different Versions are for updates in order to fit modern language, so its easier to understand.
2007-05-13 15:30:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is only one way anyone on earth can know that the Bible is the Word of God. The Catholic Church says it is, and Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, told the leaders of the Catholic Church that whatsoever they declared as binding truth had a divine guarantee of truth; and that whoever listened to them listened to God. The bishops of the Catholic Church compiled the Bible at the end of the 4th Century under the direction of the Holy Spirit, drawing from Jewishs texts and early Catholic texts, and accepted 73 divinely inspired texts, binding them into one book for the first time, for its own use. This is the Bible. The Catholic Church says so, so we know it is is true. The Bible is inerrant. The Catholic Church says so, so we know God says so.
Though the texts are inerrant, obviously unauthorized human attempts at interpreting the texts are far from inerrant. Protestantism has demonstrated this for the past 500 years, resulting in thousands of conflicting, contradicting denominational churches, all claiming to be based on the Bible, but none agreeing on what the Bible actually says. This is the inevitable result of unauthorized, unauthoritative interpretation. The Church to which the Bible was given, the only Church founded by Jesus Christ, and the only Church He ever intended to exist, the Church which the Bible calls "the pillar and foundation of truth", is the only divinely authorized interpreter of its own writings and its own book.
2007-05-13 22:35:09
answer #2
answered by PaulCyp 7
The original bible was Hebrew.
New versions of the bible are just the same words re-written to be easier to read.
The King James Version, although still used today, is very much outdated, as it's written in older English.
Just because you can understand God's translated word doesn't make it any less God's word.
2007-05-13 22:30:49
answer #3
answered by Mama R 5
they say the same thing but since KJ it has been translated into easier to read and understand Bibles. There are many. Like the Harry Potter books. We in america get the english version , but they do sell a British version too.
2007-05-13 22:29:12
answer #4
answered by pink9364 5
Well, I am a Christian and I truly believe every word that preceeded from the Mouth of our Lord and Savior, if you would like to do a little research as I did when I was saved, you can get the Hebrew bible at the library and then translate the words to english. However, its just a personal relationship with you and Jesus. My sisters tends to ask the same question from time to time, however, I tell her its like this there are different versions, not different or varying from God's Word but putting in todays terms that you can understand, as in thee's and thou's. I've been saved for along time and even I get confused with that stuff. But It says in God's word not to take away or add too, and those who do or hinder you, or cause you to stumble will fall under his judgement. So I believe and do the best i can as a believer to follow his Word and if we are mis led, then thats not our cross to carry. thanks for allowing me to speak with you,
In Christ,
2007-05-13 22:36:27
answer #5
answered by joniealcorn1972 1
Well, that would be satan's doings! Many of us Christians stick with the older Bibles for translations. But, even with the newest translations, most of the Bibles are saying the same thing, just put into simpler words and so forth!
2007-05-13 22:34:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Faith. Christianity is based on faith. The King James Version is the christian standard upon which all other versions are based. I am well aware that the Bible was written by men, but I have faith that He lead those men in their writing.
2007-05-13 22:34:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The different versions have basically the same message. For me, I had to have a Strong's Exhaustive of Hebrew & Greek dictionary words to go with my KingJames version. Then after all the thorough studying, I find that they all basically have the same message and a little different way to explain it.
2007-05-13 22:31:42
answer #8
answered by t_a_m_i_l 6
All the versions say basically the same thing. They just try to use updated language or more acurately convey the original language.
Check out blueletterbible.com You can view many different versions side by side so you can compare them.
2007-05-13 22:32:06
answer #9
answered by Ken 3
Each new version is the same text, translated into a more modern form of the language. Because languages are always changing, older texts must be translated so that the common person can understand it.
2007-05-13 22:31:00
answer #10
answered by Pichu 2
There is only one holy bible with one version before the reformation and it is still around. It still contain the original 73 books!
2007-05-14 04:29:16
answer #11
answered by Sniper 5