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From my understanding, an illegal immigrant is a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.
Better yet, a foreigner who enters the U.S. without an entry or immigrant visa, esp. a person who crosses the border by avoiding inspection or who overstays the period of time allowed as a visitor, tourist, or businessperson.
What part of that are we Americans not understanding?

2007-05-11 06:38:06 · 31 answers · asked by Terry H 3 in Politics & Government Immigration

31 answers

What more is there to understand about illegal immigrants other than they've got no respect for this nation and don't have one single right except to leave?

Americans make a clear distinction between legal and illegal immigration, even when politicians and the press do not. Illegal immigrants who really want to become Americans, who honestly want to live here and prosper, will respect our laws and our people. If they truly want to be American citizens, they’ll want to do it legally, living under an American flag on American soil.

2007-05-11 06:43:46 · answer #1 · answered by ☆Bombastic☆ 5 · 8 5

It will always be that we don't "understand" the plight of others. Sadly, what the others don't do is turn around and see why they are leaving in the first place. They are leaving for greater economic opportunity, freedom and a better way of life. They also ignore the fact that their country, while possibly democratic and open to economic change, has a completely different view on immigration which is similar to ours but is non-negotiable.

At no point does anyone complain that the Mexican government will arrest just about any illegal immigrant into the country. If that person is there legally, they are only allowed to work in certain jobs. If that person then becomes a citizen, they are still banned from doing most high-ranking jobs because they are not Mexican-born. Most people ignore the fact that the US only works if the rules are followed and laws are, for the most part, universal and cover everyone. But, somehow that isn't a factor when an illegal immigrant breaks a law by being an illegal immigrant. It appears as though the application of laws is not universal but is open to interpretation based on the nationality, gender or opinion of another person.

This isn't a voice saying no immigrants. But what is so bad about being documented and having a system to keep track of everyone? We as citizens are forced to. Males are required to sign up for selective service at the age of 18. Everyone gets a birth-certificate unless they are born in the woods and stay there for life. A Social Security card, officially generated by the US Government, given to an official citizen and not used over and over again by someone who "doesn't exist" is just another in a long list of systems used to keep track of the people in this country.

Why is that so hard to do? Why are the rules different for anyone else? Why can't I go to another country illegally, stress the general services infrastructure and be given a pass whenever a voice is raised in opposition? It is because the other country has laws and restrictions which have to be followed.


I love how I, and other people, am given thumbs down ratings when we paint a fair picture of the situation. Some of us aren't against immigration at all. We just don't want our country to be taken advantage of. Jump in head first, work your butt off but let us know about it in a formal way. The more we know about you, the more other groups such as worker's rights and child labor rights organizations can protect you, provide you better work environments and better pay. But, hey, all of you who put a thumbs down on us who actually have legitimate points about how it negatively affects the country but could have a positive resolution in the end keep burying your head in the sand. I just hope that the next time an American citizen breaks a law at your expense, you'll be lenient and allow them a pass.

2007-05-11 06:55:54 · answer #2 · answered by Josh M 2 · 2 3

I don't see how it can be difficult to understand.

You have one country that is relatively prosperous, and has been for the last 60 years, and has an even longer history of upward mobility among immigrants; this country has laws to prevent discirimination, protect workers, and provide for the indigent. It also has laws against excessive immigration. But, it /also/ has a history of zealously enforcing anti-discrimination and worker-protection laws; and a history of leaving it's immigration laws virtually unenforced.

Right next door, sharing a long, unsecured border, is a country that's been desperately poor for most of it's history, that is presided over by a predominately white, decidedly corrupt government, and has a long and virtually unrepentent history of racism against mestizos and native mexican peoples.

If you were living in the second country - and weren't white and rich - what'd you do? There's a virtual paradise across the border, where you'll have better economic opportunities, and face less racism (in fact, the law will kick the *** of anyone who so much as utters a racial epiphet at you), the border is virtually ungaurded, and though you'll technically be breaking the law, you know that law is rarely enforced. Just in case you're having trouble making up your mind, your corrupt racist government sets up rest stops and publilshes 'how to' manuals to encourage you to get your mestizo butt out of thier country and send $s back from the US.

Is that an adequate understanding of the situation?

2007-05-11 07:01:53 · answer #3 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 3 1

First you cant get loose handouts in case you're unlawful. they could persist with for under some issues like W.I.C., meals stamps, medicaid for under the youngsters they provide start to right here contained in united statesa.. merely 15% of the unlawful inhabitants with American Born babies circulate threw those structures. 15% are Whites and different, 70% are African American. Majority of Illegals are people who cant get something and don't attempt. in case you assert why do they sense that they "deserve" loose handouts from the yank government.... you ought to be thinking approximately yet another race right here. regardless of in the event that they have pretend counsel it gets run right into a device and springs back not actual or not theirs. study the device first earlier you commence asserting this and that approximately human beings you do not understand not something approximately ok!

