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There seems to be a lot of anger and hate directed at all Christians. Christianity is almost the only religion countries don't force on people, but if Atheists had their way they would shut our mouths for good. I don't get it...

2007-05-11 09:16:23 · 54 answers · asked by spring storm 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

54 answers

"With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes religion." — Steven Weinberg.

2007-05-11 09:19:17 · answer #1 · answered by otterscantdance 3 · 25 16

Well, it's unfair. Percentage wise, it's actually about the same. The same types of people tend to hate along ideological lines. You'll never find a situation where all people hate all of another people. But there's alot more Christians, so their hate filled percentage outnumbers everybody else, and often conditioned defensive atheists are confused for the actual hateful atheists.

2016-05-20 23:16:53 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

As a Christian myself, I have talked to many atheists who have attacked my beliefs. And the common ground that I have found is that somewhere in their life, there has been a Christian that has been overzealous to the point of condemning them, criticizing them because they do not know God or accept Jesus Christ into their lives. And this hard, because when people first initially here about Christians you think "Love" but when they meet this person who is supposed to be a Christian and treats them that way, it completely hardens their heart.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being passionate about your faith and telling people to establish a deeper relationship with God. But, through their stories, I realized that they were turned off because the Christian that condemned them, didn't establish a relationship with them. So Christianity may not be a religion countries force on people, but it can be a religion that people force on other people.

But now, it's our job, to show them that that's not what being Christian is all about. It's not about being perfect, righteous and knowing everything. It's about us showing the world that we are nothing without God, but what we need to do first is not be a stranger that approaches people about Him, but a friend. Because we have to realize hate doesn't come out of nowhere, hate comes from being misunderstood, from being criticized, from times when we feel at our most vulnerable and someone kicks us down. Hate then fuels more hate. And so, we need to be understanding, so that we can break this cycle.

2007-05-11 09:41:52 · answer #3 · answered by YFCjustice 1 · 3 6

That isn't totally true on either end. I asked a question not long ago and received quite possibly the best answer from an atheist. There was no hostility, malice or contempt in it at all. It was simply put that the only thing we disagreed on was the existence of God.
On the flip side of this, some Christians have blasted, and I mean blasted, atheists for no apparent reason other than to have something to do I guess.
Don't be so quick to judge things. Be patient and you will see exactly what I mean.

2007-05-11 09:28:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

What makes you think that Atheists hate Christians? It seems to me that it is the other way around! Christians are always pushing their religion on others, and trying to "shut the mouths" of the atheists. If you knew any atheists personally I think you would find that they are good, caring people. Maybe you should attend an Atheists meeting so you could ask your questions and get to know some personally.Everyone should do that - meet with those who are different so that you can get to know them as people to diffuse misunderstandings and promote peace.

2007-05-11 09:31:07 · answer #5 · answered by Odinesque 1 · 9 6

Sadly I think too many Christians do hate atheists. I can't help but feel that many atheists have a point when they get tired of hypocrisy and judgementalism. Sure, some are as closed minded and bigotted as some Christians. Both sides are guilty of spewing hate and bile at each other. but I've also found plenty of people on both sides who just want to engage in intelligent debate, understand and explore. i don't have to agree with you to respect you and to share this exploration with you. So Christians, PLEASE can we show more love and understanding and let's leave the judging up to God and concentrate on doing what he commisioned us to do... love.
And atheists, please show the same respect for our faith and the way we choiose to live as you'd like us to show to you. We don't have to agree, we don't have to accept that the other could be right, but there's no reason we can't live with respect and mutual understanding.

The same applies to other religions too. Just because we beleive differently doesn't mean we can't talk intelligently and maturely.

2007-05-11 09:35:09 · answer #6 · answered by Tom C 3 · 4 4

Well, it's my understanding that neither Christians or Atheists as a rule are required to hate the other. In fact, where Christianity is concerned, It is the duty of all Christians to love everyone. But by being Atheist, it does not necessarily mean they have to hate all those who have faith and truly believe.

I think the tension between groups of Christians and groups of Atheists is generally steeped in the fundamental differences of belief between them. Please note I said 'groups' and not all. In discussions of religion, I think it is very dangerous to paint any side in terms of totality, suggesting that all adherents necessarily believe this or that. Some Atheists may honestly hate Christians. Some Christians may honestly hate Atheists. But it is not far to say all.

A good example of this point is Islam. Many westerners still furious over terror attacks in the US, London, and Spain are quick to write off all Muslims as blood thirsty savages ready to kill any and every westerner they can. But this is not so. Not all Muslims are fundamentalists. Just as not all Christians want to bomb abortion clinics.

The problem of conceiving of the practitioners of any faith as all being of one mind plagues many of the discussions on Yahoo! Answers.

2007-05-11 09:31:36 · answer #7 · answered by doctorbooty 3 · 4 3

Yes people hate having other ignorant beliefs pushed on them. So yes, the majority of atheists hate the majority of Christians. No clue where the hell you got Christians don't force their religion on you because they are the pushiest of people.

Atheists don't want to have to listen to your poopie. In fact no one does. That is why we would love to shut you up.

2007-05-11 09:33:43 · answer #8 · answered by Scott B 4 · 2 4

seriously, have you read all of the questions & answers? Some of the Christians are pretty hateful with their questions & answers, just as some of the Atheists are. I am a Christian, I do not hate Atheists. And for the record, the Atheists I've interacted with here have been nice folks, @ least they've been nice to me. I treat people the way I'd like to be treated, usually & what I give out is what I get back.

2007-05-11 09:25:44 · answer #9 · answered by wanda3s48 7 · 6 5

When was the last time you saw an atheist going door to door trying to convert people to atheism?

When was the last time you had a group of atheists telling you that you were going to suffer forever if you didn't change your ways to believe what they believed?

What's that?? Never?? Ahh yes, it's because the christians have cornered that market and they are so quick to tell everyone else what is wrong with their lives & beliefs ... they think their fictional god is better than everyone else's fictional god and they want all of the world to buy into their lies or they will suffer for eternity.

If the christians could just keep their crap in their churches where they belong there wouldn't be so much hostility. (I don't call it hate because I don't hate anyone! I'm angry with the majority of christians for their arrogant and ignorant ways... but i do not hate any of them. I know that they are just lost and are using their religion as a way to add meaning to their lives! There's nothing wrong with finding meaning for yourself, but just because it's worked for you does not mean that you should try to cram it down everyone else's throats.)

2007-05-11 09:26:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 4

because Christianity is based on love. Love for God and love for your neighbor.
If there is not a base like that in Atheism, it may be acceptable for them to hate whomever they please. It is NOT acceptable in Christianity to hate.
I'm not saying that Atheisms are hateful though, because there are a lot of Atheists I know who are more loving people than some Christians I know.

2007-05-11 09:25:43 · answer #11 · answered by carlyray 3 · 3 3

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