I am an atheist because i do not believe in the existence of god.I would be willing to entertain the notion of one or more,but i would need some convincing evidence to do so.And no,the "look at the world" argument holds no water with me,neither does ID.
2007-05-13 16:39:04
answer #1
answered by otterscantdance 3
An open-mind consists of an individual who has their own opinion and is willing to listen to another's opinion and discuss the viewpoints. It doesn't mean they'll change their view.
Saying that, I'll say this.....I'm a Christian who believes that God exists 100%.
Since we're being logical here...We have a 1 and 3 chance this viewpoint is correct. In a VERY QUICK nutshell, here are 3 ways people view God.......(don't nag me because I don't have room to explain details)
1. There is a God and when I die, I will go to a level of Heaven. There is no Hell.
2. There is a God. There is a Heaven and a Hell. If I accept God, I'm going to Heaven. If I don't I'm going to Hell.
3. There is no God so it doesn't matter how I live my life because I'm just going to become dust when I die anyway.
Again, no details listed above here. I agree with #2. Being that these 3 viewpoints are in affect today, we have a 1 and 3 chance that Hell (described as a horrible place) is a possibility. Logically speaking, that's a heavy risk to think that we may be wrong.
I believe in a lot more than just fire insurance....believe me. There is just not enough room to write.
In conclusion, I do not believe in the theory of "from goo to you from the zoo." Kermit the frog is not my cousin! (This would line up with the non-God viewpoint). Where there is a creation, there is a Creator.
2007-05-21 04:48:13
answer #2
answered by Brian O 3
I can tell you that I am a Christian and I definitely believe in an all-loving, all-powerful God that loves everyone, even the ones who hate him. And no, I don't believe that God takes those unbelievers and burns them for all eternity. I believe that because another person opened my eyes to the fact that only a "devilish" God would find a way to keep a person alive while they continually burn....and burn....and burn.
Also, I'm having that same process with the Trinity. I can admit, how ridiculous does 3 in 1 sound? Sounds like a special at Taco Bell or something. Anyway, to answer your question, though, I lay firm in my beliefs even though I acknowledge the possibility that I can be fooled. I'm not a genius. God could be the biggest hoax of all time but at least I know that Jesus was an historical figure. Believe it or not, if I do find out that God is dead, per se, I still would have been glad to have led my life in the example of Jesus' life and teachings. It's that simple! No one was ever like him, nor will there be another. But I'm pretty sure that he fits the bill for that all-loving God that I serve.
Good question, bro!:)
2007-05-21 15:27:12
answer #3
answered by tjlongjr 2
all anybody is ignorant, so the way i look at that's like this: Christians are ignorant religiously and spiritually. From adventure with Christians i'd say they don't search for solutions and do not realize technology, yet worst of all they don't search for too, they are chuffed in there non secular lack of documents which insists that by some ability technology is adversarial to all issues non secular. that's a sad affair. Atheist and others are as a rule more beneficial open-minded. maximum atheists were no longer raised atheists, yet grew to develop into atheist so that they of direction imagine about faith and spirituality(maximum of them at present. this may change quickly...). analyze have shown that non secular anybody is mostly a lot less smart compared to atheists so it will be that Christians and different non secular communities are more beneficial ignorant, as a rule, then different individuals.
2016-10-18 07:41:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am not interested in winning the contest of who is the most open minded. I follow Jesus, I believe that He is the way and the truth and the life and no one will enter to the Father's house except through Him. I have an important mission to tell the gospel, the good news that God loves us. His Word is the same for everyone. He paid our ransom, no matter if you accept it or not.
But even though I ma not interested in being open minded, I am willing to open my arms to everyone and try to love one another and help each other out no matter what you believe in. I believe that God gave you a free will for a reason.
I admit that I do not have it all together, and doubt is the part of the deal of being a Christian...especially if I want to do something that I know my Lord does not want me to do. It is just so convenient to doubt Him when I want to do something that I know it is not His will for my life. But WHENEVER I have stepped away from His path for me..there is a disappointment waiting. And God knows it.He wants to protect me. He knows all the options and He wants what is the best for me. So why I should ever walk away from His way and accept something less than God wants for me??
Jesus is alive and well and He is on His throne. He is God no matter what I think of Him, no matter what our human opinions are about Him...He is God and He will do what He has promised. : )
2007-05-21 16:01:41
answer #5
answered by SeeTheLight 7
I feel in order to be a CHRISTian the Bible say you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ so how can you thought...but anyway I am a christian but I am also a believer in him and his existence...and you are absolutely correct I have NO doubt that he exists and I still feel that I am open minded to so many other things...SMILE...o yea and if there isn't a GOD then so what at least I do believe in something worthwhile something better than the devil although they both exist...there is always a question open for you to respond okey dokey...
2007-05-21 16:16:47
answer #6
answered by Ablebaby 6
The answer to that is as varied as there are believers or non-believers. I am a Christian and I am willing to admit that God may not exist. Same thing as what you may believe in--that God may exist. Therefore we are both open-minded, no more and no less similar and different.
And yes you are wrong. You see my faith as a Christian allows me to doubt the existence of the God that I believe in. Much like Thomas, the Disciple, when he doubted that Jesus rose from the dead. The faith of the believer who does not see and who doubts, is even greater than the one who sees and is sure. Why else would it be called faith if there is no room for doubt?
2007-05-21 14:38:37
answer #7
answered by whin359 1
Theists believe there is a god. Atheists believe there is no god. Neither one *knows*.
I consider myself atheist because I believe it a *very extreme* improbability that a supernatural deity exists (much less runs things), so I conduct my life under the assumption that none exists. I am unable to absolutely know there is no deity in the same way I am unable to absolutely know there isn't a ______ (spaghetti monster, flying dragon, etc.) However, given that I see neither the need for any of those nor the evidence that such a thing exists, I have no problem living my life under the assumption that no ______ do exist.
That being said, the more I have learned of the history and development of religions the more atheist I have become.
2007-05-13 16:50:17
answer #8
answered by Peter D 7
I am a Christian and I admit that there is a possibility that there may not be a God.
I of course think my faith in God is right..or I would not believe, coupled with my experiences with God I would be very surprised..BUT I can honestly say there is a small chance that I am wrong.
I do not doubt god, nor will I ever believe there is no God, but like you said I can admit that I may be wrong.
2007-05-13 16:26:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I believe there is a God. I listen to others when they try to prove different, but God has proved Himself real to me. I'll will admit for the sake of many it would be better if atheists were right. But even if they are, what harm has it done for me to live my life with a belief that gives me peace, joy, and comfort. I believe God gave His only begotten Son to forgive my sins and lead me to Him. Have a beautiful day.
2007-05-21 02:28:18
answer #10
answered by plumberisfaithful 2
I see it this way, if live my life believing in God and following His Word, then die and find I was wrong I've lost nothing. If you live like there is no God, then die and find that you're wrong, you've lost everything!
With that said I believe in Jesus and will never waiver!
Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the EVIDENCE of things unseen!
The Truth is the Truth whether you believe it or not!
I'm sure you believe in the wind, you can't see the wind, but you evidence of the wind, God has put evidence into nature so you can believe in Him.
I my faith makes me a bigot, then so-be-it, I'm also a hypocrite, that's okay too, I'm not perfect just forgiven!
As to open mindedness "Those who Don't stand for something, will fall for anything!"
as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!
2007-05-21 09:01:19
answer #11
answered by Anonymous