOOOOO WRONG!!!!!! And it could really be avoided if they could only learn to manage their own lives!!! Aside from this, "THERE IS NO LIFE IN THE HUMAN WOMB OTHER THAN BIOLOGICAL!!!!!!!! PERIOD!!!! Yeah, go ahead & point out the Scripture that says "I knew U in the womb" & twist it any way that U think makes U Righteous, but God Knows All, the "Possible" & the "Actual" according to our Actions / Decisions!!! Scripture is also VERY CLEAR when in Genesis 2:7 He says "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and "BREATHED" into his nostrils, the "BREATH of LIFE"; and man became a "LIVING BEING." The Hebrew here is "Nuchshamah" which speaks of "CREATION" and ONLY GOD can CREATE!!! At the same time God "Creates" Human life, He also "Imputes Spiritual Death" through Original Sin!!! So mankind is born Physically Alive & Spiritually Dead, hence the need for Christs' work on the cross!!! Abortion IS BETWEEN A WOMAN & HER DOCTOR, BUT IS NOT RIGHTLY USED AS "BIRTH CONTROL"!!! Abortion is no worse than Lying, Stealing, or whatever UR "Favorite" Sin to hold over people happens to be!!! So good for U girl, don't give into the Self Righteous, deal with Ur Heavenly Father, He Loves U!!! John & Tam

2007-05-14 08:30:46 · answer #7 · answered by moosemose 5 · 1 2

Yes, we can and should comment. The Catholic church, for example, believes that life in all its precious uniqueness begins at the moment of conception. Then there are many who say that they don't know for sure when life begins but do assert that life is sacred and precious.

People who think like this have an obligation to stand up and voice it, just the same way as you have the right to stand up and voice your opinion.

Now, that doesn't mean that all us "pro-lifers" are heartless snobs who have never had to face this situation and have no compassion for those who feel they have no choice. I personally am against abortion BUT I do not think illegalizing it is the answer. What needs to be done for women who are facing a truly scary crossroad (and not using it as a form of birth control) is to provide more support and options. And if they do still choose an abortion, then love and forgiveness and healing are in order.

Believe it or not, the Catholic church has programs for women who are coping with the aftermath of abortions. No condemnation, no judgement... only help and healing.

2007-05-14 08:10:22 · answer #8 · answered by Church Music Girl 6 · 4 1


It's not a math equation where two negatives can negate each other and be positive.

Yes, it's not easy. Yes, it is heart breaking. Yes, you have the right to be mad at the world if you've been done wrong.

Abort the child? and then what? how can you live with yourself knowing that you killed an innocent life in you? A life that shares your DNA, that shares you blood, that shares your oxygen? How do you know that you couldn't do it when you haven't even tried?

2007-05-14 13:09:30 · answer #9 · answered by coco_loco 3 · 0 0

should you be even allowed to comment on the matter ?

Yes, murder is murder. Murder is illegal.

have you ever had to do something that goes against everything you stand for because it seems the only thing left to do in your situation ?

Yes, I was extremely thirsty one time and I had no money. The thirst I was dealing with was enough to kill a camel. The cafeteria at work has no staff in it after 3:00 pm. I stole a Soda. I feel horrible about it, but i had to do it.

have you ever had to do something that goes against everything you stand for because it seems the only thing left to do in your situation ?

I have never been raped.

have you ever have to live with a reminder of something that hurts every time you think of it ?

Yea, I got this tatoo on my arm that i regret just about everyday. Everytime I look down I am reminded of it.

have you ever had to make the most difficult decision of your life with support and understanding from anyone around you ?

Of course. I wasnt sure if i should buy PS2 or XBOX when they came out. But thankfully, my family was there to support me and I ended up getting both. It was the only way.

should you even be commenting ?

Yes. Murder is Murder. Just becasue the baby starts out in a woman's belly, doesn't give her the right take the baby's life away. Rape is a different story. I think if a woman is raped and it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law in front of a jury, then the woman should be able to get an abortion. However, she should go through some type of counseling where they try to talk her into having the baby and giving it up for adoption. An abortion should be a lot more difficult to get than it currently is today.

2007-05-14 08:15:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Infanticide is infanticide,irregardless of whether it took place in vitro or ex. No,I've never had an abortion. I've also never killed anyone,least of all a baby. Yeah,I've got a say in the matter. First,any member of our society does or should; that's called democracy,very different from a Victorian matriarchy. It isn't up to the Queen. Everyone decides,through our representatives in Congress,unless subverted by judicial fiat. Oh by the way - doesn't the "fetus" - my what dehumanizing language,sure fools me - have two parents? Is there any provision you might care to suggest to safeguard the parental rights of the father? No,I guess not. Well,don't worry,as long as that sanhedrin-style court in D.C. holds sway you can slaughter all the infants you want. Besides,it's Jewish religious law,strictly kosher up to the third month. For affirmation I suggest Rabbi Feldman's "Sexual Ethics and Jewish Law" which was obviously the basis for this so-called case law from 1973.

2007-05-14 12:51:53 · answer #11 · answered by Galahad 7 · 0 1

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