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I have heard that we immediately get judged and go to heaven or hell when we die.

i have heard that we all stay in a state of non existence untill the saved go to heaven when jesus returns and the lost are sentenced to hell at final judgement.


you always hear people talking to as if there loved ones are already with jesus.

2007-05-11 06:43:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

The Epistle to the Hebrews says (9:27): " It is appointed to men to die once, and after that comes the judgment". Then, "Each one will receive his pay, according to his works" (1 Cor 3:8).

There are three possible outcomes to the particular judgment. Those whose love for God has been perfected in this life are taken straight to heaven, where they enjoy endless happiness in the face to face vision of God. Those who die in God's love but still love Him imperfectly must be purifed in the intermediate state of purgatory. Those, however, who reject God's love by mortal sin and die without repenting are condemned to the everlasting torments of hell. The general judgment at the end of time simply solemnly confirms the particular judgments of each one, with the difference that then the body as well as the soul will receive what is due it. And all God's judgments will be revealed as most just.

2007-05-11 06:53:59 · answer #1 · answered by Gods child 6 · 0 1

When the Bible says a person is “sleeping” in relation to death (Luke 8:52; 1 Corinthians 15:6), it does not mean literal “sleep.” Sleeping is just a way to describe death because a dead body appears to be sleeping. The Bible tells us that the instant you die, you are taken to heaven or Hell based on whether you had received Christ as your Savior or not. For believers, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23). For unbelievers, death means everlasting punishment in Hell (Luke 16:22-23). The concept of “soul sleep” is not a Biblical doctrine. The moment we die, we face the judgment of God (Hebrews 9:27). Until the resurrection, though, there is currently a temporary heaven “Paradise” (Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 12:4) and Hell “Hades” (Revelation 1:18; 20:13-14).

In a sense, a person’s body is “sleeping” while their soul is in Paradise or Hades. This body is then “awoken” and transformed into the eternal body a person will possess for eternity. These eternal bodies is what we possess for all of eternity, whether we are in heaven or Hell. Those who were in Paradise will be sent to the New Heavens and New Earth (Revelation 21:1). Those who were in Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15). These are the final, eternal destinations of all people - based entirely on whether a person had trusted Jesus Christ alone for the salvation of their sins.

2007-05-11 08:20:17 · answer #2 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

If you would care to consider something other than the Bible ...

Once we leave the physical realm we will view reality inwardly and not outwardly. All that we have placed inside ourselves will act as a lens, a filter. All that we see will be seen through and be distorted by these things we have stored within ourselves. This is why it is important to remove as much clutter as possible so as not to obscure our reality. The dimensions which immediately surround the earth are called the mental realms. It is here we face, we inhabit, we experience what we have built into our minds as a result of our activities. It is in the mental realms where our minds embody our souls. In this reality we do not leave behind the attitudes we held in the earth but we inhabit them. They will, however, become much, much larger in death, much harder to bear, with no way to set them aside easily

In essence, after death, we expand into the planetary spheres. The moral disposition we carry over with us allows or prevents us from moving on in a conscious manner. After this experience, we fall asleep and the cosmic forces act directly upon us preparing us for the next earthly experience. Our cosmic sleep regenerates us. There comes a time when the desire to reincarnate starts to work on us. When that happens, we begin the process of going back through the planetary spheres picking up what we will need from each in order to fulfill our purpose in the next earth life. The "soul kernel" is carried in to the embryo, forgets the whole trip and is born again on earth.

In the end, our transition after death is like stepping into our own thoughts where we have existed all along. This is an inward step, so small, so natural; yet from a material perspective it is so abrupt, and so extreme. At the moment of change some of us are completely aware of what is happening, some of us only partly aware, and yet others totally unaware. Ultimately we meet and greet our own death with the same awareness and attention to detail we gave to our experiences in life.

2007-05-11 06:56:16 · answer #3 · answered by MyPreshus 7 · 0 1

Depends on your state of mind when you depart.

If your still attached to a negative emotion or material attachment you might linger in this plane without substance until you can accept and realize that you need to move on, could be an hour or 100 years.

If your really troubled, like a suicide, you might envelope yourself in a creation of your own suffering, to never move on!

For most the light of unification is very intense, you cant miss it unless your very distracted like the above, so you just move into it and your life is recorded in the Akashic records (that's where you see your life pass before your eyes) then you come to a place where if your vibratory level is sufficient, you get to choose another re-incarnation or perhaps a angelic guide for someone, or you move into life at a higher dimensional plane of existence, closer to divinity.
For most they aren't spiritually evolved enough to make the choice so its pretty much directly to the womb and your karma engages.

Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead, its very insightful to what happens...

