The problem is that you are relying on your own self justification. You cannot try to be good, its only Jesus can make you 'good'. The Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of God's standard. There is nothing WE can do to put this right, other than simply trusting Jesus to forgive us - when we ask. The Bible says that He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This way, He will give us a new heart, cleansed and free!
As far as the fornication is concerned, you know it to be wrong, so stop. It is far better to be obedient to God than it is to your girlfriend. If she respects you then she will not mind, in fact she will honour you for your decision.
You need to be saved, to be born again.
If you would like to know more, please contact me direct.
2007-05-13 22:33:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Lotta good answers, some junk mixed in. In order to truly understand the scriptures, you need to know the history of it all, and that starts with Genesis. Start there and read to the beginning of Revelation, and you will have a good idea of what went down and why things were done the way they were. Don't try to memorize the whole thing, but learn the events that led to or caused other events. Like crossing the Red Sea. Someone has now said he found out that Moses didn't cross the Red Sea, but the Dead sea, and at a time when the water was only a few inches deep. He contends that there was no miracle involved. Maybe so, but how much more of a miracle do you want. God drowned Pharaoh's entire army in ankle deep water. So who knows what mistakes history made, either was a miracle. About the 6th or 7th time through, you'll begin to understand some of what is being told to the point that you can start teaching others about it. Maybe sooner since you seem to be fairly well educated. God Bless You. When you think you have it all down good, then study Revelation. It'll scare the pants off ya. I don't recommend it to novices in the word.
2016-05-17 12:20:34
answer #2
answered by leonor 4
Ignore Punter. Please.
Remember, we've ALL sinned and fallen short. I've done some terrible things, too. We all have. And yes, God forgives EVERY sin, no matter how "major" or "minor."
God hasn't left you. If you feel Him pulling away, it's because YOU'RE pulling away. God never gives up on us, and He'll never forsake us. We are assured in Isaiah 49:16 that our names are burned into God's hand, and He will never forget us!
I'm going to give you the same advice I gave another Christian friend of mine who was and perhaps still is struggling with the same thing:
What you're going through is the same thing that ALL Christians face. I've felt sometimes as though when I pray, I'm beating on the door of an empty house. Other times, I've wondered if I'm actually a Christian, and also, just how strong IS my belief? Do I REALLY believe this stuff? What I've learned is that THAT is the time to pray for wisdom, and for discernment.
Go ahead and tell your girlfriend that you're experiencing some guilt about having sex with her. Ask God to give you the right words to say. If she doesn't respect that, she's not the one for you. I hate to put it so bluntly, but it's the truth. I've already prayed for you, and I'll continue to lift you up in prayer.
2007-05-13 22:37:31
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
I understand you to the fullest Man of God! In the Bible, you will read about some of the great people that had fervor (a passion, and eargerness) for God. They had such a zeal for Him at one time in their lives. They were hungry for Him, and as you read on, you would see how they walked away from God. When Paul talks about Demas and how Demas forsaked Paul and God when the going got tough. You read about Samson, and John the Baptist, and many others. Walked away from God, but glady, God never walked away from them and He never walks away from you!
Just because you had pre-marital sex with your girlfriend doesn't make you a fornicator. As long as you knew this was a sin and you asked for forgiveness, and you repented unto God. And He FORGETS IT!! Stop "trying" and actually start "doing". Be faithful, be true, and be pure, and because you are a child of God, you WILL succeed. NEVER EVER give up! NEVER EVER quit! You may feel lonely at times, but you are never alone.
You say if you were God, you wouldn't have forgiven yourself. That's because you're not God and you can't pretend to be Him. Aren't you happy that there is no human being that has the same power as God that would use it against His glory? The Bible says God never leaves nor forsakes us. Be STRONG! When you feel as though you are being disconnected from God, that's when you disconnect yourself from the world. That's when you slow down and come to your senses and read the word of God. Pray and fast. Consencrate yourself. Isolate yourself. Spend time with God. Bind every attack of Satan because he is the one that tempts you, but it's your choice whether or not you give into that temptation. Keep in mind that yes, God forgives, but never ever keep doing wrong while thinking, "I can do this and know that God will always forgive me." Just tell your girlfriend that you will not be able to have sex with her until she upholds the title in your life as your wife. If she can't respect your decision then truth be told, she is not the one that God has for you.
**Tough days never last forever.....but tough people do!
2007-05-13 22:47:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Firstly, you're only human, we (Christan's) make mistakes all the time. As long as we ask God to forgive us, he will!!
This life is a constant renewing of the mind and body for Christ. God has a huge plan for us and if there are issues he wants us to deal with then sometimes he will allow a situation to happen for us to grow in character and in him, spiritually.
John 8, 7 says..
Let him without sin cast the first stone!
So that means we are all sinners in the sight of God and we have no right to judge each other, but lovingly guide people back onto the right track.
don't forget to praise and worship God at all times. Do you have some good christian worship music? If yes, then put it on and worship God, he will reveal what he wants for you. read his word too, and often!!! Call up your church and make an appointment to see a counselor there.
I will pray for you too!! X
2007-05-13 22:46:16
answer #5
answered by Purity 4
Okay, many little things contribute to bringing us down to a state of feeling worthless and wretched and we need to take some quiet time to reflect on our lifestyle,if we neglect daily prayer for example we become weak and sin can overwhelm us,it is so vitally important to pray without it we are really open to all temptations.
Secondly and this is no less important,when we become discouraged we are on shaky ground and if we do not get spiritual help we can slide into dispair and this is spiritual suicide,but listen the fact that you admit and own up to your present condition is a sign of hope because you have love for God and know that what you are doing is offensive to Him and your inner desire is to come away from this,that is a noble attitude, so take hope from this and remember God has not abandoned you and is waiting for your return to Him.
None of us can suceed under our own power and those who say different are full of self pride,we really need the power of Jesus and unless we pray and ask for this we wrongly assume that we are doing alright by ourselves.
I guarentee you that if you start with daily prayer you will begin to feel stronger and to be able to turn away from sin we all need this strength, so your not as good as you could be! well do something about it but do not lie down in defeat,this is what the evil one wants you to do, and believe me when I tell you that all of us have to battle our demons whatever they may be,but with God on our side whom shall we fear?
You are on your knees at the moment now is the time to arise and claim back your special dignity as a child of the most High God.
You know there are times when we forget to be humble and we are given trials to bring us back to reality, the reality is simply this without the Lord we can do nothing that is good.
May the Lord bless and heal you and grant you peace,Amen.
2007-05-13 22:47:38
answer #6
answered by Sentinel 7
WOW...In the 1st paragraph... that's exactly how i feel... you should keep your eyes on Jesus, and NEVER, EVER give up, because he loves you sooo much. Jesus knows the pain you feel when you fail, but he also takes you through these times in order to test you and make you a better man... about your girlfriend... if she is also christian, she should understand what ur going through...
You can pray, and ask God to show you the best solution- also, be Patient....
check out -
2007-05-13 22:46:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Don't worry everyone sins, no one is perfect.
How old are you? If you are under 18 you for sure shouldn't be having sex. If your partner loves you she will understand, if not then you shouldn't be with that person anyway.
If you're depressed you should talk to someone like your doctor. Good luck.
2007-05-13 22:33:55
answer #8
answered by Daisy Indigo 6
What you need is help from a mental health professional dear. Drop the bronze age middle eastern goat herders fairy tales for good, you will feel much better.
2007-05-13 22:33:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Seek Me, Know Me , BE ME
2007-05-13 23:59:16
answer #10
answered by lighttworks 2