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Have you noticed that most prophets, if not all, are MALES.
Have you noticed that all gods are MEN.
Ever wondered why?
Men at that time were far more dominant than women.
From Zeus, to Jesus, to Allah and Mohammed, men have always portrayed their gods and prophets as men.
Their masculine pride lead them to depict God as a man.
The Chrisitans, tried to make a slight difference, they intoduced the concept of Virgin Mary.
Yet even in Christianity, women don't share deity. The Father is obviously a male. So is the son. Virgin Mary is not God.
How can God's mother not be a god?
This phenomena is still apparent today.
Notice, when referring to God, do you call him a HE or a SHE?
Girls, you have been brainwashed. The Christian God is sexist.

2007-05-11 08:20:03 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Many Female prophets? Really?
What about your God? He's a MALE.
And how many female prophets have lead a a religion?
Moses is a male.
Jesus is a male.
Mohamed is a male.

2007-05-11 08:26:21 · update #1

I said MOST gods and prophets were males, not ALL.
which shows you do not read my question.

2007-05-11 08:28:46 · update #2

20 answers

Her soul magnifies the Lord (Luke 1:46-55)! Think of what that means for just a moment.

Everything about Our Lady points straight back to the Father, Whose faithful daughter she is; to the Son, Whose mother she is; and to the Holy Ghost Who overshadowed her. There is no one in all of History whose relationship with God is as complex, fulfilled, and achingly beautiful as Mary's. She is not only the greatest of Saints, she is our Mother, as Jesus is our Brother and Savior. In honoring her, we honor Him -- and imitate Him, as we are admonished to both honor our parents and imitate Christ, Who loved His Mother.

Adam and Eve, immaculate from their first moments, prefigure Mary and Jesus, also without original sin from their conceptions -- the only four people immaculate from their first moments, creating a brillian poetic symmetry in Scripture. And as Eve through her disobedience, was the means through whom Adam brought sin into the world, Mary, the New Eve, through her obedience, was the means through whom salvation entered the world when she gave birth to her Son, the New Adam, our Savior.

Hail, Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

It just strikes me as evil, this not uncommon attempt to diminish Mary's status and the unceasing accusations against Catholics of trying to raise her status to that of God's. There's something very sinister and ugly in it, and I find it offensive. We Catholics take great care in pointing out that "worship" in the sense of latria 3 is GOD'S alone -- even to the point of having separate terms for the honor and adoration due to God as opposed to the honor and veneration of the Saints -- including His greatest Saint, Mary. They are:

latria: the honor due to God alone
dulia: the honor due to human creatures worthy of respect
hyperdulia: the honor due to Mary as God's greatest creation and our Queen Mother

To love Mary takes nothing at all from Christ, but honors our Blessed Lord by Whose grace she is who she is: His greatest creation, the greatest of Saints, the Queen of Heaven, the Immaculate Conception, the spotless Virgin, the Ark of the Covenant, the New Eve, the mother of God, and the mother of Israel -- our mother who wants nothing more for us than to pray for us and show us her Son.

2007-05-14 13:10:34 · answer #1 · answered by Isabella 6 · 0 0

you sure need to get facts straight before u start forming opinions. Its of to ask :"Do Muslims cosider that God has a gender?.

Well to anser ur firts question NO NO NO. If a person is to be a Muslim his mots basic belief is that Allah (soverign) has no gender. AT ALL>

Ok now to answer ur second question. Yes all prophets are male. Thats coz prophets have needed to do allot of work that men could carry the burden off. But Allah knows best. Finally men and woman in Allahs sight are equal...And n quran Allah says that " whether it be a man or a woman"..who ever does good deeds shall get rewards equally. Just accept the fact that woman are made to do some kind of work like give birth (and men cant do so!!) and even feed their babies...men are made to do other.

U probably didnt know that Islam gives mother such a high status...And mothers of all Prophets were WOMEN! ha . So this quality hasnt been given to men! In Islam Prophet Mohammad said that a person's (man or woman) mother has much more right than the father.

