he didn't. He still chose Isaac, the son of Abraham's lawful wife, Sarah to lead His chosen people.
2007-05-18 06:14:28
answer #1
answered by Ma_Mikaela 4
Dude, I'm a Christian and don't deny that the Old Testament is definitely ridiculous sometimes. Why does Jacob get blessed and not Esau? Why does David get called "a man after God's own heart" when he actively committed adultery and murder? In short, I don't know. I don't pretent to know. All I know is that God knew the person of Ishmael (that he would be a hellion - Gen 16:12 ) and he could have decided that Isaac would be a better representative. That would be my guess. If God truly knows the inner heart of a man, then this would make sense.
2007-05-21 18:37:49
answer #2
answered by tjlongjr 2
He did not choose Ishmael. He chose Abraham. By the way his Ishmaels mother was a maidservant not a mistress and this was a common practice until God chose to forbid it. Solomon had more than 400 women in his life.
2007-05-20 22:42:41
answer #3
answered by TAT 7
God did not chose Ha'gar, he chosen Sarai to bear a son for Abram. Sarai didn't believe she could have children because of her age and didn't have faith that God would bless her with child at such an old age. Impatient, Sarai brought to Abram her HANDMAID Ha'-gar (who was Eqyptian), who indeed got pregant. Ha'-gar ran after the fact Sarai dealt hardly with her. God then sent angel to Ha'-gar telling her to go back to her mistress(the one over her, which would be Sarai), and that her son would be named Ish'-ma-el. God told her that her son would be a wild man, against every man, and every man against him, but later God tells Abraham (Abram) that he would bless Ish'-ma-el and he would have twelve princes and make himself a great nation( this doesn't change the fact about what the angel told Ha'-gar about her son). However Ish'-ma-el did not receive God's covenant, God said his covenant would be with Sarah (Sarai)'s son Isaac, and Issac's seed thereafter.
God bless the nation under Ish'-ma-el, but God covenant went to the nation under Isaac.
2007-05-21 07:11:18
answer #4
answered by tlj83 2
Food for thought: Ishmael means "God has departed."
2007-05-21 15:05:51
answer #5
answered by EducatedInformer 1
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses.. no sons of a mistress.
Jesse, David, Solomon.. no sons of a mistress.
who the question is being refered to is unknown.
2007-05-13 23:30:55
answer #6
answered by opalist 6
you seem to have a direct pipeline to him, why don't you ask him directly, obviously any anwer you get here is going to be false by definition, it will not come to god...
did you ever wonder why in the biblical times god spoke to people on regular basis, but now he is silent... ?
2007-05-21 17:06:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because its HOT
think about it
from the humblest of beginnings
whether you believe in him or not
he has transformed the world as they knew it
and everyone everywhere 2000 years after his death knows his name!
what a rock star!!!
2007-05-21 17:54:40
answer #8
answered by redseagoddess 3
Because God isn't as judgemental as some of his followers? Could be.
2007-05-13 23:13:03
answer #9
answered by irish1 6
he didn't
the story you are referring to is an unprovable myth. most of the bible-cult story about christ comes from an earlier pagan/myth called Mithras. look it up. it pre-dated the jesus myth by almost a thousand years.
2007-05-13 23:10:33
answer #10
answered by Phyllis 4