Don't be jealous of those angels, Hun.
Angels were created to be servants. They will never know the joy of salvation.
Humans were created to be the Sons and Daughters of God.
2007-05-13 09:03:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is common area of confusion for many people. Let me try to explain the way I see it.
In the beginning, God created the Earth for mankind. He created Heaven for the angels. If both man and angels had never sinned, it would have stayed that way forever. Genesis says that God came down and walked in the Garden with man. In other words, He spent time with the angels in Heaven and with men on Earth.
Sin has corrupted the original Earth, however. Our globe is no longer in the best condition, spiritually or physically. This is only going to get worse. When Judgement Day finally comes, God will create a new Heaven and a new Earth, and God will dwell with us, on the new Earth, for yes, we will have been forged through the fire of this life.
The reason that people go to heaven if they die as a Christian right now, is simply that God is using it as a sort of holding place for His followers to be with Him until the new Creation. Heaven is not our ultimate reward; the new Earth is, and no, the angels will not have the same share in that that we do.
2007-05-13 16:08:17
answer #2
answered by Free Ranger 4
Hi Anthony, the clue to this is the fact that Angels are higher than us in awareness and intelligence amongst other attributes, an Angel unlike us knows instantly the effect of his decision and cannot change this decision once it is made.
The Angels went through their own time of testing just as we have to but we do not know how long this took,it could well have been thousands of our years, but the result of the Fallen Angels rebellion meant that for them unlike us there can be no salvation.
Perhaps we need to consider this when life becomes too hard and take consolation from the fact that we may be lesser than the Angels but we do have the chance of eternal life in Heaven.
2007-05-13 16:03:56
answer #3
answered by Sentinel 7
Angels are a completely different creature than humans. And they too have not had it easy. They had to resist Satan as well, and many fell away...demons are angels that ended up following Satan. Until Satan and his demons are destroyed at Armaggedon, nobody in the universe has it easy. What happens to humans who die? “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) So at death humans cease to exist. But they can be resurrected to earth (john 5:28, 29:Psalm 37:29, 30)
2007-05-13 16:32:54
answer #4
answered by azulgato 1
It was His decision to create them that way. The reason they didn't have to resist the Devil was because he was originally one of them, but he decided to go his own way. I don't think it's a question of God loving the angels more than He loved Adam and Eve. Things could have been perfect for human beings if Adam and Eve had not succumbed to the temptation of the forbidden fruit. That incident opened the floodgates for imperfection in this world.
2007-05-13 16:06:20
answer #5
answered by allenbmeangene 6
Well, first of all, I don't believe in Jesus or the Bible, but I do believe in the possibility of the existence of Angels. To me they reside on a different plane of existence, have never been human, and are much akin to Faeries, Nature Spirits, Gods and Goddesses. They can be of help if we are able to hear them. But they have nothing to do with the God of the Abrahamic religions or bible. They have existed for thousands of years longer than the bible.
That's what I believe anyway, so they would not have to go through anything that humans go through, they have their own lessons to learn. And god plays no part in their existence.
2007-05-13 17:12:03
answer #6
answered by meg3f 5
2 different worlds. Earth was made for man to live on, he isn't by nature a heavenly creature. His home was, is now, and always will be right here on earth. According to the bible.
Only preachers send people wholesale, to heaven.
Revelation says even God will one day pitch his tent with mankind.
Want to have some fun? Get a couple of pastors together and listen to them argue about religion. Preferably Baptists.
2007-05-13 16:10:05
answer #7
answered by Wisdom 6
Ours is a MUCH greater reward than "just going to heaven".
Re 21:2
Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
2007-05-13 15:59:28
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They where created by God to live in Heaven. That is there purpose. Ours is to live on earth
Ps. 37:11: “The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”
Rev. 21:1-4: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth . . . I heard a loud voice from the throne say: ‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’”
Mic. 4:3, 4: “They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. And they will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble; for the very mouth of Jehovah of armies has spoken it.”
2007-05-13 16:04:56
answer #9
answered by sxanthop 4
man would not have had to suffer had sin not entered in. GOD created man to have fellowship with and he created the earth for man to have dominion over.As far as angels they are spiritual beings we are flesh created in the image of God.
2007-05-13 16:06:42
answer #10
answered by ✞ Ephesians 2:8 ✞ 7