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2007-05-11 06:30:02 · 17 answers · asked by Boromir 2 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

I don`t think that USA people be against Communism only due to the lack of freedom. I think that USA people are against Communism because USA people aren`t agree with the ideology of the Communism: equality, not reach, not poor, all people be equal.

2007-05-11 06:56:38 · update #1

if the communism wasn`t a dictatorship, would be USA people agree with the Communism?

2007-05-11 07:14:22 · update #2

17 answers


Communism isn't doing so well. Those breadlines and starving people made it kind of hard to get behind that one.

2007-05-11 10:14:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Communism doesn't recognize the concept of "private property". The idea of "private property" is that people can legally and morally own something and exclude all others from interfering with it in any way, even if that other person "needs" it more than the one that has it. You cannot avoid having "rich and poor" with this concept, and you cannot have "equality" with it.

However, without private property, there are NO freedoms at all. I'll trade away a guarantee of equality in exchange for freedom any day.

2007-05-11 16:11:02 · answer #2 · answered by open4one 7 · 0 0

they do not see where the problem lies also they do not have to be communist just arrange things a little differently some people are against what the big stores are doing to their employees what people do not recognize is that corporations from their own country have ben involved in heinous crimes as to mass murder what do you call it when the most powerfull country on earth attacks small countries because of their system of government then turns around and calls the leaders of the countries mass murderers what people think is that the leaders chosen by the people who wanted the system were murdured by the people they chose also this is because of propagana did not the minister of nazi propaganda have an interesting saying''if a lie is repeated enough it becomes the truth'' i think this is the case in cambodia communists being killed by the same army which was defending them puleeze the only people being killed were being backed by the u.s. during the invasion let me ask you how many my lai's were there if there were more or similiar occurances you might ask how many it takes to make a genocide i know mai lai was near the cambodian border did any cambodian troops find evidence and what would their feelings be or those of vietnamese soldiers nothing is ever said of the crimes of u.s. presidents from establishing rest of u.s. to cold war speaking of which americans dislike ronald reagan a criminal of a different time that said there are more presidents than pol pots or stalins are there not wouldn't a bunch who stay essentially the same be worse than the suppoed crimes of leaders guilty of being invaded by the u.s. want dictators add presidents from u.s. all people have been hearing from u.s. is your armies cannot mach mine my dick's bigger'n yours nah nah if it isn't kept big the world will not be impressed by it's size nothing anyone says matters we do not care about what other people think cause we are so powefull in fact there was belief or at least fiction that russians needed to steal nuclear secrets from the u.s. also it appeared that the u.s. thought russians had no science of their own,then when the u.s. popped of nuclear tests like fire crackers everyone was supposed to get excited about russian tests well i say want your country to be afe help the un become strong isn't there a phrase''many hands make work light''well there you go

2007-05-11 19:29:52 · answer #3 · answered by darren m 7 · 1 0

Personally I think it all comes from the Cold War. I also think many Americans just don't have a clear idea of what communism actually is and how it works.

Communism, in principle, is a wonderful idea, but it seems to work against human nature. Everyone is equal, everyone gets a piece of the pie. Conversely, no one is allowed to excell or make his/her circumstances better than anyone else's. So communism tends to hold down society into a level just above what would be considered poverty in nations governed by a republic, like the US.

So to sum it up: Americans love their freedom and their money and their stuff.

2007-05-11 13:44:16 · answer #4 · answered by Erin 3 · 1 1

I think Capitalism has spawned the worst mass murders in History. Just ask the Native Americans, African Americans, Vietnamese, Japanese, & Just about everyone in the Middle East.

Capitalism is a beautiful system in it's early stages, now we have corporations like Exxon that just profited $9.28 Billion in 3 months....why most American's struggle to put gas in their car, and still live at the same time. What's more important?....Mercedez Benz #4 for a C.E.O, or a hot meal for a single mother with 3 children? Capitalism leads to oppression by nature, and is a flawed system.

"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." - Proverbs 22:7

So, yeah, I don't know why American's are so afraid of communism.....Capitalism is just as scary. And as far as the 'Dictator' arguement goes.....Emperor Bush - nuff said.

2007-05-11 18:51:36 · answer #5 · answered by rob20850 3 · 2 0

Communism is the antithesis of the principles our country was founded on. We have free enterprise and the possibility of the individual to make something of themselves, through their own initiative. Communism says that everyone should have just the same, no matter their own initiative.

We are a country that was founded on Biblical principles by mostly Christian people. Communism thinks that their is no God and that man should serve the state.

We try to ensure that everyone has the chance for freedom. Communism cannot exist unless everyone is enslaved.

2007-05-12 03:54:32 · answer #6 · answered by †Lawrence R† 6 · 0 0

Show me one Communist country where everyone was equal. Were they equal the Castro? Lenin? Let's face it, 95 percent might be equal but 5 percent will be running things and have all they want.

Jesus even knew all people were not going to be equal. He said so in some of his teachings. Make everyone equal and no one will do anything they absolutely dont have to unless under threat of death or starvation.

Socialism is probably closer to happening in America. Kinda the same animal really. When the government provides everything, no one will do anything they absolutely do not have to do unless under the the threat of death or starvation.

2007-05-12 06:32:33 · answer #7 · answered by Ret. Sgt. 7 · 0 0

Mostly because of propaganda and indoctrination in the media and school system.

Most Americans don't know what communism is, and have been told that communism = dictatorship, lack of freedom, and other bad things.

2007-05-11 15:51:31 · answer #8 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 1 1

We are anti-communist because a person should be paid what they are worth. A doctor is a bit more skilled than a well trained factory worker (at least I hope so anyway.) While "from each according to his ability to each according to his needs" looks great on paper, it doesn't work well in real life.

2007-05-11 23:16:44 · answer #9 · answered by Robert L 4 · 0 0

Because that would mean that people would lose personal freedoms in order to make a modest living. Opportunity would be lost and noone can better themselves.

The idea of communism is good, the practicality is not.

2007-05-11 13:33:37 · answer #10 · answered by zebj25 6 · 1 2

Communism has not ever worked for the benefit of
the common citizen. You have a dictator lord over you,
and if you don't agree, you or members of your family
may be tortured or murdered. You must agree with
the dictator. All kinds of evil things h appen under the
Communist agenda. That is why people actually

2007-05-11 14:07:45 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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