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Even some the moral underpinnings are vile by todays standards. God endorses wars at time. The proof people give are merely rationalizations more than anything else. If there is a God can he blame us if we dont believe? If he gave incontavertable proof everyone would follow. A few valid points here and there arent enuf to predicate your entire belief structure are they?
don't get me started on a talking snake.......
How do Christians get their faith?

2007-05-11 06:12:25 · 16 answers · asked by TBone 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Well, the Bible says that God is the one who opens up the hearts of men to receive him and understand him. Maybe he just hasn't done that for you --- yet.

2007-05-11 06:15:29 · answer #1 · answered by . 7 · 0 0

When you refer to God endorsing wars you're refering to the Old Testament which takes place during a very brutal and uncivilized time in our history. Times had changed a lot by the time Jesus arrived and He preached love and compassion for your fellow man.
Is it the Christian God you have trouble believing in or any god? If it's Yhovah (Jehovah) only that you have a problem with, study the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures for a clearer, better understanding. The man-made Bible has been mistranslated and misinterpreted so badly that it's not a reliable source of information.
If it's a belief in any creator that you find hard to swallow, consider the following:
The possiblity that life created itself has been compared to taking all the individual parts of a watch, putting them in a bag and shaking the bag until all the parts fall into place and form a working watch. Which is easier to believe...that the watch will eventually work or that someone made the watch?
Also consider our position in the solar system. Earth is postioned perfectly to support life. If we were even just a few thousand miles closer to the sun, it would be much too hot to sustain life...farther away, much too cold. And consider the relative position of the moon. To illustrate, allow me to use the following analogy: If the Sun was the size of an average house, the Earth would be smaller than a quarter and the moon about the size of a nickle...yet from our perspective from earth, they appear to be the exact same size. Did that happen by pure chance as well? If so, we have two astronomically improbable scenerios that happened on the same planet: First the Earth, Moon and Sun wind up in the perfect spot to support life...then the bag of watch parts started shaking.
Add to that the perfect order in what should be a chaotic universe and I find it too incredible to believe we "just happened".
To answer your question "How do Christians get their faith?", it's usually a matter of being brought up in a church and simply believing what you're taught.
For me it's different. I'm a Bible researcher but I actually study the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures. I've found scriptures that explain our origins and the history of our world that no one should have known 6000 years ago.
Can God blame us for not believing? Yes. He's given us all the tools we need to prove He's real and the intelligence to figure it out. It's our problem if we choose to believe the Earth, the cosmos and life are all just fortuitous accidents instead of believing we are the products of intelligent design.

2007-05-11 14:06:52 · answer #2 · answered by Dakota 5 · 0 0

Christians largely get their faith for one of several reasons: 1) they're just going along with their parents' religion, 2) they have "born again" experience.

This second situation happens when they reach a point of desperation or lack of self-control, so they have a psychological "surrendering" experience where they symbolically transfer their self-control over to some external ego manifestation called "Jesus" (the same thing happens with Muslims and other converts, only using a different name). That gives a temporarily feeling of bliss, just like you'd get from some self-help seminar. They usually twist this around to say "Seek, and you shall find", when it really means "If you want to believe in something that bad, your mind will be susceptible to the idea, you'll be obsessive about it, and you'll projectively 'see' it wherever you look."

But that's all that's needed to make the mind susceptible to swallow anything else the religion teaches. They grab whatever literature and other media they can find to reinforce the idea. Before they know it, they find themselves fighting science and doing all these other things that had to do with the initial experience.

Then you have others who are simply too lazy to pick up a science book, and fall back on "Well a big invisible man is the only explanation for the things around me." Then they go with the most popular "God" concept in their town, which here in the U.S. is Christianity.

2007-05-11 13:23:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Welcome to the world of rational thought. It's strange how many "believers" wouldn't buy a story YOU tell them about how a talking snake told you to do something... Or that you knew someone, personally, who walked on water, raised the dead, and healed the cripples... yet they'll beleive the same story out of a book. Some take the Bible very literally. Still others claim that the Bible is open to interpretation; this covers their butts everytime science cuts a hole in it.

By blindly embacing religion, Man has what He wants. He feels loved, and feels like He's serving a purpose... that His life has meaning. And let's not forget that He now has justification for judging other people--killing them from time to time, but hey! Anyone who doesn't think like them gets outcast. Forget holy wars: Talk to a homosexual sometime. And why not? It says in the Bible... Truly nauseating. Serriously. If there IS a God, I don't think He'd be impressed.

[Edit] If it's the only one, Geezah, that "thumbs up" is from me.

2007-05-11 13:27:12 · answer #4 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 0 0

There is no evidence to even have a belief in the god of the Bible. If there is and I say that reluctantly because I lean to PROBABLY not then with the **** poor job he or she has done and what he or she has "created" then he or she can't blame those who don't believe or lack in belief.

I'm 21 and atheist now but for the first 16 yrs. of my life I was spoon-fed the bible in many versions but got no answers for anything or no evidence but that man-written/man-made book. So some are spoon fed it/forced and some genuinely believe a God of the bible talks go them (loco)and all that "good stuff" that give them their faith among other things....a lot of my christian friends will give different answers of what keeps them holding on.

2007-05-11 14:54:45 · answer #5 · answered by Ebony C 2 · 0 0

Ill answer one of the questions about why he doesnt give us incontavertable proof

Faith is stronger than evidence to ones self than seeing with your own eyes. Faith is tried and tempered time and time again (just look around these boards). But faith isnt the only reason i believe in God. I know he exists!

2007-05-11 13:46:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey im only 15 years old, and its taken me this long to become a christian maybe thats not long but to say i went to two cahtolic schools and became cahtolic you would sya it took a while. i was patient, at first i wasnt intrested but gradually i asked questions about life no one helped me find God, i had to take time to pray and think, even if at some times i didnt believe truely in God I did it anyway. and now God's done so much for me in my life, he's truely amazing, and all I can say to you is to wait be patient and God will find you and you will meet half way :)

2007-05-11 13:23:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Someone is in-charge in any thing, so is this complicated universe. Faith is some thing often misinterpreted, I believe it some kind of consolidation for us,when some unsolved problem befall on us and we prayed and it help. This where faith come in, irregardless of religion.

2007-05-11 13:33:42 · answer #8 · answered by Gew 2 · 0 0

Then why don't you create your own god? A fuzzy duzzie, hippie, war protesting god? We are far too consumed with how we want God to be when the real issue is that we are in the spotlight and should be worried about how He sees US!

2007-05-11 13:18:02 · answer #9 · answered by Sir Offenzalot 3 · 1 0

One of the ancient names for God was "The Unknowable." I suspect that name is the most appropriate.

Since the infinite, or divine, if you prefer, is unknowable, belief in any man-made story about "God" is bound to be insufficient and incomplete.

Since we cannot know, agnosticism is the only reasonable response to the question of whether "God" exists or not.

2007-05-11 13:21:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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