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What exactly makes the Bible truth? the reason i'm asking is that through the years, there have been any number of religions that have sprung up and died. Maybe these ones didn't appeal, and the ones that seemed to resonate most with people stayed. If someone is comfortable with their place on this planet and their own idea of faith (or lack thereof), then why dog them and tell them there maybe more, when there is no real proof that there is. this isn't an insult on your faith, just live and let live. I get really tired of people asking me to let Jesus in my heart (nothing against Christians, I just happen to live in America), because I'm comfortable with my life where it is. If I am wrong, then so be it, but if I am not, then where's the harm? It won't matter to you in the end. instead of concerning yourself about the the afterlife, try and focus more on those around from a different standpoint. The homeless guy on the street? give him a sandwich, it will help him a lot more.

2007-05-13 12:50:42 · 13 answers · asked by Worzel Gummidge 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

nothing, of course. even jesus is just a rehash of earlier, cooler gods.

2007-05-13 12:53:47 · answer #1 · answered by eldad9 6 · 3 1

The Bible is truth because it has proved true in the past. Its councel proves true in the present to avoid many pitfalls man gets into and practice what brings the best life for families. Based on projections, it will prove true in the future.

As for Christians talking to you, if your neighbor was in trouble, you would try to help, right? That is a command on Christians. Sure a sandwich is a great idea and we give those but it is more important to get people fixing and eating their own food.

Hitting someone over the head with a Bible does absolutely no good. (Well it sounds fun considering some people I've met.) What God wants is for his teachings to be a part of people's hearts; to live lives according to His principles; to engage in worship He approves.

The Bible already says not everyone will accept this. That is their choice. It must be accepted. People do change their minds under changing circumstances. We don't lose hope.

2007-05-13 15:15:23 · answer #2 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 0

The Bible is proscribed text.

The Old Testament were for the Jews of old time, but the Laws were super hard to follow and then came Jesus to ease some of the Laws but the Jews were a hard lot of people and scourged Jesus. The Jews should have followed his teachings.

And some made up certain Laws and dictate to the world that they have the new Laws The New Testament.

The Bible does not make any sense at all, does not solve the easiest of our problems but cause havoc. The Bible is translated in how one lives for the KKK the colour black is bad for what one of the son of Noah was cured by him and that so became black.

There are countless examples in the Bible that bad things can be justified, look at Israel its OK to kill a Palestinian cus the the Bible Prophets killed the Philistines

2007-05-13 13:05:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tired: Your question hits the proverbial "nail" right on the head ! I am a Christian and was once asked a question about my faith. The person, who asked me the question, concluded with, "I don't believe in a God nor do I want to". I responded with a gentle, "you do not see the NEED for Him in your life at this point" ! This sets the tone for the answer to your question. Believe it or not, Jesus said, "That no man can come to Him unless the Father draws him (or her)" (see John 6th chapter, verse 44). It is God who does the selecting - not people. A christian is one who is "called out" to become different (not a weirdo-o) than those around him or her. To let go and let God is the thrust here, for the Christian. A Christian is to be seen and not heard (unless asked). Yes; you are right, a Christian should be pro-active in his or her community re: "love your neighbor as yourself" is the call to action for the converted. Don't take what I'm saying as God isn't interested in you - because He is and will lovingly deal with you later when the circumstances fit His plan for all of us humans. Great question - thanks !!!

2007-05-13 13:08:39 · answer #4 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 0 0

First of all it has to do with who inspired the Word of God - that is the Holy Spirit.

Second the Word itself declares that it is the only Word that is the Truth, that there is no other light, no other life no other way to the Father but through Jesus Christ

Third, not all religious light is the same, not all religious truth the same, For the Truth to be the actual genuine Truth it has to be the only Truth, thus it wouldn't be Truth. This is not a philosophical argument, it is the Truth.

