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do you have willpower or cave in?

2007-05-11 09:19:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

18 answers

I can sometimes hold back - depends on my mood!!

Here is a good tip - if you are craving chocolate - wait 15 minutes before you eat it...why?....this will sound muddled..but is something to do with suagr supply.

that is how long your body will take to draw the sugar from your body to your brain and so your craving should vanish....

sometimes works for me


2007-05-11 09:22:19 · answer #1 · answered by thumberlina 6 · 0 0

I just caved in for the want of a jam sandwich.
What odds. I am only about 9st and need to put on some weight.
Although I eat a lot, I also exercise a lot, so that chip butty that I craved yesterday seems to have gone by cycling to work.
My willpower is hopeless. If I see a tin of beer & a burger, it's gone.
Still blokey waist size 28, as I water-ski a bit.
Right now, after a home-made sheperds pie & beans, I shall probab;y pass wind a bit, go for a walk, and return to cheese & crackers.
I will still be a smallish man.
High metabolic rate I suppose, so I can indulge all my cravings.
Excuse me whilst I light this liquririce tobacco stick - no, just tobabbo. and have swig of beer, with this banana.

I am going to a Hog-Roast tommorrow, and fire pellets at clay pigeons, another thing that I am craving for.
I am marshalling cars at the local Mill do on Sunday, and will have a free luch of steak & chips, beers, and a hefty sherry trifle.
My jumping in and out of feilds, I will be hungry again.
I will have a craving for liquid sustanance, so a hip-flask of rum is in order.
So, I cave in every time.
No harm done.


2007-05-11 16:47:05 · answer #2 · answered by Bob the Boat 6 · 0 0

I have the willpower to cave in when I want to

2007-05-11 16:27:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should listen to your cravings.
First you have to realize it it emotional or nutrional. Sometiems when you crave certain foods its becauseyour body is craving soemthing in that food.

For example i tend to sweat a lot and I also tend to crave pizza. WhenI think about pizza I ask myself what is it that I like the best in pizza and it's the salty cheese. I relaize that I have low sodium and the cheese helps me put sodium back in my body. If i just eat a litle salt thenthe craving for pizza usually goes away.
Now if the craving is emotional you'll say somthing I feel wonderful after I eat it or it amkes me ffeel really really good. Then You know you are simply craving this because you feel bad. Find soemthign else to do besides eaitn htese foods.

2007-05-11 16:25:49 · answer #4 · answered by frank_d22 3 · 0 0

:0D I eventually cave in. When I crave something the craving just gets worse until I cave in . LOL!

Just food for thought: When we crave something, our body is lacking something. If you crave a lot of sweets try taking vitamin C . :0)

2007-05-11 16:23:26 · answer #5 · answered by HappyCat 7 · 0 0

My entire diet is based on eating what I'm currently craving. I stay thin this way and my body tells me what I need. Most adults are no longer in tune with this because they have been trained to eat on a schedule, try to plan ahead for meals, and so on. Children are usually still in tune with their body, which is why kids will refuse certain foods at certain times, and crave that food at other times. This is also the reason why kids will not finish a meal, then be starving an hour later... because their body is telling them to get energy when they need it, and not before. If you left them to their own devices, kids would probably eat exactly what they need, but we try to force them into schedules, limit their choices, and so on, so they learn to ignore the body messages. Most adults have that problem.

You can train yourself to be more in tune with your body. Then when you experience a craving, you can indulge it, because you know it's simply your body telling you that you need a certain thing right now, whatever it is.

2007-05-11 16:45:15 · answer #6 · answered by polly_peptide 5 · 0 0

I usually crave for something i havent got in the house so the tempation isnt there
but if i craved for something that i have got i would have to have a tiny amount just enough to satisfy me or i wouldnt be able to rest

2007-05-11 16:27:25 · answer #7 · answered by Black Orchid 7 · 0 0

I'm terrible with cravings... usually its just snack food in general. I eat a lot when i'm watching tv.

If you're like me and have a snacking craving, just suck on an ice cube, or freeze some juice in an ice tray.

2007-05-11 16:29:33 · answer #8 · answered by Heather 2 · 0 0

right now i'm craving for veggies, fruit & plain bio yoghurt.
think i'll give in.

you only want it as it tastes nice for a fleeting few seconds & because it's there.
fill your cupboard with good stuff & graze away.
always remember
a Moment on the lips, a life-time on the Hips.
you have to resist, resist & resist some more.
you can do it if you try.

2007-05-11 16:25:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Normally I am a sugar junkie , but right now I really fancy crisps or something salty . Don't have any in the house unfortunately . Going to raid fridge see what I can find !

2007-05-11 16:34:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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