2007-05-11 06:59:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

dehino ’smin yathä dehe
kaumäraà yauvanaà jarä
tathä dehäntara-präptir
dhiras tatra na muhyat

As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

Since every living entity is an individual soul, each is changing his body every moment, manifesting sometimes as a child, sometimes as a youth, and sometimes as an old man. Yet the same spirit soul is there and does not undergo any change. This individual soul finally changes the body at death and transmigrates to another body; and since it is sure to have another body in the next birth—either material or spiritual—there was no cause for lamentation by Arjuna on account of death, neither for Bhéema nor for Drona, for whom he was so much concerned. Rather, he should rejoice for their changing bodies from old to new ones, thereby rejuvenating their energy. Such changes of body account for varieties of enjoyment or suffering, according to one’s work in life. So Bhéema and Drona, being noble souls, were surely going to have spiritual bodies in the next life, or at least life in heavenly bodies for superior enjoyment of material existence. So, in either case, there was no cause of lamentation.
Any man who has perfect knowledge of the constitution of the individual soul, the Supersoul, and nature—both material and spiritual—is called a dhéera, or a most sober man. Such a man is never deluded by the change of bodies.
The Mäyävädi theory of oneness of the spirit soul cannot be entertained, on the ground that the spirit soul cannot be cut into pieces as a fragmental portion. Such cutting into different individual souls would make the Supreme cleavable or changeable, against the principle of the Supreme Soul’s being unchangeable. As confirmed in the Gitä, the fragmental portions of the Supreme exist eternally (sanätana) and are called ksara; that is, they have a tendency to fall down into material nature. These fragmental portions are eternally so, and even after liberation the individual soul remains the same—fragmental. But once liberated, he lives an eternal life in bliss and knowledge with the Personality of Godhead. The theory of reflection can be applied to the Supersoul, who is present in each and every individual body and is known as the Paramätmä. He is different from the individual living entity. When the sky is reflected in water, the reflections represent both the sun and the moon and the stars also. The stars can be compared to the living entities and the sun or the moon to the Supreme Lord. The individual fragmental spirit soul is represented by Arjuna, and the Supreme Soul is the Personality of Godhead Sri KrsnaThey are not on the same level, as it will be apparent in the beginning of the Fourth Chapter. If Arjuna is on the same level with Krsna, and Krsna is not superior to Arjuna, then their relationship of instructor and instructed becomes meaningless. If both of them are deluded by the illusory energy (mäyä), then there is no need of one being the instructor and the other the instructed. Such instruction would be useless because, in the clutches of mäyä, no one can be an authoritative instructor. Under the circumstances, it is admitted that Lord Krsna is the Supreme Lord, superior in position to the living entity, Arjuna, who is a forgetful soul deluded by mäyä.

2007-05-11 06:58:59 · answer #5 · answered by Hare Krsna 2 · 0 1

The main Judgment, in which our Eternal Destination is decided, does not occur immediately after we die. That will only occur after we are resurrected.
There is a preliminary judgment made as soon as we die, as we enter the Spirit World. We do not go into a state of non-existence, but continue on as if we were still alive. If we lived a decent life, we are immediately greeted by deceased friends and family who are happy to see us. This realm is known as Paradise. It is not the final Heaven where God resides. It is a happy place where good folks await the resurrection. When Jesus spoke to the thief beside him on the Cross, saying "Tomorrow you will be with me in Paradise," it was this place he was talking about. He was not talking about Heaven, because the thief had never repented and been baptized. Those things would still have to take place before he would be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven, as Jesus himself taught.
Then there is also Spirit Prison. This is the place where disobedient souls go. Again, this is not the final Hell reserved for Satan and his followers, as you mentioned. You were right in saying that that will be their destiny after the Final Judgment, after Jesus's Second Coming. Spirit Prison is a temporary place where those who didn't live a good life wait, being forced to contemplate and feel remorse for their sins. The New Testament tells of how Christ, after his death, went to preach to the spirits in Prison, and those who believed were allowed to leave and pass into Paradise.
So, are your loved ones with Jesus after they die? I would say yes, to an extent. I believe that Jesus is in contact with the souls in Paradise, although it is not the Kingdom of Heaven where they will one day live with Him. Also, they have contact with their friends and family who are also deceased.

2007-05-11 07:01:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That is a good question you asked but do you know what the Bible Really teaches? AT ecclesiasties 9:5 The bible tells us that when we die we are concsious of nothing. Do you think that the God of the bible would torment someone forever in Hell? Does the bible really teach that?? Jeremiah 32:35 shows that the burning of individuals didnt even come up in God's heart matter of fact he finds that detestable.

2007-05-11 06:50:26 · answer #7 · answered by sceneofdarhyme 2 · 0 1

"man is appointed once to die, after death comes judgment"

Jesus told the man on the cross, "Today you will be with me in paradise"
NO purgatory-not biblical.
So hell or heaven, we all have eternal life.

2007-05-11 06:50:31 · answer #8 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 1 2

we immediately get judged and go to heaven or hell when we die

2007-05-11 06:45:48 · answer #9 · answered by freakakafreak 2 · 1 2

we are judged by God, we are sent to heaven (saints and such), purgatory ( a saved soul that needs to be purified), or hell (the damned)

2007-05-11 06:46:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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