What the science book sucking atheist said:
- we exploded from a plasma type atom - WRONG
- Have you ever thought, where did that atom come from? - NA
- How can an atom that came out of nowhere - WRONG
- explode and create the universe? - WRONG.
- I can set a bomb in the middle of the street - NA
- Why are most stars are 3.5 Light years away? - WRONG."
Ok you friggin atheist good for nothing monkey sucking b*tch. I read the facts he put in and he is right. Most stars in the galaxy are 3.5 light years away. And also on my SAT test it stated that we supposably came from a plasma based atom that came out of nowhere and was always there. Then it exploded into different elements (some how) then it blew up some more stuff and created galaxies, next the galaxies some how arranged them selves perfectly so we wouldn't crash into each other. I guess we should put all of our faith into a plasma super atom that has the power to explode new things out of nowhere.
2007-05-13 12:47:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Everyone has their own opinions. If people could just respect that and move on we wouldn't be having this issue. Now I believe in God, but just beacuase I do doesn't mean everyone else does. So in that sense, I'm in favor of seperation of Church and State. I may believe in one God and another person may believe in another God (or perhaps no god at all), it wouldn't be fair to make them go to school and pledge to a God they dont even believe in. I wouldn't like to do that, I dont see why anyone else would. just live and let live. If we do it that way and not force our views down other peoples throats, everything would probably be easier. Just teach the Evolution theory in science class and teach Christianity and other world faiths in the World religons class, like my school does.
2016-05-17 09:41:38
answer #2
answered by caitlyn 3
It is time for you to join the 20th century. (The 21st may be too much to ask.) There is no evidence of any sort to suppose the existence of any sort of god; nor any reason to believe that life has any more biological purpose than to make more life, nor to doubt the truth of evolution, which has been established science for a century (meaning people routinely use it to make correct predictions) and is now a proven fact as well (details on request).
I must elaborate on transitional forms. To search for such shows ignorance of the way that genetics works: the genetic code is digital, not analog, so there is a minimal change corresponding to a one-bit error in the code. But there is NO maximum: a one-bit change can activate all or part of an intron, or de-activate all or part of an exon, resulting in a change that is arbitrarily large. It follows that a "missing" transitional form may never have existed.
The business about the distance of stars is even more nonsensical. Local group stars are distributed randomly, as you would know if you knew even the rudiments of astronomy.
2007-05-13 12:41:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You have asked seven seperate questions and there is no way anyone can explain in a few paragraphs what normally takes several advanced college degrees to properly understand. The topic is so vast, I can't even imagine where to begin. As a scientist and an engineer, I can assure you that if you actually took the time to educate yourself enough so you could truly understand the technical details, you would find the scientific answers to your questions to be both compelling and truthful.
It is obvious from your question that you view the world from a solipsistic viewpoint. This means you assume that your subjective experience, the theatre of your mind's eye, actually is objective reality. This false assumption is the root of your confusion. Three hundred years ago I might have been burned at the stake for saying this (for the heresy of materialism), but objective reality is external to our mental selves and what we think we see is just that, simply what we think we see. Our brain constructs an elaborate subjective mental model of what it imagines objective reality must be, based on inputs from our senses and filtered by our own expectations. Scientists and engineers know that objective reality is both far larger and far smaller, as well as far more complex than anything our unaided mind can solipsistically imagine. That is why advanced mathematics and the scientific method were devised -- to allow people to discover the truth about how objective reality actually operates, without being confused by their own instinctive subjective mental assumptions. Bluntly speaking, the reason basic scientific theories like evolution, genetics, and the big bang don't make sense to you is simply that you lack the required education to properly understand them. (No offense intended.)
2007-05-13 13:37:56
answer #4
answered by Diogenes 7
- we exploded from a plasma type atom - WRONG
- Have you ever thought, where did that atom come from? - NA
- How can an atom that came out of nowhere - WRONG
- explode and create the universe? - WRONG.
- I can set a bomb in the middle of the street - NA
- Why are most stars are 3.5 Light years away? - WRONG.
- How would a atom decide that stars In each... - NA
- Ok scientist say we started out as a cell. - WRONG.
- Have you ever noticed how complex that cell is? - YES(?)
- How complex the DNA can be. - YES(?)
