2007-05-12 14:55:23
answer #1
answered by Carlos 7
The only thing I didn't care for on a burger was a slice of pineapple. There are so many good toppings! I have a special burger that I make, I stuff it with cheese and mushrooms, or sun dried tomatoes and feta. I like most ingredients and all the sauces, even BBQ. You just can't beat a bacon cheeseburger! And I wish we had a What-a-Burger around here. Happy grilling and frying to you!!
2007-05-12 15:00:37
answer #2
answered by whrldpz 7
When it comes to burgers I like to use different combinations, depending on my mood. Sometimes I like plain old American cheese and spread. Other times I like Swiss cheese, mushrooms, mayo, and ketchup. One of my favorites is bacon, avocado, pepperjack cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo. The Western bacon at Carl's Jr. is pretty good too. Once in a while I'll take grilled onions.
2007-05-12 15:00:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
you additionally could make rissoles/hamburger pattie..... cut back the vegetables genuine high-quality and combine them into the minced meat and you upload the tomato sauce and a few dried blended herbs in case you have them, (what's genuine tasty is once you place a cube of cheese interior the ball of meat blend) roll into balls and shallow fry them on the two part till browned. you could additionally make little fritta like issues/savoury brownies if the noodles are the two minute style or the thin skinny curly ones. what you do is grate your veg or cut back genuine high-quality. in case you have some curry powder, wack it right into a bowl with the cooked noodles, veg and an egg or 2 and combine. pull out bits of blend and pa it right into a warm fry pan containing some oil and squash it right into a flat cake. cook dinner for 2 min. the two part or till crispy brown. savour
2016-11-27 22:26:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I like a slice of tomato, lettuce, and cheese on my hamburger. I don't like sauces on them or pickles, or onions.
2007-05-12 14:57:44
answer #5
answered by goodbye 7
I hate anything extra on my sandwich. For example, lots of lettuce; I'm not a rabbit!
2007-05-12 14:57:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
cheese, lettuce, onions, ketchup, pickles, and on occasion, special sauce.
I don't want no mayo, or eggs!( Red Robin has a burger with a fried egg on it.....I tried it and didn't care for it!)
2007-05-12 15:01:13
answer #7
answered by besitos2610 5
red onions, bacon, cheese,mushrooms,lettuce, tomato, ketchup and mustard. obviously, theres nothing i DONT like on a burger ;)
2007-05-12 15:04:11
answer #8
answered by ♥mama♥ 6
tomatoes,pickles,lettuce and i don't like onions on hamburgers unless their small
2007-05-12 15:06:19
answer #9
answered by ken s 6
love mayo & ketchup together with lettuce & tomato....can not stand hot peppers, onions, mustard or pickles!
(pickles are ok on the side)
2007-05-12 14:59:46
answer #10
answered by jazjam♥ 5
I like bacon, beans, broccoli, Bohemian Rhapsody singles, and Bhudda statues on my burgers.
I hate things that don't start with "B".
2007-05-12 14:57:20
answer #11
answered by Anonymous