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I think it's really shocking how a religious belief can dictate someone's way of life. Is it Christians who are wasting their time? Or is it Atheists who don't realise the shortness of time?
Someone has to be wrong.

2007-05-13 16:08:59 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

Atheists get to sleep in Sundays, for starters.

2007-05-13 16:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by scottr 4 · 11 4

NO one has to be wrong! That is YOUR assumption. What makes you think atheists don't realize the shortness of time? I have a hunch you are are referring to "being saved" or some such thing. But, the fact (NOT belief) is that every thing dies regardless of one's belief system. LIfe IS short compared to the workings of the universe. We must make the most of our time. I don't waste it on forcing my beliefs down the throats of others. I will never assume I know "the truth."

There are Christians and there are Christians. The first type wants to let the entire world know about how wonderful they feel and that anyone who is on a different spiritual path is wrong and will be going to hell, where ever that is.

The second type are Christians who do not brag or proselytise, but go about quietly helping their fellow human beings by being compassionate and accepting others for WHO they are, not what they believe.

That second group are the true Christians. Those who lead a Christ-like lifestyle. They are also able to listen to other religious beliefs without insisting that Christianity is the ONLY true belief.

Yes, it is shocking. So do you think you have wasted your time? Or are you leading a quiet Christian lifestyle which would be more of a benefit to others than telling those others they "don't realize the shortness of time."

YOU have been indoctrinated, or brain washed into one way of thinking. Most atheists have not. I, personally, refuse to let others dictate what I SHOULD believe. I have my own thoughts that should be respected just as much as yours.

Afterall, in the long run, we are all in this together as human beings. When that asteroid hits, none of this will matter.

2007-05-13 16:40:01 · answer #2 · answered by ThisIsIt! 7 · 0 0

Jesus didn't waste His time when He was here on earth, and us christian serve the Lord and are doing what He is calling us out to do so their not wasting their time either..There's nothing wrong with the atheists I have meant a few and they just like the rest of us are seeking and wanting a better life. We all live the best we can and only time will tell how everything turns out, so till then we just all believe our own ways, christians their ways and atheists their ways..Soon we will all know how everything will turn out. Me being a christian I believe in God and am wanting to be ready and am waiting for that day, just in case...

2007-05-13 16:18:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Perhaps what is difficult for a nonbeliever to understand is how much it means to have God’s Spirit with me throughout each day. I can be doing some really tedious chore and while I might still get frustrated I feel far more patient and at peace. It’s not as though the Spirit dictates my life, but guides and teaches.

I can’t speak for whether anyone else is wasting their time because of their choice, but this is the path I want.

2007-05-13 16:26:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am always amazed at how many so-called "Christians" on Yahoo! seem to feel threatened by atheists and act as if atheists are from another planet, a different species. Atheists don't belief in a supreme being as the creator of the universe, nor do they believe in heaven or hell. That's basically it. If "someone has to be wrong", did you ever TRULY consider that it may be you??

2007-05-13 16:21:49 · answer #5 · answered by HoneyBunny 7 · 0 0

I don't think Atheist's act any different from Christians. I used to be an Atheist, then went to church. I act the same way as I always did. Morals and values have nothing to do with religion. Athiest's don't believe in God. Christians do. That's the only difference.

But, like everyone, everywhere..there are going to be jerks and/or good people.

2007-05-13 16:15:31 · answer #6 · answered by Mandar 3 · 1 0

First of all, athiesm does not imply a lack of morals. And being Christian does not necessarily mean that they act the way they say they will. I think that both groups have there own strengths and weaknesses, after all we are only human. I am actually inbetween the two. I am very spiritual but I am not relgious as I believe that religious closemindedness has only brought pain and suffering to the world. I believe that love is the greatest thing we have.

2007-05-13 16:19:16 · answer #7 · answered by Jen 2 · 1 0

I really don't think the lifestyles of most Atheists or Christians differ that much. I'm sure it would be hard for me to tell who is what, unless they made it known.

I think the only difference might be the time during the week spent at church, Bible study, and/or prayer for the Christians.
Even some Christians don't do that.

I also don't think it can be as simple as right or wrong. Everyone is doing what seems right to them. And, for them, it probably is the right thing.

2007-05-13 16:13:07 · answer #8 · answered by KS 7 · 3 0

First, the question assumes that both atheists and Christians are homogenous groups, which in a false premise. Their lifestyles need not be radically different, but they may be polar opposites. I am Christian, and I count among my friends an atheist, whose moral and ethical values are, in my opinion, beyond reproach, and his service to his community is exemplary for all of us, regardless of our beliefs. He acknowledges an ultimate good, which I indentify as God. We disagree on this point, which does not diminish our mutual respect or our friendship.

2007-05-13 16:32:00 · answer #9 · answered by Pilgrim 3 · 1 0

Why does someone has to be wrong. The christian person feels happy serving under their lord. Going to chruch and living that lifestyle makes them happy. They share things with like minded people. I dod not see that as a waste of time.

The atheist, feels happy doings his/her pagan activities or lack of religious activity. Not going to church and thinnikg in a non religious fashion makes them happy. They share things with like minded people. I do not see this as a waste of time.

I do not see either as a waste of time because they are doing what makes them happy. I feel bad for the person that have no goals or aspiration and who just sit around waiting for something to happen. Now that is wasting time.

2007-05-13 16:15:21 · answer #10 · answered by mr_gees100_peas 6 · 0 1

"Someone has to be wrong."

This is why the debate will never end. People don't understand relativity.

First, you're making an enormous generalization to think all Atheists are anywhere near the same type of people. Second, you make another one assuming Christians are all the same types of people. There is such a huge range of lifestyles and beliefs within each group. Neither Christians nor Atheists are "wrong". They both believe something in spite of a complete lack of evidence (or sometimes understanding) as to WHY, but it doesn't matter. It's something they believe. It's the way their brain works.

2007-05-13 16:11:57 · answer #11 · answered by Buying is Voting 7 · 7 2

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