It is not that Christians can not accept other religions and so have a harmony with other religions, it has to do with what The LORD God Almighty says is the Truth, If He says that there is no other way to get to Heaven but through Jesus Christ then there can be no other way, If God says that this truth is the only truth then there can not be compromise, else we fall short of God's commands.

You can disagree with this and it does not change the Truth, God is still God and nothing you can say will change that ever - why because Truth is Eternal - God is Eternal. It is your choice to accept Him or deny Him.

2007-05-13 13:03:06 · answer #5 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0


Seriously, though. Christianity has done so well because it is a religion of fear. I remember how terrified I was that I'd go to Hell when I was 11, 12, if I didn't become a devout Christian. Why? Because it's the most popular religion on Earth, it must be right! Islam is similar, only Islam runs on the fear of being 'dhimmified' or killed by Muslims or, at the least, being persecuted by the Muslim hordes. Sharia law does a great job of ensuring no one can leave Islam, while the idea of Hell keeps most Christians in line. Buddhism isn't as successful because it doesn't dwell on fear.

2007-05-13 12:59:15 · answer #6 · answered by Pearl Jam 2 · 1 1

To answer your question I would like to start by asking can you recall a time when you received a fine gift from a dear friend? Likely, the experience was not only exciting but also heartwarming. After all, a gift tells you something about the giver—that he or she values your friendship. No doubt you expressed gratitude for your friend’s thoughtful gift.
The Bible is a gift from God, one for which we can be truly grateful. This unique book reveals things that we could never find out otherwise.

The Bible itself says it is from God, mankind’s Creator

2 Tim. 3:16, 17: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (See also: Rev. 1:1; 23:

The Bible itself says it is from God, mankind’s Creator

Furthermore, the Bible “is inspired of God.” (2 Timothy 3:16;See also: Rev. 1:1; 2 Sam. 23:1, 2; Isa. 22:15;) In what way? The Bible itself answers: “Men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit.” (2 Peter 1:21) To illustrate: A businessman might have a secretary write a letter. That letter contains the businessman’s thoughts and instructions. Hence, it is really his letter, not the secretary’s. In a similar way, the Bible contains God’s message, not that of the men who wrote it down. Thus, the entire Bible truthfully is “the word of God.”—1 Thessalonians 2:13.

Considering facts of the Bible:
1> The prophecy explains the meaning of world conditions.

Many world leaders acknowledge that mankind is on the brink of disaster. The Bible foretold these conditions long ago; it explains their meaning and what the outcome will be. (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Luke 21:25-31) It tells what we must do in order to survive the impending world destruction, with the opportunity to gain eternal life under righteous conditions here on earth.—Zeph. 2:3; John 17:3; Ps. 37:10, 11, 29.

2> The Bible enables us to understand the purpose of life:

It answers such questions as: Where did life come from? (Acts 17:24-26) Why are we here? Is it just to live a few years, get what we can out of life, and then die?—Gen. 1:27, 28; Rom. 5:12; John 17:3; Ps. 37:11; Ps. 40:8.

3> The Bible shows how we can have the very things that lovers of righteousness desire most:

It tells us where to find wholesome associates who truly love one another (John 13:35), what can give assurance that we will have sufficient food for ourselves and our families (Matt. 6:31-33; Prov. 19:15; Eph. 4:28), how we can be happy in spite of difficult conditions that surround us.—Ps. 1:1, 2; 34:8; Luke 11:28; Acts 20:35.

It explains that God’s Kingdom, his government, will remove the present wicked system (Dan. 2:44), and under its rule mankind will be able to enjoy perfect health and eternal life.—Rev. 21:3, 4; compare Isaiah 33:24.

Surely a book that claims to be from God, that explains both the meaning of world conditions and the purpose of life, and that shows how our problems will be solved is worthy of consideration.

2007-05-13 13:19:13 · answer #7 · answered by jvitne 4 · 0 0

I'll try to explain this carefully and without pressure because I know that non-believers hate that.

