I'm angry, angry, angry, ANGRY! D:
So before I had awfully wavy and thick hair (but very smooth- nothing frizzed "out of place," but it was still VERY puffy). So I felt really bad and decided to buy a straightener and straighen it because no other asian girls had my kind of hair.
Now when ever I wash my hair, my hair frizzes up and looks like this > ( http://www.dancewithshadows.com/society/images/big-hair-1.jpg ) when it dries. I'm so furious because I have to keep on pulling out my hair straightener and damage my hair even more just to hide what the hell happened to my hair! D:<
I'm pretty sure it's not frizz, because before I had frizz, and it wasn't this BAD, it looks more like heat damage. I don't really know which one it is.
How do I get it back to the smooth and undamaged hair I used to have? Do I just grow this out?
If I do grow it out, how can I hide it in the mean time without having to keep on straightening it?
Please help, I feel even worse about the hair I have now?!
18 answers
asked by
Sun Young
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
apply vitamine E oil
2007-05-13 16:28:54
answer #1
answered by rajan naidu 7
When it comes to hair care, unfortunately the more expensive products tend to be better for your hair in the long run. This isn't ALWAYS the case, but it often is.
First off: try olive oil conditioning your hair. This is like an emergency moisture treatment for your hair. This involves warming some olive oil (NOT TOO HOT) and putting it on your DRY hair. You would then wrap your head in glad wrap and a warm towel and leave it until its cool. Then shampoo it a couple of times. don't condition.
That should help with a bit of the damage.
Next: What shampoo do you use? Someone else suggested baby hair care products - I've never heard about people doing this, but it could very well work. Your best bet though, is to go into a hair salon and ask what'd they'd recommend. GHD, matrix and redken are all good brands; although they're a little expensive you don't need to use as much and they will last longer. DON'T use Pantene. It's not good for your hair.
There are a lot of products out there that are anti-frizz. Again, just go into a salon and ask what they'd recommend. Redken has a number of products that I've heard good things about. Also check out Paul Mitchell's skinny hair serum. There are heaps of others (see: http://www.haircareonline.com.au/c-Styling-Shine/Serum.html ). A serum is probably your best bet for the moment to get rid of the frizzyness.
After: once your hair is healthy and undamaged again, you may want to try blow drying your hair straight first, before using a flat iron. Finally, the higher the heat your hair straightener is able to reach the less damage you'll do to your hair in the long run. Again, unfortunately the more expensive brands tend to be better for your hair.
Good luck!
2007-05-17 15:23:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, I am sorry to hear about what happened, but while it is hard now, you will be able to get your hair back to normal. What type of straightener are you using? Is it a nice one (over $50) or a cheapy one? An expensive, ceramic or tournaline one will probably do less damage.
Right now, I would try to limit the straightening to once a week. On the other days, apply leave in conditioner (Matrix makes a good one) and find a new way to style hair...and it may mean ponytails every day! I have to wear a pony a lot because my hair takes 1 hour to dry and style, and I am not going to subject myself or my hair to that!
Your hair will get healthy again if you treat it well.
2007-05-13 16:46:03
answer #3
answered by chgteach 2
first of all, get your hair trimmed if its really frizzy especially at the ends because of split ends and such.. wash your hair with a baby shampoo, like johnsons and condition with a good product like fredick fekkai.. if youre not willing to spend as much, try pantene. its alright i guess.. also, use a ceramic hairdryer.. at first it might seem that it doesn't dry as fast, but it doesn't damage your hair as muhc, and is looks more healthy.. i use the one by conair.. the ionic-cermaic one.. hmm and try not to straighten your hair.. blowdry it straight instead.. with those round brushes. when you're done, put some anti-frizz creme in it.. or use a hair softening oil like the one from biosilk. and do frequent oil treatments. your hair will start looking a lot more healthier.. when it starts to grow out, cut off the damaged parts.. and you can start to straighten your hair again, but make sure you buy a ceramic straighter! don't be cheap about the straightener.. cheap ones may damage your hair!
2007-05-13 16:28:34
answer #4
answered by 1XPLCT 2
Stop using a straightener, and get an antifriss serum- Redkin makes a really good one with Shea in it. (I use it myself, actually) Get a good cut to rid yourself of dead ends and split ends, and then wait for the damage to grow out. Using a hot oil treatment once a week might help too. Its not all going to go away, so you should learn to wear ponytails, braids and buns etc to hide the frizz until its all gone.
2007-05-13 16:59:23
answer #5
answered by Penny P 5
You might want to try wearing hair pieces that matches your hair texture. You can get them at various beauty supply stores. Stop with the hair straighteners you will do more harm than good! Your hair will grow out back into your natural state where your hair used to be originally but it will take time. Be patient! Also try visiting a licensed beautician of your choice he/she will give your guideance and tips on how to properly take care of your hair.
2007-05-21 14:36:08
answer #6
answered by Theresa C 1
It sounds like your hair is just dry. Asian hair, probablly hard to live up to XD. There are many smoothing products that will soften your hair, but the one that works the best for me seems to be baby oil. I tried Garnier Fructis smoothing milk, but it didn't work half as well. put a dime sized amount when your hair is damp, when your hair dries, its soft and silky! Just don't use to much, or it'll be greasy.
2007-05-21 13:49:07
answer #7
answered by Jenny :] 2
You need a hot oil treatment to smooth the cuticle and you need to lay off all the heat machines. No flat iron, no blowdryer, nothing. Youve damaged it to the point where the cuticle is broken and the only way to fix is repair or grow out.
2007-05-21 12:45:01
answer #8
answered by Andrea 3
I had the same problem as you...the only thing u can do now is cut your hair and grow it out just like I am....i also use serum on my hair which helps the frizze..
2007-05-13 16:32:01
answer #9
answered by Dada 4
Try sleeping with mayonaise in your hair. Tie a bag over it to keep it from getting on your pillow. If not mayo, regular conditioner should work, just not as well. Might help at least!
2007-05-21 14:59:43
answer #10
answered by samgambo 1
I second the mayonnaise treatment!!! It is disgusting, and you smell like mayo, so do it when you don't have to go to work the next day, but it truly is the best solution!!! I have used it on a number of occasions
2007-05-21 15:21:06
answer #11
answered by dragonfly 1