God created an imperfect universe and inconsistent life for only one reason, that is for man to be able to use his distinguishing character-his reason. For all his strivings and sufferings, and his quest to conquer the imperfections(which are evil), man uses his reason to shun away the evil reality and in so doing, he is headed towards a just life, which is a good life.
It is God's way of moving us or maneuvering us without Him moving. He sets himself as ideal -the perfect all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-present God. But we need to strive to make the imperfections perfect like Him by using our reason.
2007-05-12 02:07:01
answer #1
answered by oscar c 5
If you want a logical answer then you are begging the question,since you have hypothesised that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.Therefore is it possible for created beings like us to know the mind of a creator on a logical basis ?
We can only proceed on the basis of faith if you were to believe in God.
Creation however imperfect it may be, perhaps God is wanting us to partner him for making the world eventually perfect !
2007-05-12 04:51:20
answer #2
answered by joseph b 2
Logic? mmm
The Universe is not finish... who said it was finish... how can we know it is finished... creatures on earth are still evolving... how do we know Humans will not someday be perfect... how do we know what "perfect" really means?....
I think... we don't have the power to say what is perfect and what is not... and neither to say if this is already a finished creation... The Universe is still changing... every second... every second a star dies... every second natural selection on Earth is talking place... I do believe in evolution.. so I know this is not finished yet... but I can not say either if we will end up perfect... Don't really know what "perfect" really means....
If you are saying God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and etc... and that he did in fact created this universe and everything in it... then I guess there are two posible choices.... The Universe is still perfect and our opinion or view of it as imperfect is wrong... OR the Universe is still evolving into being perfect... and everything in it...
2007-05-13 18:58:20
answer #3
answered by CRA 3
That is a very good question. The logical answer, if you beleive what the bible says, is that in the beginning, God originally created a beautiful earth and it was perfect and so were the first humans, Adam & Eve. But they disobeyed God and because of that, brought into question, God's right to rule. Now if god were to have just destroyed Adam & Eve and Satan, the angel that came down and decieved Eve into eating of the forbidden fruit, then God would have proven that he has the power, but not the right. By letting things get this bad down to our day, we can now see that we need God in our lives and that indeed, God does have the right to rule. We, as humans, are unable to rule ourselves, this is a proven fact. No matter what mankind does, there will never be perfection on this earth. Soon, God will step in and fix the earth and restore the earth back to what it should be, paradise. God does care but he has to do this in order to prove to people on earth and the angels in heaven that we all need god in our lives. So the next question to ask yourself is: What do I have to do to be a part of this new world that God is going to bring about?
2007-05-12 13:13:23
answer #4
answered by kiratess 3
I think this person was seeking answers from a logical perspective, not a religious one, but we can try.
Just a note - the prophet humanity refers to as "Jesus" - was not the individual who wrote the bible.
The old testament has a passage that states "spare the rod, spoil the child" which was easily interpreted by fundamentalists in the past that God was giving parents permission to use physical discipline on children. Now, does that mean we should blame God for the cycle of domestic violence? People need to be accountable for placing their own interpretation on matters and for their own actions.
Also, the bible was originally written in an era of unsophisticated intellect;
Prior to people knowing the earth is round and not flat; Prior to people being aware of things like earthquakes which can swallow up communities when they occur, not as punishment from God's wrath because things like infidelity and sodomy had occurred there.
Former civilizations have existed where people lived in a very spiritual way. This fact did not make them invincible/immortal, either. Human beings are human beings.
I think if you believe God is a punishing God, you may have a great deal to learn about God. I'm not talking about religious doctrine and programming we receive in Sunday school, Churches, or Mass.
God is not responsible for the mess down here. Human Beings are. As long as we believe a luminous, omnipotent presence which "punishes" yourself and humanity for the inevitable errors of being imperfect humans, we move further away from God.
It is natural to fear what you don't understand. How can one expect to be closer to God when the popular concept explained to us is one which may instill fear?
2007-05-12 03:44:27
answer #5
answered by reeksofhoney 3
According to your logical questions Power, Presence, and knowledge - is correlated to Wish, Will, And purpose. I see no reason to accept that as you have not expanded upon that idea. I do not believe in religious dogma that states God is a Omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being. However, just because we seem to agree on that point I will not ignore the fallacies in your question. Conclusion- Your questions are not only ambiguous your logic is flawed.
2016-04-01 07:54:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Looking for answers thru the route of logic will lead you up a blind alley. I f i accept your first statement that God is Omnipotent etc then it LOGICALLY follows that everything he has created is Perfect which includes this life & universe. Are humans greedy in wanting for more when we already have so much :)
2007-05-12 17:34:19
answer #7
answered by Praxis 5
Logic. You've come to the right person.
First, let us assume truth derived from your question - God exists, and he is omni....
Second, let us assume truth derived from your question - God created this universe
Now, analyze the opinion in your question. "Imperfect universe & inconsistent life". It is important to realize that this is an opinion. It is generated only from the viewpoint of oneself (no matter how many people agree with it).
Based on logic, it can be assumed to be true that you yourself (nor I, nor anyone on Earth) is also omnipotent, omniscient, and/or omnipresent. Since we cannot take the proper viewpoint to analyze the problem (in this case, life itself), we cannot possibly come to a correct conclusion through logical means.
You have to ascend first.
2007-05-12 01:26:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
First and foremost, universe is not created by a creator. That will make your question to be rephrased.
Anyway, universe is there. It has perfection and imperfection in it. Why someone has a shorter limb? Why someone is beautiful and others not? Logic cannot tackle this cause logic does not make sense in this context.
2007-05-12 02:17:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"All generalizations are false." Both logic and faith are quite frequently, but not inevitably subjective, largely dependent on the terms understood and/or allowed. In such an universal question as this we lack the purview to comprehend all that may or may not balance the equation, i.e. are the terms given all there is or are things missing.
I suggest a look at enki's question in this section.
2007-05-12 02:15:46
answer #10
answered by Fr. Al 6