First, I want to address the person who said that Christianity is a religion of fear. I could not disagree more. There should be no fear in following Jesus Christ. He is full of love and forgiveness. "Fear," would be one living in a way that is opposite from that which a possible "God" wants one to live. I say this because many people don't know if they believe in a God or not. This causes them to investigate for themselves, and oftentimes, they become followers of Christ. There is definitely a general fear of God that people have in their hearts, but this is not a Christian value, in my opinion.

Now, to answer those saying that the Bible is fiction. I am interested in the depth in which they have investigated on both terms. I was an atheist that grew up in a Christian household. Now I have come back to Christ, on my own, mind you.

The Holy Bible, is the most accurate history book ever written. It has never been proven false and there are many, many, many, archaeological finds that prove its validity. Throughout history, there have been discoveries that scientists thought proved their points, only to lead to another find linked to the previous one that proved the Bible all along. Scientists throughout history have come up empty on key points such as, the fossil record and the origins of life. Life has never formed from the nothingness that scientists claim our universe came from. Also, Darwin himself said that the fossil record was necessary to prove his theory of evolution. The fossil record needed to show a gradual species change throughout time. Darwin claimed throughout history that there would be findings of fossils that would prove his claim. Instead, the record shows the opposite. There are drastic leaps in the change of species throughout the record. Thusly, there are many different species throughout the record, but no proof of any kind in evolution.

When it comes to the findings of the Bible, they have found many of the seemingly impossible stories of the Bible to be true. Archaeologists have found the city of Sodom and Gomorah and there was evidence that was found that prove that it was burned to the ground (from the top down!), exactly as the Bible has said. They have also found evidence of a worldwide flood. Although they haven't found Noah's ark yet, I believe they will, in time (God's time). They have also found that when a Northern wind blows, the Red Sea parts enough to expose a crossable land bridge, also exactly as described in the book of Exodus. There are many other arcaeological finds to prove many other things in the bible to be true. An internet search of "biblical arcaeological finds" will most definitely give you a deeper grasp of how many finds there have been.

The stats on Jesus are truly amazing. Of all of the 60 or so prophecies about every aspect of Jesus' life, even those he could not control such as, his family, place of birth, economical background, bloodlines, and so on, 100% of them have come true. This is supported by the writings of secular historians as well as Christian historians.

For example, Josephus, a non-Christian historian (a Roman, no less) concluded that at the moment of Jesus' death, there was a darkness that covered the earth (as the Bible says), but they must have timed it to coincide with a lunar eclipse. Obviously, they would not have had the astronomical knowledge to time that event effectively. And, you'll notice that he didn't say, "The world did not go black." He said, the world went black, but it couldn't have happened the way the Bible said.

This is, indeed what the secular response to the Bible has been for all of time. Essentially, it is a "Well yeah, that event happened, but it couldn't have happened that way. There has to be a logical explanation." The Bible, is the only thing that is constant. It remains the bestselling book of all time.

These are only a few, I repeat, few of the resources supporting the Bible. I could go on for hours.

I highly suggest reading "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. My favorite book of all time (besides the Bible, that is).

We as Christians should not look down on those who do not believe. God has ways that are not known to us.

Thanks for reading.

God bless

2007-05-13 13:36:55 · answer #8 · answered by rosselmo 2 · 0 0

Well it depends on what you believe in. for me im a christian and i believe every bit of the bible. i may not understand some of it but i still know its truth. this question is kind of hard to answer it made me think. through my short years of living i have seen many miracles take place and i just have the faith to know that its truth. the only person to make the bible true to you is you.

2007-05-13 13:00:39 · answer #9 · answered by L!BR@ 1 · 1 0

If you are a real christian, you do not trust through evidence. You trust through faith

2007-05-13 13:17:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

True? It has never been proven to me that the bible is true therefore, it must be a fiction. Have a nice after life!

2007-05-13 12:55:05 · answer #11 · answered by furrryyy 5 · 1 2

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