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I mean, look at the evidence according to your own bible. First in the garden of eden, he lets satan plant that tree. Then he lies to adam and says he'll die if he eats from it. Then adam eats it, and god has to call out to adam to see where he is. Instead of your usual "free will" arguement, which gets really old btw, perhaps this is because god's not as powerful as he'd like you to think? Maybe he couldn't remove the tree or keep satan from planting it. Maybe he couldn't stop adam from eating it, free will or not. Think about it. Why would this all-powerful being create a race by starting off with only 2. And, free will or not, create 2 being whom he had to know beforehand would choose to eat the apple. Why not create 2 who used their free will not to eat the apple? Maybe because he had no control of this? Maybe because man has the potential to be as a god (at god's own admission) and this so-called superbeing is just trying to keep man from reaching his true potential?

2007-05-11 08:20:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

OK, so the bible doesn't say satan planted the tree....my apologies...I've just heard that & not read that before. But it does say "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" 4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So why does god lie and satan tell the truth??

2007-05-11 08:27:58 · update #1

But the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?"

2007-05-11 08:28:42 · update #2

Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" -- 23 therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.

Sounds like a pretty jealous, not-so-powerful guy to me.

2007-05-11 08:31:33 · update #3

19 answers

Interesting take on that my dear. I never really thought of it that way but now that i think about it....it's kinda freakin' me out that we all come from adam and eve wouldn't that make us inbred? And how come there's never any mention of eve having daughters, only sons, one of which was a betrayer? Did they mate with each other? Oh lordy, I gotta let that go, I don't even want to think of it anymore.
Sorry I didn't really answer your question......
God is only as powerful as we allow him to be.
I'm not a christian by the way.
Oooooo...here comes the thumbs down now! lol

2007-05-11 08:27:35 · answer #1 · answered by JD 6 · 1 1

Where does it say that Satan planted the tree?
God didn't lie about Adam dying. Before he ate of the fruit, Adam's life was perfect and he was to live forever.
The free will argument may get old to you, but it's still the truth.
The specific type of fruit is not known.

God knew exactly where Adam was when he called him in the garden. Have you ever seen a small child with cookie crumbs all over their mouth? You say to them "Have you been eating something?" Now you know perfectly well they've been eating something. So why do you ask them? You want them to honestly confess to you and not lie.

2007-05-11 08:29:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We may have a view of "all powerful" that is not completely true. Your details on the other hand do not show this. There is a clear reason for Satan and the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. Part of this is so that man can reach his full potential. Living life without adversity is not part of God's plan.

2007-05-11 08:28:16 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a very strong Christian, so I beleive that God is all powerful from the Bible itself, and from everything he's given to me, so therefore he's all powerful, he gives AND takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord, God Almighty.

You are correct about one thing, God is a jealous God, and Almighty God. I can't remember where I've read it, forgive me, but I remember hearing and reading that he is a jealous God and a Powerful God.

Tell me, where is God, do you know? No, I don't know, no one knows. Though, he is around us, in us, in the air we breathe, he is everywhere, but yet where is he? He can be everywhere at once, and not be seen, he defeated the devil and sin by sending his one only Son to die on the cross, so YOU can be forgiven and be free from sin and live eternally in heaven. He sent the flood, he destryed Sodum and Gamora, he allowed Mary to have child without her even giving up her virginity, and he made Saul now Paul into a beleiver by sending an angel. He's a powerful God, and I know I will live with Him for eternity. AND, he never lies. The Bible should be the only proof you need. If you'll beleive in Ghosts, and demon posessions and a lot of other stuff that some ordinary person wrote, why do you not beleive in my God?

I also agree with American, he couldn't stop Adam and Eve from sinning, because of free will, if you have free will, you can do anything, therefore no, he can't stop you from doing something, but he can punish you, which is why>>>Christ died for us to set us FREE from sin.

2007-05-11 08:51:32 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, did God not plant the Tree of Knowledge and then tell Adam & Eve not to eat from it. Dont you think this was all in HIS divine plan. HE wanted them to eat from it, in order to be turned out of Eden. SO that someday HIS Son could come and wipe away all the sin. Look at the Big Picture, dont take things out of context (which is getting old btw). Study the bible, commentaries, ect...if you really want to know the truth, search your heart. Jesus is the Way, THe Truth and The Life and for me, that is my TRUE POTENTIAL.

2007-05-11 08:28:17 · answer #5 · answered by lynjen31 3 · 1 1

Did Adam die? Yes, God did not say as soon as you eat. He said if you eat from the tree you will surley die. God did not lie, and though He knew that we would sin, He also knew that He would provide a way out.

Do you know how many people tried to play God? It all ended very badly.

2007-05-11 08:26:13 · answer #6 · answered by StrongTower 2 · 2 0

God cannot lie, therefore, all His claims about Himself are true. He planted the tree, not Satan. Satan cannot create, only pervert. The notion that man can become as God is, is the oldest lie and the root of sin.

2007-05-11 08:25:12 · answer #7 · answered by afkillgore 2 · 3 0

Already got here about. And the hot greater valuable God, God of an entire universe, and not in basic terms God of a single image voltaic equipment's one puny, conscious-of-its-very own-mortality species, would not extremely supply a crap approximately us. He purely had to run the lesser Gods who have been exhibiting up hither and yon and messing with species' lives out of city on a rail. This all got here about approximately 2 millennia in the past, and it is why, on condition that then, there hasn't be an excellent deal of considerable intervention from the Uber God.

2016-12-11 06:41:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He brought the universe into existence but He couldn't remove a tree?? That's right, He couldn't stop Adam and Eve from sinning, not because He lacked the power to do so but because He had created them with free will, which would be meaningless unless he allowed them to use that gift and to be responsible for the consequences of their free will decisions - just like you and I are.

2007-05-11 08:31:50 · answer #9 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 1

Okay, to start. God did not lie, at all.
He said Adam would die, not when.
Adam was created in the direct image of God, which likely meant he was to live forever, but he ate the fruit, so he did die.
And God did not "call out to adam to see where he is", He called out for Adam to come fourth.
Your theory is comprised of what-ifs and "maybe"s.
Good luck in the future.

P.S. hypothetically, anything is possible. Don't give me that hypothetical crap.

2007-05-11 08:30:03 · answer #10 · answered by Sapphiron 1 · 1 1

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