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my youth pastor said she was?

2007-05-11 19:15:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Her soul magnifies the Lord (Luke 1:46-55)! Think of what that means for just a moment.

Everything about Our Lady points straight back to the Father, Whose faithful daughter she is; to the Son, Whose mother she is; and to the Holy Ghost Who overshadowed her. There is no one in all of History whose relationship with God is as complex, fulfilled, and achingly beautiful as Mary's. She is not only the greatest of Saints, she is our Mother, as Jesus is our Brother and Savior. In honoring her, we honor Him -- and imitate Him, as we are admonished to both honor our parents and imitate Christ, Who loved His Mother.

Adam and Eve, immaculate from their first moments, prefigure Mary and Jesus, also without original sin from their conceptions -- the only four people immaculate from their first moments, creating a brillian poetic symmetry in Scripture. And as Eve through her disobedience, was the means through whom Adam brought sin into the world, Mary, the New Eve, through her obedience, was the means through whom salvation entered the world when she gave birth to her Son, the New Adam, our Savior.

Hail, Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

It just strikes me as evil, this not uncommon attempt to diminish Mary's status and the unceasing accusations against Catholics of trying to raise her status to that of God's. There's something very sinister and ugly in it, and I find it offensive. We Catholics take great care in pointing out that "worship" in the sense of latria 3 is GOD'S alone -- even to the point of having separate terms for the honor and adoration due to God as opposed to the honor and veneration of the Saints -- including His greatest Saint, Mary. They are:

latria: the honor due to God alone
dulia: the honor due to human creatures worthy of respect
hyperdulia: the honor due to Mary as God's greatest creation and our Queen Mother

To love Mary takes nothing at all from Christ, but honors our Blessed Lord by Whose grace she is who she is: His greatest creation, the greatest of Saints, the Queen of Heaven, the Immaculate Conception, the spotless Virgin, the Ark of the Covenant, the New Eve, the mother of God, and the mother of Israel -- our mother who wants nothing more for us than to pray for us and show us her Son.

2007-05-14 12:53:19 · answer #1 · answered by Isabella 6 · 0 0

The Bible does not say how old she was, but it would not be a surprise if she were only around 12 or 13. You have to remember that things were different back then, cultures and all.

There were things that were allowed that was not God's perfect will i.e..Divorce was never a thing wanted by God, but because we are weak humans there were provisions made. Also One husband/ One wife was God's plan but look at the situations where "God's Men" had concubines and even Children by house helpers and maids, (and in the case of Abram his wife brought the maid to him and told him it was ok).

I don't try to say I fully understand "why" some things were allowed and some not.

But does it really matter how old Mary was?

By the way anyone who says that Christians do not believe Mary suffered with regular childbirth and pain or that we do *not* believe Christ suffered...HAS NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT....

Rev. Roy Ross (Christian and I know they both suffered as any other human suffered)

2007-05-11 19:27:00 · answer #2 · answered by Rev R 4 · 0 0

Ask your youth pastor for his source. According to an early Christian text called the Protoevangelium of James, Mary was 16 when she became pregnant with Jesus.

2007-05-11 19:42:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible would not say how previous Mary replaced into as you have pronounced. it rather is achieveable that Mary replaced into 13 or 14 because of the fact she could have been sufficiently previous to have little ones and ladies human beings have been given married at a youthful age back then than they do now. once you study the tale of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo replaced into sixteen and Juliet replaced into 14. till a woman has stepped forward exterior of the conventional time line, whilst she is 9 years previous she has not long undergone puberty which has traditionally been the time whilst a woman replaced into seen to be sufficiently previous to get married.

2016-10-04 22:48:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The Bible doesn't say how old Mary was when she became pregnant. However, Mary was engaged to Joseph when she fell pregnant (Matthew 1:18), and therefore would have been old enough to marry in accordance with the Jewish law.

It sounds like you need to be careful with regards to your youth paster (Titus 1:14).

Matthew 1:18
But the birth of Jesus Christ was in this way. During the time his mother Mary was promised in marriage to Joseph, she was found to be pregnant by holy spirit before they were united.

Titus 1:14
paying no attention to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn themselves away from the truth.

2007-05-11 19:44:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes, age 13 to 14. They married very young back then. They were more knowledgeable about life, I think, than the average teenage girl today.

2007-05-11 19:22:26 · answer #6 · answered by tonks_op 7 · 0 2

Yep. Did you see that Dateline where Chris Hansen nailed God making online arrangements for an encounter with Mary?

2007-05-11 19:20:42 · answer #7 · answered by knuckleheadmcspazmatron 4 · 3 2

That certainly would explain why catholic priests prefer kids.

