Let me interrupt these angels who are dancing on the head of this pin and ask them.
They say that if you are a true christian, the universe is just a bunch of lights in the firmament. There is no place other than "on the Earth" unless you are talking about the eternally sinful hell or the eternally boring heaven.
2007-05-13 16:10:33
answer #1
answered by Dave P 7
Within the context of the "original sin" story, the whole Universe was perfect when God created it: death, disease, decay, pain, suffering and sin did not exist; animals did not prey upon one another; and human beings had a constant and natural communion with God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God; death and decay entered nature, animals began preying upon one another; and humans lost the ability to hear God in our hearts. The sacrifice of Jesus, when accepted, cleanses an individual of the effects of the original rebellion, reconciling one with God, so that the spirit of God can be heard again in the heart. The effects of the rebellion will not be cleansed from all of nature until the return of Jesus and the establishment of Jesus's direct reign over the physical Earth.
In another variation on the story, the original perfection of the Universe first became flawed when Lucifer rebelled against God. The Genesis story, however, does seem to say that death, disease, pain, and sin were all unknown until Adam and Eve disobeyed God's commandment.
2007-05-13 23:59:29
answer #2
answered by AnitraWeb 2
I'm afraid my veiw is a bit unconventional...
I believe that the story about the garden and the fruit is a sort of parable.
I believe that the fall was a cosmic event. That is, it happened all over the entire universe.
Thus, we have entropy.
I also believe that the advent of God into Creation was a cosmic event.
In the end, Redemption will be a cosmic event.
Anyway, that's what I think.
2007-05-13 23:27:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
When entered the world through the disobedience of eatting the forbidden fruit. It wasn't so much the fruit as the eatting it after God told them not to. As far as I studied and learn, this particular beginning of 'sin' only applies to this planet. I believe that there's a planet out there not a disobedient or stupid as we are.
2007-05-13 23:16:45
answer #4
answered by Debbie R 3
I believe sin entered the universe in Lucifer's rebellion. Man came under the authority of Lucifer, nka Satan when he transgressed in the Garden.
2007-05-13 23:10:04
answer #5
answered by wefmeister 7
Sin entered the world. And it wasnt really about eating the fruit, it was about disobedience to God
2007-05-13 23:09:56
answer #6
answered by tebone0315 7
No. It was already here. When god created A&E, it was Satan (The ha-nachash- "Shining One"-serpent/dragon of old, etc,etc,) waiting for them in the garden.
2007-05-13 23:19:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's quite plainly written. 'Thus death spread to all men'
I believe 'man' is the name of the creatures living on this planet?
2007-05-13 23:24:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
satan rebelled from God before the Garden of Eden.
2007-05-13 23:09:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
and then they all lived happily ever after, the end.
2007-05-13 23:07:53
answer #10
answered by Anonymous