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This isn't for those who believe that the earth is 6000 years old and god created the universe in 6 days. This is for the more rational of the Christian faith who attempt to reconcile the stories of the old Testament with the reality of science.

What do you think he was doing for 3.5 billion years? Before he decided on the next step in Intelligent Design?

2007-05-11 08:13:29 · 24 answers · asked by Morey000 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

If you believe in science and God (like I do) you see that he most likely uses naturally processes (like gravity and evolution) to create everything. Studying the extremely early history of the earth we see that for several billion years the earth was too inhospitable to support life. There was not enough liquid water and oxygen in the air to support the great diversity we see today.

Using natural processes God has orchestrated the ongoing creation of the universe, letting all the planets and stars slowly evolve simultaneously. When you have forever there is no hurry. While slowly using gravity and physics to prepare our planet for life he was also letting the same processes finish our galaxy and the universe in general.

Eventually the time came for life and after long enough even the time for man arrived. Thus, through evolution and physics, we are now here.

2007-05-11 08:23:13 · answer #1 · answered by The Ponderer 3 · 1 0

First it was only 2 Billions from the first life to multi cellular organisms according to most estimates using the old earth theory. The 3.5 Billion is the estimate of from now when it occurred in other words 3,500,000,000 B.C.

As for the creation of life...
"The principle of [divine] purpose ... stares the biologist in the face wherever he looks ... . The probability for such an event as the origin of DNA molecules to have occurred by sheer chance is just too small to be seriously considered ... ."Ernst Boris Chain - Nobel Prize in medicine

Even Antony Flew the former atheist (30+ years of speaking as an atheist) that had debated men such as C.S. Lewis recently said that the latest biological research "has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved." Antony Flew has not accepted Christianity or any Theistic religion but has become a deist.

Now for more information on the science then you should go to www.reasons.org. There is much more there than can be written in a little blurb here. There are 2 books worth reading one called "Darwin's Black box" and another "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist"

2007-05-11 08:27:15 · answer #2 · answered by Pilgrim in the land of the lost 5 · 0 0

The reality of science is that God is the true author of science!
That is science is located through out the bible..

Psalms 8:8 and Isaiah 43:16, tells us of the ocean currents.

Ecclesiastes 1:7, Job 36:27-28, Proverbs 3:20, and Amos 9:6 tells us of teh hydrologic cycle.

One more Ecclesiastes 1:6 is about the jet stream.

These are just a few to verse to show science is in the bible.

To believe that it took God 3.5 billion years to create is to doubt his power. In Exdous 20:11...

"For in six days the LORD made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it."

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confindence in man.
Psalms 118:8

2007-05-11 08:41:29 · answer #3 · answered by sowingtheseed 1 · 0 1

Well you have think what 3.5 billion years is like in God time? It really could be like a day, a few weeks, or even a year I guess. Does God even have a concept of time?

Hey have you ever forgot about things for a few days or even a week?

Maybe God started things and had no idea how the would have come out?

2007-05-11 08:21:31 · answer #4 · answered by krupsk 5 · 1 0

How do you know it took 3.5 billion years. Where did you get that figure from. That is a most silly statement. Neither you, nor anyone else can prove that. A man, or men, lives on this earth for 70 years at the most and you are trying to tell us that that man has finally figured out all the mysteries of life and how it "evolved". If one can do that, then you should ask him why it took God so long to "introduce" multiple cells. I'm sure he can tell you all about it.

2007-05-11 08:25:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Get a grip. God did not use evolution to create. And don't try to prove evolution by science, because God created natural law and science. Check out a book called "Case for the Creator", by Lee Stroebel, and tell me you still believe in evolution. Granted some people act like they evolved from pond scum....not sure about you. I think you're just a Methodist, right? The intellectuals of Christianity. Does this verse describe you:

2 Timothy 3:4-6 (New International Version)

4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

How can you be more "rational" in the faith when you don't even believe or take God at His word? You owe Him an apology.

2007-05-11 08:22:19 · answer #6 · answered by Lazarus 3 · 1 2

I honestly can't say, but having seen just a small part of the Earth, I can honestly say that it would've taken me more than
3.5 billion years, just to put it all together.

I do think that the term "day" does not refer to Earth's revolutionary period. There must be some other heavenly context for the use of that word with which we are presently unfamiliar.

2007-05-11 08:21:20 · answer #7 · answered by mll1013 3 · 1 0

Some things you can just pick off a tree and eat.

Other things you have to mix a bit, let it rise, and put it in the oven before you eat it. It may just be that God knew a little marinating or preparation is what this universe needed to make it absolutely perfect for the pinacle of His creation (man) to inhabit.

Millions of years are nothing to God. What was He doing for zillions of years before that and what has he planned for zillions of years ahead? Of course, He is eternal, so talk of time with regard to God is hardly proper, nor can we who are finite comprehend it.

2007-05-11 08:35:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that he must have killed off his first dozen attempts at life just as he killed off his first few attempts at creating man. He is quite a failure. To imagine that it took god 3.5 billion years to get it somewhat right. No wonder the bible doesn't count right, but only calls it 6 days. It is too much for god to confess.

2007-05-11 09:10:29 · answer #9 · answered by Fred 7 · 1 1

You must assume that time means something to God. What is 3.5 billion years in eternity?

2007-05-11 08:36:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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