2007-05-11 19:20:11 · answer #8 · answered by Fred 7 · 2 3

The Birth of Jesus

On the onset of her labor, she was in extreme pain, both mentally and physically. How could a woman of such piety and nobility bear a child out of wedlock? We should mention here that Mary had a normal pregnancy which was no different than other women, and delivered her child as others do. In Christian belief, Mary did not suffer the pains of childbirth, for Christianity and Judaism regard menstruation and labor to be a curse upon women for the sin of Eve[1]. Islam neither upholds this belief, nor the theory of ‘Original Sin’, but rather strongly emphasizes that none shall burden the sin of others:

“No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another.” (Quran 6:164)

Not only that, but neither the Quran nor the Prophet Muhammad, may God praise him, ever mention that is was Eve who ate from the tree and enticed Adam. Rather, the Quran places the blame on either Adam alone, or on them both:

“Then Satan whispered suggestions to them both…So he misled them with deception. Then when they tasted of the tree, that which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts) became manifest to them” (Quran 7:20-22)

Mary, due to her anguish and pain wished that she had never been created, and exclaimed:

“Would that I had died before this, and become something forgotten.” (Quran 19:23)

After delivering the child, and when her distress could not be any more severe, the newborn babe, Jesus, may God praise him, cried out miraculously from beneath her, appeasing her and reassuring her that God will protect her:

“And he called to her from beneath her, ‘Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to (any) person.’” (Quran 19:24-26)

Mary felt reassured. This was the first miracle performed at the hands of Jesus. He spoke reassuringly to his mother upon his birth, and once again when people saw her carrying her newborn baby. When they saw her, they accused her saying:

“O Mary, truly a strange thing you have brought!” (Quran 19:27)

She merely pointed to Jesus, and he miraculously spoke, just as God had promised her upon annunciation.

“He shall speak to people while still in the cradle, and in manhood, and he shall be from the righteous.” (Quran 3:46)

Jesus said to the people:

“I am indeed a slave of God. He has given me the Book and made me a Prophet, and He has made me blessed wherever I may be. And He has enjoined upon me prayers, and to pay the alms, as long as I live and (He has made me) kind to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed. And may Peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and on the Day I shall be raised to life.” (Quran 19:30-33)

From here starts the episode of Jesus, his lifelong struggle to call people to the worship of God, evading the plots and plans of those Jews who would strive to kill him.

Mary in Islam

We have already discussed the great status which Islam gives to Mary. Islam gives her the status of being the most perfect of women created. In the Quran, no woman is given more attention than Mary even though all the prophets, with the exception of Adam, had mothers. Of the Quran’s 114 chapters, she is among the eight people who have a chapter named after them, the nineteenth chapter “Maryam”, which is Mary in Arabic. The third chapter in the Quran is named after her father, Imran (Heli). Chapters Maryam and Imran are among the most beautiful chapters in the Quran. In addition, Mary is the only woman specifically named in the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad said:

“The best women of the world are four: Mary the daughter of Heli, Aasiyah the wife of Pharaoh, Khadeejah bint Khuwaylid (The wife of the Prophet Muhammad), and Fatimah, the daughter of the Muhammad, the Messenger of God.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Despite all these merits which we have mentioned, Mary and her son Jesus were only human, and they had no characteristics which were beyond the realm of humanity. They were both created beings and both ‘born’ into this world. Although they were under the special care of God from committing grave sins (total protection - as other prophets - in the case of Jesus, and partial protection as other righteous persons in case of Mary, if we take the position that she was not a prophetess), they still were prone to make mistakes. Unlike Christianity, which holds Mary to be faultless[2], none are given this quality of perfection except God Alone.

Islam commands the belief and implementation of strict monotheism; that none have any supernatural powers other than God, and that He alone deserves worship, devotion and adoration. Even though miracles may have occurred at the hands of the prophets and righteous people during their lives, they have no power to help themselves, let alone others, after their death. All humans are slaves of God and are in need of His help and mercy.

The same holds true for Mary. Although many miracles occurred in her presence, all this ceased after her death. Any claims people have made that they saw apparitions of the Virgin, or that people were saved from harm after invoking her, like those mentioned in apocryphal literature such as “Transitus Mariae”, are mere apparitions made by Satan to steer people away from the worship and devotion to the One True God. Devotions such as 'the Hail Mary' praised upon the rosary and other acts of magnification, such as the devotion of churches and specification of feasts to Mary, all lead people to magnify and glorify others besides God. Due to these reasons, Islam has strictly forbidden innovations of any kind, as well as building places of worship over graves, all to preserve the essence of all religions sent by God, the pristine message to worship Him alone and to leave the false worship of all other besides Him.

Mary was a maidservant of God, and she was the purest of all women, specially chosen to bear the miraculous birth of Jesus, one of the greatest of all prophets. She was known for her piety and chastity, and she will continue to be held in this great regard throughout the ages to come. Her story has been related in the Glorious Quran since the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, and will continue to be so, unchanged in its pristine form, until the Day of Judgment.

2007-05-11 19:21:24 · answer #9 · answered by alee 3 · 0 1

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