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Just so they could be hated or mistreated. Or we would be strong enough to tolerate them.

2007-05-11 10:21:43 · 34 answers · asked by A Journey 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

34 answers

People aren't born gay.

"If you turn to doing good, will there not be an exaltation? But if you do not turn to doing good, there is sin crouching at the entrance, and for you is its craving; and will you, for your part, get the mastery over it?" -- Genesis 4:7

"But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished, brings forth death." -- James 1:14,15

God condemns homosexuality.

"What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, ... will inherit God’s kingdom." -- 1 Corinthians 6:9,10

"... the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. " -- Romans 1:27

"And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing." -- Leviticus 8:22

For more information go to:

2007-05-11 10:28:16 · answer #1 · answered by Alex 5 · 1 6

God didn't put any homosexual genes in man. At some time in the homosexual's life he chose to relate to men more than women.

It is even possible, but not likely that it could be an inherited ancestral sin of a forefather if it was seen early in the child.
Proverbs 26:2
"As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying,
so the curse causeless shall not come."

The sin of homosexuality could have been passed down from an ancester that was homosexual.

We are not to hate or mistreat homosexuals. Their conduct is sin just like any other sin. We need to love them enough to explain that God said He can change them. That God says not to do what homosexuals do. We aren't to support their sin by allowing marriage, but we are to try to help them. And above all we are to love them because we also once had unforgiven sins. However, we accepted Jesus and He is washing those sins away.

2007-05-11 10:34:52 · answer #2 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 2 1

You imply that there was a God to create them. What kind of sick God would create a person a certain way and tell his followers to hate them for it? Christians claiming it is a choice have never had a gay friend kill themselves because they wished they could be "normal". I am straight myself and during my Christian days thought it a "choice" some people made. Then I became good friends with a few homosexuals and watched the agony being ostracized by their small minded, bigoted families caused. Some tried to be straight but in the end not being true to themselves was more than they could handle. This was one of the catalysts to my intellectual journey to atheism. Only sick, hate filled, worthless individuals could hate someone simply because of who they love.

Update: This is one of the biggest reasons religion must end. Hate of individuals different from you is inherently WRONG, no matter what your preacher tells you. That which does not fit in a nice neat little box is not inherently evil, just different. Only uneducated twits with small minds call this a choice or worse a cross the gays must carry. We have one life on this planet. One and no more. Living this life being untrue to yourself and in constant shame and self doubt because a mythical bearded old dude in the sky said so is the very definition of hell. As I read the uneducated answers of the brainwashed masses here saying "it's a choice" and "they must deny the carnal desires" I can feel the blood rush to my face. These people are your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, neighbors and friends. How dare ANYONE judge them for who they love! I have to end here. This just irks me no end...

2007-05-11 10:32:09 · answer #3 · answered by deusexmichael 3 · 3 0

God did not create homosexuals. We live in a fallen world. All of us sin and we each have our own stylistic approach to sin. Homosexuals are no more born that way then adulterers are born adulterers. We ARE born with a sinful nature.

Homosexuality sin is not intolerant. You can only tolerate something of which you disagree or disapprove. That's what the word means. I am extremely "tolerant" of homosexuals, meaning I accept them as they are, but I also love them and warn them of the consequences of their sin.

2007-05-11 19:48:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I attempt to keep away from this form of query on account that it is so emotionally charged. But it's impressive to me that you just could use the most powerful purpose towards homosexuality as proof in aid of it. The textual content says that humankind, female and male, had been created in God's picture. Homosexuality blurs this major difference inherent in God's very construction folks as picture bearers. This is the theological purpose in the back of each and every unmarried verse within the bible which condemns the train. You recognise that no longer the whole thing on this planet at present is as God created it. Look at all of the evil and pain round you. People weren't at the beginning created to be gay. Their position as picture bearers precludes it. peace

2016-09-05 17:25:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

You kinda answer your own question, because of that little *if*. Obviously, the way you would see it, God created homosexuals. Also, we all know that God really liked everything that was created ("and God saw that it was good...", etc.). So it logically follows that homosexuality is *good* and that only homophobes with their heads up where the sun don't shine have a problem with them.
Got it sonny?
Logic is Queen of ALL.

2007-05-11 12:46:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

homosexuality is not wrong, Men and society decided it was wrong. Gay people is stronger, they have a deeper soul than straight people, cuz they decided to be gay in this life so your soul and spirit can be wiser. this might sound weird, but you should read Many lives many masters, an extraordinary book about reencarnation and karma. Easy to read. By the way, the weird ones are the heterosexuals, lol

2007-05-11 10:32:05 · answer #7 · answered by kyle787 1 · 1 1

hmm never thought about that.. i dunno, but saying God created them to see if we're strong enough to tolerate them is wrong, because that's implying homosexuals are bad people & of course that's not right, they're just like everyone else.... so I don't know. Maybe homosexuality isn't really wrong at all?? Interesting question...

2007-05-11 10:31:42 · answer #8 · answered by eternalabyss 4 · 1 1

God didn't create homosexuals, they created themselves. God created human of all types, what you become is your own choosing. People are not born gay, they choose it.

2007-05-11 12:27:33 · answer #9 · answered by Kymr 3 · 0 0

Or better yet what is God thinking when a baby is born with both male and female sex organs?

Good and Bad are value judgments that we imperfect humans place on God's perfect creations.

2007-05-11 10:35:15 · answer #10 · answered by bountifiles 5 · 0 1

god didn't create homosexuals. see, a long time ago, before god created man he created the angels who were perfect in every way, except for this one angel named satan. well he was nearly perfect except for the slight flaw that he wanted to be high and mighty just like god. who he would be mighty over, i have no idea. i just know that he wanted what god had. nevermind the fact that man was non-existent at this point so satan just wanted to be god. over who? who knows. so god casts satan into hell. and there satan came up with the idea of men sleeping with other men, once man is created that is. he knew it would get under god's skin. so he waited until god created man and then tempted them with village people albums and reruns of chips. damn that satan!!! damn him to hell... oh wait, he already is... nevermind...

2007-05-11 10:36:30 · answer #11 · answered by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 · 1 1

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