- Darwin stated that there are billions of transitional forms. - MANY, MANY, MANY FOUND, It wasn't close to "billions."
- If a duck evolved into a crocodile - IT DIDN'T (But Ha, ha, ha!)
- we have not discovered any transitional forms. - Yes, MANY.
- when we die we rot and becomes dirt. - YES, like everything.
- how long would it take for me to evolve wings - GO BACK TO SCHOOL - THAT IS *NOT* EVOLUTION... NOT EVEN CLOSE!
( No thanks, I will NOT comply with your obnoxious "order"! )
(You are badly misrepresenting science, scientists & atheists.)
2007-05-13 12:36:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your lack of even the basic knowledge of evolution or cosmology is little enough that I can't even think of a sarcastic response. I will try and explain a few things.
There are transitional fossils, however there are two problems. One, fossils in themselves are a rare thing in nature, so no, we won't find every single transition fossil. Two, the ones we do have leave gaps, as is expected.
The funny thing about evolution is, it isn't concentrated in one area of science. It has been proven to be a good working theory in every major area of science. (before you cry foul on the word theory, look it up in it's scientific sense)
2007-05-13 12:41:16
answer #6
answered by nihilistic_reality 2
Evolution = The observation that life changes over time.
no more, no less.
It does not address nor care about the origin of life.
It does not address nor care about the origin of Earth.
It does not address nor care about about the origin of the universe.
It does not address nor care about gods or creators.
It is simply the observation that life changes over time. It is observed, documented, and proven true time and time again. Any other argument you apply to it is merely you being deceived by your clergyman.
Do you want to know why they deceive you? It is because they, for whatever reason, want the earth to be 6,000 years old. Nowhere in the Bible does it say this. Even genesis says a minute to god is like a thousand years to us... giving a reasonable explanation for the 7 day creation to god being billions of years of Man's time.
yet, as the churches, and most vehemently the baptists, demand a 6,000 year old earth, the timeline shown in evolution, cosmology, and geology denies them their non-biblical age of the earth.
Instead of trying to prove their position (because they know it to be false) they enlist the uneducated masses of their church to wage war for them. A few snippets of false information and you are quite willing to strap that bomb on and sacrifice yourself to make noise among those more educated than you.
Please, go educate yourself and see just how far astray your 'moral' leaders have lead you.
2007-05-15 04:57:41
answer #7
answered by Atheist Geek 4
Just as you would wish people to read the Bible before commenting on it have you ever read any books on evolution? Stephen Jay Gould wrote some interesting ones about the discoveries in the Burgess Shale. Perhaps then if you have some criticisms they would have a more intelligible basis.
P.S. I am not an atheist
2007-05-13 12:44:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Plasma type atom of life. Atom's can be anything, life is an atom, death is an atom, atomic bomb's are compressed atom's, designed by human's of great genius to express fission of the atom into a weapon of war,l and atomic bomb per se.. Evolution is just life, trillion's of change's per second. Eternity is where evolution is headed, and atomic matter is the way , the mean's, and the heart and soul of our human evolution The intelligent atom's , in human brain's evoke a theory such as evolution, and yet it is a simple cell that we came from. hurrah.
2007-05-13 12:49:17
answer #9
answered by willoyaboy 3
Some of the universals of religion are as follows:
"That God is one, and that there is a conjunction of charity and faith" (Soul and Body n. 20).
Also, "This only One and very Self is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. This also every Christian acknowledges from his doctrine and every gentile from his religion. In consequence, wherever he is, a man thinks that God is there and that he prays to God at hand; thinking and praying so, men cannot but think that God is everywhere, that is, omnipresent [in all places at all times]; likewise omniscient [all knowing] and omnipotent [all powerful]. Everyone praying to God, therefore, implores Him from the heart to lead him because He can lead him; thus he acknowledges the divine omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence, doing so in turning his face to the Lord; thereupon the truth flows in from the Lord" (Divine Providence n. 157).
Also, "There are three essentials of the church: acknowledgment of the divine of the Lord, acknowledgment of the holiness of the Word [Bible], and the life which is called charity" (Divine Providence n. 259[3]).
Also, "Every man [or woman] can be saved, and those are saved who acknowledge God and live rightly" (Divine Providence n. 325).
2007-05-13 12:36:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous