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23 answers

One instant is eternity; eternity is the now. When you see through this one instant, you see through the one who sees. Wu-Men [1183-1260] ~ : )

2007-05-11 13:53:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I could, but I'd rather give you six, if that's alright with you ?

W is for William Shakespeare ( Hamlet )

"There are more things in heaven and in Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I is for Infinity

"At every point in time,
there are infinite possibilities
and a parallel reality exists for each possibility,
so there are literally infinite branches..."

S is for Seth ( Jane Roberts' channel )

"You are given the gifts of the gods,
You create your reality according to your beliefs.
Yours is the creative energy that makes your world.
There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in."

D is for Deepak ( Chopra )

"The first spiritual law of success is the law of pure potentiality.
This law is based on the fact that we are, in our essential state, pure consciousness.
Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity.
Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence. Being infinite and unbounded, it is also pure joy.
Other attributes of consciousness are:
pure knowledge, infinite silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity, and bliss.
This is our essential nature. Our essential nature is one of pure potentiality."

O is for Ouspensky

"When one realises
one is asleep,
at that moment
one is already half-awake."

M is for Mahatma ( Ghandi )

"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world."

Spell it out ....... :-)))

2007-05-11 14:36:40 · answer #2 · answered by cosmicvoyager 5 · 1 0

(Matthew 6:33) “. . .“Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU.”

(Daniel 2:44) “. . .“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;”

Sorry, I had to bring the thought together, so it took two.

2007-05-11 05:59:55 · answer #3 · answered by wannaknow 5 · 1 0

I think perhaps the most important problem is that we are trying to understand the fundamental workings of the universe via a language devised for telling one another when the best fruit is.
-- Terry Pratchett

2007-05-11 05:56:25 · answer #4 · answered by KC 7 · 0 0

The Supreme Lord Krishna says-"The form you are seeing with your transcendental eyes cannot e understood simply by studying the Vedas, nor by undergoing serious penances, nor by charity, or by worship. It is not by these means that one can see Me as I am." and "My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My understanding." Bhagavad Gita as it is By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada chap 11.53,54 For info go to harekrishnatemple.com- So many enlightening quotes.

2007-05-11 13:44:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

How about something i told you in a previous question?

"I've always thought of god as a spiritual force that blankets the universe rather then an omnipotent being that sits on a cloud :)"

2007-05-11 05:51:54 · answer #6 · answered by Bobby 3 · 2 0

Those who trust in the lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

2007-05-11 05:55:57 · answer #7 · answered by Sir Offenzalot 3 · 0 0

Mother Angelica Loves you!

2007-05-11 05:50:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.

2007-05-11 05:52:58 · answer #9 · answered by Regina 2 · 1 0

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future, and then you will call out to me and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Jeremiah 29:11-13

2007-05-11 05:53:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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