I want to know what people think:
A woman is good all her life. She is a nurse, she is a member of many charities, she works with the homeless and she spends her sparetime helping deaf children. She lives a long life helping others and never herself. She dies in a fire when saving two children, and donates her organs and her body for transplant and medical research.
But she is an atheist.
If there is a divine power, does this woman go to Heaven?
58 answers
asked by
Monica N
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I feel obliged to add that I am personally an agnostic, and this question is theoretical. I suppose in a sense, I am curious to see what Christians think, and what people of other beliefs think.
16:18:29 ·
update #1
This question was more an experiment, to see what the average Christian (because more answered...however, I loved the Jewish answer too, and found it rather interesting to see the difference between the faith that is the basis of Christianity.
I have to say, for a religion that embraces good, and prides themselves in being very good, the average Christian answer here was depressing. Someone mentioned that an axe murderer who repented could go to Heaven, but not this fictional woman.That depresses me.
Thank you everyone who answered. Your views are your own, but some of you can just keep your views...I want little part of it.
I also noticed that the average Christian answer varied a little between the hard-core Christians, and those who were personal religious. Very interesting.
Again, thank you all :)
03:18:15 ·
update #2
I'm an atheist.
But if I'm wrong and there is a divinity, then I would hope that a being capable of creating the entire universe wouldn't be too bothered about being worshipped, and would be far more interested in how we actually use our time.
The notion that a supreme god would prevent you from going to heaven because you failed to recite the correct magical form or pray to the correct demigod out of the thousands of gods and godesses that humans invented, is absurd.
2007-05-13 16:11:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have always wanted to know the outcome of this kind of scenario too! Good question.
I am agnostic so really sit on the fence in regards to belief and non-belief. If I were religious I would answer yes straight away - my God would not be such a cruel and egotistical judge.
Having read some of the narrow minded answers to your question, I really would not want to be part of this religion that some of the answerers belong to. If their God is so malevolent as to send a 'saint' like women such as this to hell for simply not believing in Him, then it is little wonder that so many people snub Him. Who on earth would want to be part of a religion that has views such as this? Not me - my God would allow good people into Heaven (where ever it may be) judged on how they live their lives.
It seems crazy that an axe murderer can repent and accept God into their heart on their death bed and simply go into heaven for this act and someone such as the fictional women you describe above work hard all their lives for the good of others, not one-self and not accept God into their heart and will spend eternity in hell. That is completely f**ked up and this is where some religions are so wrong.
2007-05-13 17:13:10
answer #2
answered by fijibabie 5
The christian god would probably send her to hell -
But starangely if you read the Jewish Enclycolpedia Artice of the soul you will find the following quote (paraphrased)
The idea of an imortal soul is not taught expressly in the scripture but rather came to the Jews through a strange intermingleing with the Greeks
Jeus stole the idea from the Greeks that a sould could be imortal (Ezk 18;20 The soul that sinneth it shall die)
Eccl 9 : 5-10 For the living know that they shall die but the dead know not anything for no more have they a portion for anything that is done under the sun -----
Now if the Greek gods are in command you go to heaven
If the Norse gods are in command you go to heaven
But if the angry and delusional jewish boy is in command and you don't recite his name -
Yep hell baby
Unless you happen to be thief and tacked to a tree beside him at the time
2007-05-13 16:16:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Jesus saith unto him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me". John 14:6
For be GRACE are ye saved through faith; and that not of youselves: it is the gift of: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8, 9
What do you think? If I was God, I would say yes. But I am not God, and He says no. God is a holy God that cannot look on sin, and unfortunately, we all have it. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23. There is nothing good you can do to go to heaven. No matter how good you are, it will NEVER be good enough. the ONLY way to go to heaven is ask Jesus Christ to save you from your sins and take you to heaven when you die. That's it. Its as simply as that.
2007-05-13 16:26:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am so sorry to say, she does not. The only way to heaven is to accept Jesus into one's heart. No amount of good works will get you into heaven. Imagine trying to swim the Atlantic ocean
Person #1 can't swim. He represents the evil person. He drowns right away.
Person #2 is a fair swimmer. He represents the average Joe. He is strong and swims 1/4 of the way. then he tires and drowns.
Person #3 is a world class olympic swimmer. He represents your friend and all those who are really "good" people. He makes it 1/2 the way, but after thousands of miles, He tires and drowns.
Person #4 is Jesus. He is the lifeboat.
No matter how good someone is. He still needs Jesus to get to Heaven. Hope this helps.
2007-05-13 16:50:39
answer #5
answered by Yo C 4
Not according to God's Holy Word. In the eyes of the world that woman would be praised as a Good Caring Person, but the fact of the matter is that Being Good has nothing to do with getting to heaven. In God's Word He tells us that our "righteousness is as filthy rags"(Isaiah 64:6), and therefore, as "good " as we might be, we could still not earn Heaven. None but Jesus was perfect and completely sinless. The one and ONLY way we can get to Heaven is by accepting the gift of Salvation from Jesus, who as the perfect son of God offered up the Ultimate Act of Sacrifice and shed his innocent blood to cover all of us in the eyes of the Father, so that we take on His perfection and as such are worthy of Heaven
2007-05-13 16:42:39
answer #6
answered by pattid89 1
I don't think so. Even if she is "perfect" all her life, if she doesn't acknowledge her maker, then does she go to heaven? I think everyone would like to think so, but Ephesians 2: 8-9 says,
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."
If man is capable of being able to save himself, then what need was there for Christ to have come and died for the sins of men? I believe that only those who know Jesus Christ as Lord - not just say the "salvation prayer", but those who believe and live by His words and laws will go to heaven to be with Him.
2007-05-13 17:01:32
answer #7
answered by muthu 2
Don't know why you are asking us. Only God knows who will or will not go to heaven.
btw: If she died in a fire, her body could not be used for transplant or much medical research.
There has never been such a person as you describe. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Sinners get into heaven, thank God, since we are all sinners. Heaven is not for good, perfect people. It's for sinners, which we all are, who are forgiven.
2007-05-13 16:17:26
answer #8
answered by Prof Fruitcake 6
Hi Monica,
This person sounds like a saint! God Bless!
Gaining access to Heaven is by God's choice, not ours! He sets the rules and I would like to think that such a person as you describe would find their place in Heaven.
With our prayers for such a person, this just might happen. However, it is important to believe in something greater than ourselves.
Luke-warm doesn't cut it. It is better to be hot or cold!
The Ol' Sasquatch Ü
2007-05-13 16:26:58
answer #9
answered by Ol' Sasquatch 5
ok im an atheist too.
Wouldn't it mean she would most definitely go to heaven if there were one? She's doing good things not for "jesus" or anything or to get in to heaven but because she has a kind heart and puts others before herself. so I think that if there is a god then how cruel could he be to give life and grant someone eternal suffering just becaue she doesnt believe in him. God wouldn't be that self centered, I mean you guys believe he created human-kind, how bad could he be?
2007-05-13 16:16:06
answer #10
answered by Maarten L 2
we could only give a theological reply as no one on this earth knows the outcome for any specific individual. her kindness and charity are works which may help her get to heaven,some reject that we need works for our salvation. most agree tha the only way to heaven is through jesus christ.......many different aspects that in the end only god can answer this one,it isn't our place to say either or.
2007-05-13 16:15:01
answer #11
answered by fenian1916 5