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well i know of small things like...we shoudn't we wasting our food...n we should try to cut down on our fuel consumption...save power as much as we can do...try turning off unnecessary lights and using minimal air conditioners...but what can we do on larger scale???its get tough trying convincing others to do so...even our governments know the situation but are not acting i an alarming manner...

2007-05-11 17:28:32 · 14 answers · asked by razmatttaz... 4 in Environment Global Warming

14 answers

Replace 5 commonly used light bulbs with low energy spiral (CFL) bulbs.
Set a computer and monitor to "power down" when not in use.
Use less hot water by installing a low flow shower head and washing clothes in cold or warm water.
Purchase ten percent of your electricity from a green power source such as wind, solar or geothermal.
Adjusting your thermostat two degrees cooler in the winter can save more than 5% on energy bills, and setting your thermostat two degrees warmer in summer can save 10% or more. Alternatively, you can use a programmable thermostat to adjust temperatures by four degrees automatically while you are at work and sleeping.
Purchase an energy-saving washing machine or refrigerator that has earned the government's “Energy Star” label.
Turn your water heater thermostat down to 120 degrees.
Keep your car off the road to and from work one day per week by teleworking, carpooling, riding a bike, or using public transportation (Savings based on a 10 mile trip to/from work).
Use a car that gets 10 miles more per gallon than what you currently drive.
Keep your tires properly inflated, improving fuel economy up to 3%.
Eliminate one trip by car per week by stringing errands together (savings based on a 5 mile trip to the store).
Plant six trees.

2007-05-11 17:59:25 · answer #1 · answered by The PENsive Insomniac 5 · 0 1

I agree entirely with KiaSiste, There is nothing we as indeviduals can do about it but try to weigh up who is benefiting from all the who ha, There is a hidden agendre.somewhere.. Some say that the people behind the ones spreading doubt about global warming are the oil companies etc,,,Its only a theory, Thats why the US hasnt signed the Kyoto aggreement

2007-05-12 01:20:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In a larger scale, you should probably try something to educate the vast majority of the population in India and China on this topic. Because that's where most of the untreated pollution is coming from.

For example, When they change oil in their automobiles, they DON'T dispose it like we do here in the States, instead they simply toss it on the ground. Most textile factories there don't treat their waste and let it mix with the rivers. See the sources I've listed below for the extent of the problem.

Good luck on your mission.

2007-05-12 00:45:40 · answer #3 · answered by findandreplace 3 · 1 0

OK. Here it is, based on the cumulative information:

it is the natural cycle that swings from ICE AGE to TROPIC AGE.

What is NOT natural is that we are leaving the Tropic age and intering the Desertification age, the killing of the life support of the earth.

1st step in the solution is to change what we are doing...
many of the cures will sound like going backwards...

start using wood burning fireplaces inplace of other sources of heat. This will require planting lots of trees, and maintaining them, using the trimmings for the wood supply, and using the modern fireplace inserts to maximize the burn, extend burn time, reduce supply demand, and produce a fertile ground spread that can incourage the additional growth.

Relocate population centers to the deserts, and encourage the growth of the jungle and forrest areas.

Use multi-storied green houses to produce as much of the seasonal foods, like tomatoes and such, and use the large land areas for the field produce like grains and seeds.

Remember the real key is to prevent Desertification, not "global warming" so switching to Bio-Diesel is also a priority, stop talking about other fuels, as they all will require wasted research, bio-diesel is here, and is starting to be deployed, in five years will be wide spread, but we got to get the auto industry to switch, and that means buy diesel.

2007-05-12 11:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by Vman 2040 3 · 0 1

Yeah I don't think we can get there with conservation.

We could make efforts to be carbon neutral by buying windmill shares for instance. But since so few people care about global warming, it's not enough for you or I to be merely neutral; we'd each have to compensate for about 50 more people who don't care.

I was astonished at how cheap it was to get "carbon neutral" by buying windmill shares. I could actually make me and 50 other people carbon neutral.

But I'm looking for bigger ways to compensate. Sure you and I could drive diesels and use biodiesel in it. Or I could convert a diesel car to SVO. But what if I worked with a local railway museum to convert a LOCOMOTIVE to SVO? That's a heck of a lot of diesel fuel, that's like converting 100 cars, for a lot less effort!

Now the local freight line is interested. (one of his industries ships tank cars full of SVO, so he can get it real cheap.) Convert him, that's like converting 1000 cars. Now Amtrak starts noticing what this short line is doing... a little lobbying and now Amtrak is on SVO.

Amtrak burns 75 million gallons of diesel fuel a year. That's like converting 250,000 cars to biofuels. Whoa!!

I'm convinced of this: We cannot lay back and trust the government to "fix it". We as individual citizens must take the initiative and make the change ourselves. And we have to do it on a bigger scale than merely our own personal use.

I'm also convinced of this: Schwarzenegger has said reduction doesn't work. You can't save the planet by asking people to tighten their belts, drive less, do less. No, Americans are consumerists, and our path is through MORE, newer, better, cooler. Amazing new cars that get 100 mpg (very practical with plug-in hybrids). Massive new green generating capacity. High speed rail. In other words, we can only save the earth through economic expansion into a whole new economy.

2007-05-12 01:13:06 · answer #5 · answered by Wolf Harper 6 · 0 0

NASA has confirmed that there is global warming happening on Mars too, and we aren't there to screw that planet up. The sun is in a hotter cycle, and there is not a whole hell of a lot we can do about it. Yes, we need to take care of the planet because we live here, but it is arrogant assumption to believe we can have any significant effect on natural forces that have been in motion for millenia.

2007-05-12 00:56:38 · answer #6 · answered by Dave F 3 · 1 0

California puts out 1% of the world's CO2. India puts out 16% Tell India to reduce its global warming.

2007-05-15 23:58:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You could start a recycling program in your neighborhood or office. You could do research to educate yourself in an area you are interested in, related to improving the environment, and use it to educate others. You could carry a cloth shopping bag instead of using plastic ones (it's a small step, but every little step counts). I think the best thing you can do is to lead by example, if everyone did their part, even if it was a small one, improvements would be seen!

2007-05-15 22:39:59 · answer #8 · answered by yentruoc311 2 · 0 1

I don't think even the worst of the liberals believe all of the global warming crap they spout--if they did, why do they all get so upset about rebuilding New Orleans?? If 1/10th of what they predict is true, NO is going to be completely underwater in 50 years anyway..........

2007-05-12 00:43:34 · answer #9 · answered by The Grey Piper 2 · 2 0

Ask your govt. to go in for more alternative energy sources including nuclear energy. And ask the guys opposing global warming to keep quiet.

2007-05-12 02:38:47 · answer #10 · answered by Swamy 7 · 0 0

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