When a man came to Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and asked:

"Who has the most right over me?"
He (PBUH) replied:

"Your mother"

He asked this question three times and got the same answer>

The fourth time He (PBUH) replied:

"You father".

2007-05-12 17:07:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i don't know the details about other religion but i want to stand up for my religion - Islam. u're wrong about it. in our religion, Allah is neither male or female, yet Allah can't be compared to anything because Allah is the most superior of all. doesn't that fit the confusions of many people whether the God is designated or created by something? in the end, u'll find that there must be a creator to everything and in our religion, it's Allah. Allah can't be depicted as a mass, man nor anything. yet Allah doesn't has a beginning point nor the end. Allah is eternal.shouldn't we worship something that is the most superior to everything? something that we put the highest priority and status?

regarding the prophet Muhammad, he is a man and man is indeed the leader of the women and are more superior to women. Islam is the only religion that put highest respect and value to the women. women are protected by Islam that it is the responsibility of man to protect women and give them adequate and fair treatment. prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah as a role model to all human beings. he is the messenger of Allah but He is not a God and never did he is superior to the Allah. it's not a masculine pride or something like that but men in nature were created to be stronger than women. if women are that strong, then why do all women feel a need to depend on men and longed for love and protection? that's how our human nature is. Allah knows us better than anything since Allah is our sole Creator. ^-^

we used the word He to refer to God is only because men are superior to women in all aspects, but that doesn't deny the importance of women. both men and women need each other to be complete n compensate for each others' weakness.

2007-05-11 16:08:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If one were to look into many of the older religions (most now defunct) one would see that there was generally a healthy balance between the masculine and the feminine. the females were often MORE intelligent than their male counterparts, as they were more inclined to use their brains instead of a smaller organ :) (this includes the greek pantheon) These religions were usurped by many of the newer religions that placed dominance in male hands, which lead to many of the female rights issues we face today. I myself am male, but I am disturbed how men think that women should be subservient to men.

2007-05-11 15:32:03 · answer #4 · answered by Worzel Gummidge 3 · 0 0

Throughout all history, males have been in ruling positions. True, some females have been powerful and well-known rulers (e.g. Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth), but most are male. Males just tend to be leaders.

All of society is sexist... All of history is sexist... not just the Christian God!

2007-05-11 15:28:54 · answer #5 · answered by MrMyers 5 · 0 0

Oops! There are many deities that are female. Check again, Google the word Goddess.

Besides you say yourself "most" are male, then you go on to say "if not all" which means that you yourself are not knowledgeable in this area, and don't really know and infers that there may actually be female prophets and Goddesses.

2007-05-11 15:28:13 · answer #6 · answered by Axe 4 · 0 0

Anyone will tell you that is a limitation of the language, not God.

Hinduism has many female forms of god. Allah, to the best of my knowledge, is neither male nor female.
God in the Christian theology is a relationship, and is referred to as He because It is considered demeaning.

2007-05-11 15:25:41 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

How about Minerva, Isis, and Persephone and all the other female deities? Also all the Female prophets and heroines in the bible, such as Sarah, Mariam, Judith, Esther... and so on.

2007-05-11 15:25:28 · answer #8 · answered by Borinke 1 · 0 0

Actually, that doesn't prove that God was invented by men.

That proves:
1. All the major religious prohphets were males;
2. We worship (for those of us that do) male figures;
3. If god does exist, he prefers men.

2007-05-11 15:22:52 · answer #9 · answered by Big Super 6 · 0 1

What?? How does that prove that God was invented? You don't make any sense.
I believe that our Heavenly Father has a wife, our heavenly Mother. I think the reason we do not read about her is because he reveres her so highly that He does not want us to blaspheme Her name like we do His.

2007-05-11 15:29:04 · answer #10 · answered by BigOnDrums 3 · 0 0

Oops, somebody doesn't know jack about history.

There have been MANY female prophets and goddesses. In fact, many of the earliest "gods" were female.

2007-05-11 15:23:34 · answer #11 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 2 0

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