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Evolution is NOT just a theory.
It does NOT say we evolved from monkeys.
It does NOT say we're all just one big accident.

Seriously... have you people who reject evolution researched it at all?

2007-05-11 19:06:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Why emphasize THEORY? It is not simply a guess - that's the whole problem here! There is a difference between guess, educated guess (hypothesis) and theory.

2007-05-11 19:18:14 · update #1

"all life originated from one cell in an ocean"
*cough* abiogenesis *cough*

*And macroevolution does say we evolved from monkeys.*
Bzzzz! Wrong. Evolution says humans, apes and monkeys evolved from a common ape-like ancestor. WE didn't come from MONKEYS.

Macroevolution is just microevolution at a greater degree.

2007-05-11 19:20:49 · update #2

missing links: Homo habilis, Homo erectus/ergaster, Homo neanderthalensis...

You were saying?

2007-05-11 19:22:51 · update #3

How is it an assumption? Obviously people reject evolution - look at the U.S. More than half (52% I think) of the population in fact!

2007-05-11 19:52:50 · update #4

13 answers

Yeah, actually; I learned about evolution in ninth grade biology. I watch public television. I get it. And frankly, I still think the things you say it's "NOT" summarize it rather well.

Added thought: If humans, monkeys, and apes all "evolved" from the same apelike ancestor, then explain the evolutionary benefits to the monkeys and apes. Evidently monkeys didn't evolve at all; perhaps even retrograded. But I'm an ignorant creationist. What do I know?

2007-05-11 19:12:01 · answer #1 · answered by hoff_mom 4 · 5 1

To those who say "the missing link has never been found" can do a little research to find that we have some candidates.

Remember, science is ever-changing as we discover more and more. With the bible and god, it's very static and never changes, but in REAL LIFE, we are constantly learning and changing the outcomes of what we've already learned as we apply new findings.

2007-05-12 02:26:16 · answer #2 · answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6 · 1 0

Oh believe us, we know all about it. And since you come in here making assertions without links to backup your assumptions, it is you that needs to do some research for something that youre so willing to rush to defend! Unless you have a differing view of what evolution is contrary to what context in which todays scientist uses it.

Many of todays scientists when they say the word "EVOLUTION" arent referring to small changes within species, they are talking about how life grew from a single-celled organism all the way to humans, by way of a series of singularly beneficial accidents (to paraphrase Julian Huxely, atheist biologist) known as "evolution."

No God involved, and very poor evidence for such a theory. It is nothing more than atheistic philosophy and the modern day atheistic myth of how we came into being.

2007-05-12 02:40:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The fact is only the idea of lifeforms adapting to thier enviorment is the only fact about evolution.Everything else is just theory.

When people say we came from monkeys they just are generalizing.In general terms most people dont stress ape and monkey to much so get over it.If you wanted to argue with somebody go to a debate forum.Right now all you are trying to to is be immature and annoying.This is a question and answer forum got it einstein?

2007-05-12 02:18:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Most importantly, do they know that you can both accept evolution and believe in God?

For the people who fall back on that it's "just a theory", do they think music theory is "just a theory" too? That a C-major chord is just a guess? I can't believe how many people don't read up the difference between "theory" and "hypothesis".

I think the reason why most people are creationists is simply because they're too lazy to do the research. Having to learn about biology and going beyond layman's terms is much harder than being able to fall back on "A big invisible man didi it".

2007-05-12 02:13:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

I was created exactly the way GOD wants me to be. I don't have all the ribs that a woman has.. and I was made in GOD'S image..

sarcasm.. if you couldn't tell..

But I researched it once.. and in all honesty.. the research was so much more fun than the end result.. not because.. i know I evolve.. it just meant that I had to find something new to research

2007-05-12 02:11:05 · answer #6 · answered by Dream? I do. 1 · 3 1

Come on, even Darwin admitted the fossil evidence was incomplete. He encouraged his supporters to gather more evidence (He himself was old then). More than 100 yrs has passed. The "missing links" haven't been found yet. Yes, our DNAs are similar to that of apes, but lab rats' DNAs are also similar to human's. Lifeforms changed through time. Changes were not necessarily evolution. I'm not totally against evolution. I'm simply waiting for more convincing evidences.

2007-05-12 02:17:39 · answer #7 · answered by Gone 4 · 2 3

um... all theories supposed to fit together like a puzzle. So evolution fits with the whole "all life originated from one cell in an ocean"

And macroevolution does say we evolved from monkeys.
Evolution makes God unnecessary. Also, it's too passive. read the Bible. God is not passive.

Have you researched theists at all?

2007-05-12 02:15:14 · answer #8 · answered by aznfanatic 5 · 2 5

I use to be an Atheist until Science on NOVA and other public television proved to me that evolution is false. There is absolutely no evidence for Evolution. Then I turned to God and then He proved Himself to me by manifesting His presence to me.

2007-05-12 02:18:16 · answer #9 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 1 3

please don't try to rationalize with christians. they reject science and have made enemies with it.

and here we go with the thumbs down

2007-05-12 02:38:41 · answer #10 · answered by blackroserequiem 2 · 2 0

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