Rick Warren's A Purpose-driven Life/church (1) The church must be careful to insult the people, only be nice to the members otherwise you'll hurt their feeling (the Church must warn us about sin, teach the not-so-nice facts in the Bible- it's not for our entertainment)
If you believe it, you will be rich- God wants you to be happy, to be rich, to enjoy life, to be your best (actually, Jesus said it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter His Kingdom)
If you say the Prayer of Jabez (Bruce Wilkinson) everything will just work out fine, just like it did for Jabez (You can't push God into your way of doing things if it's not His will for you, and prayer is not some magic spell) (2)
Self-help doctrines + Bible- you don't have to feel bad about yourself, look in the mirror and realize God made you perfect, you are therefore wonderful and deserve wonderful things (we must be humble before the Lord)
Accept Jesus as you saviour, just say this prayer with me, and attend our Bible School and remember to pay $$$$ for the Bible course/camp/membership....there, you're saved ("Not all who say Lord, Lord will be saved/enter the Kingdom" Jesus said + being saved requires more than just reciting a prayer, attending church)
If you've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit, then please stay after the service so that a pastor can "baptize" you in the Spirit (Luke 11:13 Jesus stated you need only ask Him for the Spirit, no need for another's prayer or fancy ritual, and only Christ can baptize you with fire) (3)
As evidence of your Spirit baptism, you will speak tongues (it can happen but only for the purpose of edifying and for the unbelievers, if someone cannot speak in tongues it's not a sign he/she does not have the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruits of the Spirit) (4)
New Age teaching: prayer circles (5), slain in the Spirit, annointings, cleaning objects like new furniture to get rid of the "demon" (6)
This is not exhaustive. I never buy books from a Christian bookstore. I read the Bible, use a good concordance with it and that's all we need. Why read other "Christian" books, attend "Bible" courses, and uncritically listen to someone's sermon? We have the Bible, and the Spirit, to teach us. Few people critically evaluate the sermons of their fav. TV preacher, and a lot of teachings are like fashion, they're like a hype, craze, like Kate Moss' fashion range. How many times was I told "You must read this book by so and so, it really helped me grow in my faith". If a human book must be read in order for you to grow in your faith, then you are in trouble. Where's your Bible?
2007-05-12 00:57:31
answer #1
answered by Blodeuedd 2
Jesus said He has "all authority" and His apostles were to teach the things HE had commanded. (Matthew 28:18-20)
In Acts 17:11 some of the jews were called noble because they recieved the word preached eagerly and they searched the Scriptures daily to see if it was true.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 says the Scriptures are useful for our doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction and the Scriptures can completely furnish the man of God. (We need no man-made doctrine.)
In 1 Corinthians 1:10, the apostle Paul begged Christians to "all speak the same thing" and have "no divisions".
I think the most dangerous, distructive, and divisive doctrine today is "It doesn't matter what you believe..." This idea contradicts the verses above and many other verses!
We should return to the Bible as our only guidebook and source of authorative doctrine! We should speak where the Bible speaks, be silent where the Bible is silent, do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible names.
Only if we do this can we have the type of unity Paul pleaded for (1 Cor 1: 10-13) and that Jesus prayed for (John 17:20-21)!
2007-05-14 15:25:12
answer #2
answered by JoeBama 7
#1 by a wide margin has to be the doctrine that there is life after death. It directly leads people to devalue life.
If more of us were aware that this is our only life, there'd be far less violence in this world, and far far more responsible behavior.
I do think that the notion that truth is subjective (as the guy above me suggests) comes in at second. Without that notion, the fundamentalists wouldn't have been so successful in their attacks on modern civilization. Of course it's not just the religious right that uses the "truth is subjective" notion - people all across the political/religious/social spectrum have fallen for it, and use it as a weapon.
2007-05-12 00:34:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think the most dangerous doctrine is believing that there is not GOD.
Francine M
2007-05-19 14:58:41
answer #4
answered by Francine M 4
The lack of perspective and humility that is found in scientific understandings concepts and principles.
Once this is circumvented, a whole new set of fabricated perspectives can be utilised for control, power and applied bigotry so that self importance and secular interests may become priorities.
At least religion gives those with very feeble minds something easy to think about and digest, but the child abuse that is religious indoctrination is truly unforgivable..!!
2007-05-12 00:01:03
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ok, if I thought there was some false doctrines in the Church I went to, I would and have looked elsewhere.
But now I am an "out of Church" or "unChurched Christian".
I'm sick of churchianity.
2007-05-11 23:58:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Don't know about the doctines. What about those that hide behind the cloth of the church.....Wolves in sheeps clothing.
They are pretty dangerous and destructive.
2007-05-19 02:49:29
answer #7
answered by holly 7
Well, I beleive that they themsevles are confuesed. They really don't have any clue about truth and they even can not prove it any time you ask it from them they tell it is all based on faith and we can not prove it and it is not some thing to prove
Also I believe that they try to make people apart, they try to show that only Christian are those who deserve to go to heaven and they brianwashed people. They try to tell people that don't use their brian and they should'nt do it and if do it, they did sin or didn't accept the truth if they find it against their belifes.
How can some one who really don't know God, describe God true for you, Find for me just one Church who is able to describe true love and true God or true way, they can't , Then why should I believe them totaly.
2007-05-13 03:09:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
1. That a God exists, and 2. That the Church (or any organised Religion) can offer Salvation or any real help to Mankind, except to provide the false impression that can provide forgiveness of "sins" and assurance of their ability to know what is best for you in all areas of your life.( Control a persons mind and you control his Vote and his Wallet.)
2007-05-12 00:14:20
answer #9
answered by joe_innea 1
teaching the false doctrine of the state of the dead... I think spiritualism is dangerously close to the christian world in this false concept, and was meant to be in its design. to think my dead mother could appear to me and tell me something I know to be contrary to THE WORD OF GOD, many would fall for it. I am safe from a demon appearing to me to mislead me i this fashion because I know my beloved mothe rwill rise from the grave when JESUS calls her when HE returns.I Thessalonians 4: 13-18. and the day we worship on, is it right, with GOD? that 's another question.
2007-05-12 01:35:02
answer #10
answered by spotlite 5