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Do you think saints and gurus never get angry ?

2007-05-11 16:36:37 · 38 answers · asked by ۞Aum۞ 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

G... u asked does anything good come from anger ? What about parents getting angry and shouting at kids... sometimes anger is a tool

2007-05-11 16:47:56 · update #1

Thanks Christian friends !!! If a great soul like Jesus showed his anger... it means showing anger at legitimate err.. is a part of spirituality

2007-05-11 18:35:08 · update #2

Marshman ---long time no see? yes a faction of hinduism says anger is a sin...but that way all in Mahabharata were sinners...including Krishna??

Tantra & Shakta path of hinduism mention 8 chains binding humans...and you will be surprised it does not contain Anger as sin or chain !!!

2007-05-11 18:37:17 · update #3

MuslimUt.... very sane statement.. thumbs up to you

2007-05-11 18:39:01 · update #4

38 answers

The reason that impulses anger could validate the level of spirituallity. I get could angry because of greed when I don't find money, or lust when I don't find anyone to satisfy my desire, or quite possibly for love when I feel that the other doesn't love me, or for any such thing. And that would suggest that I'm far away from spirituallity. But if I get angry over my son, cos he won't pay respect to his mom, that's explainable and that won't lower my degree of spirituallity.

Gods too are known to get angry over things. But that basically is (as you said 'tool') to teach others a lesson, and because of high impulse of their desires. Saints' and Gurus' do get angry, but again, not because they want something, but because they are always trying to offer us something and we are blind towards it.

All the best...


2007-05-12 05:22:48 · answer #1 · answered by plato's ghost 5 · 1 1

No. To ignore your emotion is to avoid growth.

An enlightened soul will take that anger as a growth opportunity and work through it and learn from it instead of lingering or wallowing in it, however. They may seem to be more calm or reach a state of peace quicker than some because of this so people around them may perceive them as never getting angry.

I know some people that believe they should no longer feel anger because they now "know better." They're on a spiritual path to enlightenment and they meditate and they believe anger is old energy and if one is trull tolerant they should not feel anger. I've been there myself.

I believe that we're human for the experience and anger exists as a tool, as does fear. They are there to point certain issues out to us and bring things to our attention we can use as learning opportunities if we pay attention. Or sometimes it's good to just experience the maya or duality of being human.

2007-05-12 15:00:01 · answer #2 · answered by Closed for Remodeling 3 · 0 0

Not getting angry is a sign of possible spiritual advancement.
Not appearing to be angry, ever, is a sign they have no conception of what it takes to get some people to move, since anger may be all that others may understand.
Anger requires the conception of debt based on damage to one's self-image. Where self-image is only a tool for dealing with the reality most people live in, anger is impossible. If curious, I'll happily share more.

2007-05-11 16:50:13 · answer #3 · answered by mckenziecalhoun 7 · 0 0

What motivates us to do anything? Surely recognition that things are not as we wish them to be?

Now I appreciate that some philosophies suggest that accepting the 'way things are' is the path to enlightenment (including my own). And on a personal level I think this may be true.

But we also live in an imperfect world. And if we care for others and wish their conditions to improve than anger may be as good a tool to work on achieving this as any other. Either to demonstrate our desires to others or to energise ourselves.

It's when we allow anger to fester inside us unproductively that problems arise. Because if not addressed it will just sour us to life.

So to answer your question, I believe that while we are human anger can have its uses. And once 'perfectly enlightened' it can also have its uses. Although then it will just be a 'mask' we use for the benefit of others.

2007-05-12 03:39:51 · answer #4 · answered by Wood Uncut 6 · 0 0

No... Not SHOWING anger externally isnt equal to spiritual attainments... , Not having anger within is a sign of SOME spiritual attainment but not necessarily advanced on their path.... because a non-angersome person can still be Greedy,
a non-angersome person can still have Lustful Desire,
a non-angersome person can still have deep rooted attachment
a non-angersome person can still have pride and inflated ego
a non-angersome person can still be deeply selfish.... etc etc etc

Anger usually denotes reaction to not being able to get our way... Its basis is in self cherishing, but if anger is expressed for selfless activities, it becomes wrath... because the angry expression is no more based on self-benefit, it can be based on love.

Like a Parent scolding a child loudly or punishing a child ... the expressed anger is from concern, love and deep hearted wish for the child to be safe, not repeat the mistake and grow better.

2007-05-12 00:08:17 · answer #5 · answered by Hoshi D 2 · 1 0

Anger is an emotional response to disagreement, dispute, or conflict. The dispute may appear to be real or imagined, it may have its roots in a past or present experience. It may be in anticipation of a future event. Anger is invariably based on the perception of threat or a perceived threat due to a conflict, injustice, negligence, humiliation or betrayal among other contentions. Anger is human emotion and only freak and fake people pretend they do not get angry.

Anger and spirituality does not have any relevance. For this matter a spiritual person, because of the respect he command, can not get angry and say it is a sign of spiritually advanced person. He should set himself a example to others and teach how to overcome Anger.

Any Guru getting angry should not be consideered as a real Guru and again he is a fake and freak person. -

2007-05-11 19:28:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Anger is a sin. (kama, krodh, lobh, mata, matsarya - the five listed basic actions of sin accoring to Hindu Dharma). Any action triggered by anger is a sin. When this is expected of an ordinary person, how can saints and gurus act on account of anger! Gurus and saints think and act from a broader perspective. They may be critical or even punish, but it cannot not be out of anger.

2007-05-11 18:29:13 · answer #7 · answered by marsh man 3 · 1 0

Jesus got angry with the money changers at the temple. Just look up anger and Lord on a Bible search site and you will find many instances about God's anger.

From the above it would seem logical that saints could get angry.

2007-05-11 16:47:49 · answer #8 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 1 0

its not the anger its self, it how you react when you get that way. i think its more of a sign of intellect. being smart enough to know that it solves nothing, and usually makes things worse. there is a need for it tho, if it wasnt for anger, youd let people walk all over you. its also the negative feed to appreciate the positive. if you were never angry, happy would be mundane. anger also spawned inventions. your angry cause you have to walk, so here comes the wheel, which turns into a bicycle, which turns into a car. the list goes on and on.

2007-05-11 17:00:04 · answer #9 · answered by chris l 5 · 0 0

I think even Jesus still get angry but his anger is for rebuke his students and those who are not doing the right things, not for his own retribution of some kinds. What I think the sure sign of advanced in spirituality when you are angry, you are still be reasonable. You use your angers for benefiting others just like Jesus' teaching.

2007-05-11 16:46:54 · answer #10 · answered by Weerapat P. 4 · 1 0

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