2017-01-09 15:55:49 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Okay, here's my opinion. It's just an opinion either you like it or you dont. Yes illegal immigrants are breaking the law. Some are here to sell drugs and commit crimes. But, the Country of Mexico is corrupt and living in poverty. Why not instead of sending them back to their country why try to help them become legal citizens. Why isn't there help for immigrants from all over the world to become citizens of the U.S.? As far as taking jobs, I rarely see a Caucasian person applying for a job working in the fields unless it happens to be a Foreman or Manager type job. Why? Because they think that's below them not good enough of a job. Well if nobody wants to do the job step aside and let people work. People of the United States, Mexico, and Canadar are all Americans. People living in the United States are living in the United States OF AMERICA. So please do not say "we Americans" because then you're misusing the word.

2007-05-11 07:09:40 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I don't know. My dad and his family legally immigrated here from England. They then became citizens and proudly wave our flag, live by our laws, and celebrate our holidays, not Englands. They have nothing against England and are proud of their heritage yet moved to America for a reason and embraced the American lifestyle. Many others have done the same thing so why can't the Mexicans? Oh yes, because they don't want to be Americans, they just want to abuse our system. There is no "plight." Come here legally..that's all there is to it.

2007-05-11 10:56:04 · answer #6 · answered by Kittieashy 4 · 1 1

I think that 'they' are referring to the fact that most Americans don't know the perils of which immigrants suffer. They tend to not know why it is people from other countries want to come here, or want to flee their own country. They don't understand why they come here, and then they don't understand how difficult their lives are once they get here. They seem to not understand that their life here is not all sunshine and day dreams, and can't comprehend how bad things had to be for them to flee their country in the first place. So, it is difficult for most Americans to understand their 'plight'. To understand the entire issue, not just the side of feeling intruded upon as a natural born citizen might. No one knows until 'they've been in their shoes' so to speak. Just my impression of what you mean by "don't "understand" illegal immigrants plight"

2007-05-11 06:53:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There are 2 definitions for the word Illegal;
1. Unlawful =
A : not lawful : ILLEGAL
B : not morally right or conventional
2. Illicit = not permitted : UNLAWFUL

So, using these definitions - What is morally right about creating a different government system in country that already had native inhabitants and a form of law (be it theirs?)
Doing so fits the illegal definition (see A & B), yet it happened - no one went to jail or got kicked out of the country.
As far as illicit acts - we should let God be the judge of that, as judging people is morally wrong and a bigger sin than living/working in a country of your ancestors without proper documentation or legal permission.

2007-05-11 09:35:48 · answer #8 · answered by geosworld 3 · 0 2

I don't get it either because they act like they are the very first people who wanted a better life...the very first to be treated unfairly by an employer....the very first to experience hard times....the very first to be mis-lead from lack of understanding.....the very first to be poor.....the very first and in most cases the ONLY ones who ever picked a crop, built a house, cleaned a room or anything else....the very first to experience discrimination.....difficulty adjusting to a new way of life.....the first anyone ever told NO you can't do that.....the very first to ever go someplace they may not want to go just to find a job....the very first and only ones who were expected to learn another language to live in a country.....etc.etc.
There's times I want to shake them and say "wake-up.....welcome to LIFE!....you aren't that special, difficulty and heartache wasn't reserved just for you,,," etc. Been there done that. I keep hearing "they're part of the human race". Well dugh? Of course they are. And being a part of the human race doesn't exempt you from the bad parts, or entitle you to the good part. They are no better or worse than the rest of us. The rest of us have to obey laws whether we like them or agree with them or not. Whether we think they're fair or not. Doesn't matter. We're all just trying to do the same thing.....get through life the best we can. Man....my life would be so much easier if I didn't have laws to obey. The money I could save that would go to better things!!!

2007-05-11 07:06:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I would say that most Americans simply do not understand the "cut and run" mentality that causes people to leave their place of birth and go to a neighboring country rather than try to fix the problems in their own place. We do not understand people who's very action of entering the country illegally makes them criminals,that will protest in street marches saying on they are signs that"we are not criminals", when their being here under those circumstances makes them criminals. Who show total disrespect for the laws of this nation by making there first act a crime, and at the same time want to be protected by the justice system that protects citizens.
I guess we really don't understand them.

2007-05-11 06:48:11 · answer #10 · answered by Shakaar 2 · 2 4

I agree, I see no reasons why illegal immigrants should be granted amnesty, or even be allowed to live here. There are legal methods to enter the country, work visas, etc., and those must be followed.

When in Rome, do what the Romans tell you, or be ready to meet their legal system. Or crazies. Whomever gets you first.

2007-05-11 06:47:14 · answer #11 · answered by K 5 · 4 2

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